Is this the most pleasant surprise that we've had in years? I honestly wasn't expecting it to be nearly as good as it is, and it seems like I'm not the only person of this opinion.
Is this the most pleasant surprise that we've had in years...
Kinda. It will never be DOOM though.
Multiplayer is tacked on and shit as pretty much everything that gets outsourced to a company that makes yearly rehashes of multiplayer shooters so it's sorta to be expected.
Mod support is non existent besides snap map and that is not even remotely close to what the original DOOM has. You could argue that is a huge step forward in terms of console "mods" but you know it's really poor in comparison. Also id has stated that no other form of modding will be supported for now.
Gameplay in single player mode is fun except the parts where it feels more like Painkiller/Serious Sam than DOOM and that's not to say that those games are not fun, it's just that they lack the atmosphere and feeling of uneasiness that DOOM had. It's just "oh shit, an empty room with a demon heart in the middle, I wonder what's gonna happen".
As usual, it's good but not 60 bucks good.
>Kinda. It will never be DOOM though.
Well, yeah. I mean, even if you gathered up the original team and got Carmack away from virtual reality tech for long enough to make a game, they could never make the same thing ever again. The original Doom was lightning in a bottle, and nothing like it will ever come again.
Yeah, while it's definitely good I just wish there was actual mod support. Not this snapmap crap where Bethesda just dangles it in front of you but clearly doesn't trust it's audience to not do something they don't like. That's really the biggest gripe for me.
Overall, good game.
SP is breddy gud but relies too much on arena-fights rather than just encountering monsters naturally throughout the level. Thanks consoles.
single player was surprisingly fun once you get past the first few levels.
multiplayer sucks ass
snapmap is garbage, can't make shit with it
>SP is breddy gud but relies too much on arena-fights
Dude, that was most of what the first game was. Just a rather large, cavernous area that's brimming with baddies. Pretty damn similar in execution.
first post best post
I wanna pay for it but not sixty bucks since snap mapping and multi I hear are kinda borked. It's also clear that an expansion is coming based on the cliffhanger ending.
Seriously crossing my fingers for a single player expansion. Please, id, justify how much I've loved you since I was knee high.
Waiting for a sale because im not interested in the multiplayer and my consciousness wont let me pay full price for a SP shooter.
The "press X for le epic kill animation xDD" is kinda putting me off too, it completely stops the flow of gameplay to make you watch the same mini cutscene again and again, can you deactivate it somehow?
brutal doom starter pack. This shit is free and better than doom 4
>can you deactivate it somehow
By not activating the 0.5 second animation in the first place. You're not forced to do glory kills unless you're going for a completionist run with challenges or achievements.
The glory kill mechanic takes a little bit to get used to, but once you do, it doesn't break up the flow of combat at all. And, eventually, you get an upgrade that cuts the time of the glory kill in half.
you can deactivate the glow demons put off when they're gloryable
they'll still stagger
but you never have to glory kill them to finish them off
for what it's worth i hated the idea of it, too, but fuck is it satisfying in practice. i'd recommend when you do get to it, give it a fair shake. aiming at different parts will get different results, sometimes things close to a wall / ledge get killed with said element but I don't know the details on those rules.
but if it's not your thing you don't touch it, nbd
I just finished my first play through last night after a few weeks. I wanted to savor the experience. The game was all around amazing. Probably my favorite single player experience this gen. I'm going to start the game over on a harder difficulty tonight.
Good luck. Ultra Nightmare sounds about as fun as smashing my hand against a wall every time I get killed.
It's the most fun I've had since Grand Theft Auto 4
It says Doom right there on the box though, how could it not be Doom?
How long is the campaing?
Honestly, my only major issue with the game is that the only gun that I seem to use is the Super Shotgun, but that might just be me and my particular play style.
As long as you want it to be, honestly. If you want to just blaze through it, you could probably do it in less than ten hours. But if you want to get the most out of it? Ten to twenty hours. I'm at about fifteen, and I only have four of the classic levels.
Just get it from a grey market site.
Definitely a huge surprise. I was not expecting to even buy the new DOOM but it's just so well designed.
An anomaly for modern first person shooters. I hope people have trouble going back to Call of Duty or Halo after playing this.
OK, I'll spoonfeed. It means First Past Bread Post.
You don't have to do it, but you will have to sometime when you want some health. I did it sometimes for the fun of it just to watch the monster suffer. The first thing I did was turn off the blue stagger light, and orange glory kill light off when I started the game.
Each monster has multiple animations for glory kills, not just one. There's maybe 5 including the chainsaw kills.
Snapmap has given me over thirty hours of tinkering and other fun bullshit and you fuckers tried to tell me it was garbage
If they keep expanding Snapmap then this is game of the year.
8JDB2WL2 "Overtaken Supply Depot"
29ZW58TD "Overtaken Maintenance Facility"
Hope you like it good and hard
>Is this the most pleasant surprise that we've had in years?
Definitely. It's a great game.
So basically there's no way to turn it off.
These better not be shit.
oh gee friend you sure riled me up with this excellent bait le switcheroo to you :^^)
Sorry user, but no. There isn't a way to turn off your retardation and low tier shitposting.
No, but you're making a bigger deal of it than it is.
Nope. The game also doesn't support more than 12 enemies existing at once. The game is putrid shit, don't believe marketer's lies.
If I buy it, I would be enabling future continuation of Denuvo.
If I don't buy it, I won't be able to play the game AND publishers will kill off games (if they don't sell well enough) and STILL use Denuvo.
I can't wait for DOOM to get cracked.
>The "press X for le epic kill animation xDD" is kinda putting me off too, it completely stops the flow of gameplay
It doesn't. You should remove the glowing indicator in the option, so there's no visual clue brealking immerssion and that makes it completely optional. Animation is really fluid and short and blend perfectly with the gameplay. You can even make it fasdter through an updgrade. Finally, most of the mobs have like from 5 to 10 different animation according to which part of the body you target or at which angle you're coming from (with a few exception such as the Cacodemon) so it don't really feel like the same animation over and over.
>game can only be the best thing ever or putrid shit
You know what the lack of an ability to sense in betweens is a sign of, user? It's a sign of autism.
I did a completionist run with all the secret and every possible shit, and I took me a bit more than 20 hours. Than again, you can probably rush you way through in like, 8 or 10 hours.
I really didn't like it. It felt so repetitive and I don't know why Sup Forums is praising it, yeah its better than preconceptions but it's still bland as shit.
The game literally revolves around the same several enemy bullet sponges which you pump rounds into then melee again and again, it occasionally chainsawing when things get a little tough.
I like how it goes classic doom route but it lacks so much content. It needed more enemies, more weapons, more nods to the whole franchise, hell I'll even say it needed some more story - one of my initial gripes was I liked how it starts straight to combat but I would have actually liked just a couple extra minutes to establish shit going down like the doom mobile Rpg game which did it well.
Also I found it way too easy, maybe it's significantly harder on the difficulty above nightmare but I had no real problem on standard nightmare, upgrading health to max as priority and getting the suit peek to find secrets makes it a, breeze
Overall it was a 5/10 for me. I did not play multiplayer
>I don't know why Sup Forums is praising it
neo Sup Forums and shills
The basic combat is fun. Demons throwing fireballs and shit that can actually be dodged. Weapons feel good and have different strengths which leads to a nice sense of tactical switching mid-fight.
Secrets to keep an eye out for.
Levels take on a puzzle shape instead of a realistic one.
The rpg mechanics aren't overbearing and add a little choice without going overboard in a shooter.
Glory kills, which I hated the sound of before release, turned out to be quick and painless and a nice tactical decision.
I don't think anyone is saying its all perfect but its good and its different.
>its different
Not really, it's serious sam but worse
The only thing they have in common are glory kills, but even then they work differently.
>8JDB2WL2 "Overtaken Supply Depot"
>29ZW58TD "Overtaken Maintenance Facility"
>not 200% garbage
ran out of ammo in the second one though
snapmap also sucks dick
>map finishes because one life limit
>can't hit a reset button
>have to load back to lobby then load back to map
The second map I did away with ammo from glory kills because I want people to scrounge the rooms for ammo.
I might go back on that one.
As far as I can tell I can't make it reset in the map itself. If they give me that funtionality or someone knows how to do it then I'll put it in.