So I just accidentally killed this guy out of pure reflex. Am I fucked? Do I start the whole game over again?
Bloodborne fuckup
Other urls found in this thread:
you just killed your only friend in the game
kek, time to buy the game again because you perma killed him
>game allows you to kill an essential NPC
Had no use in hand beyond some very minor quest stuff.
Did you ever speak to him? I think you might not be able to send other NPCs to the church now which will stuff a handful of NPC quests. Other than that you're good in term of finishing the game, it doesn't lock you out of important areas or items or anything.
You just have to live with having killed that poor soul.
He gives you the best rune in the game that increases your damage by 10%
That feel when you missed every single side-quest on your first playthrough because everything randomly changes in unpredictable ways after killing seemingly inconsequential bosses.
>surprise attack strong looking knight from the back
Except he can't get the secret ending.
he can. there's 4 pieces of the umbilical cord, you need 3
What? He gave me bullets+3
You can get it without any NPCs.
Is it though? You have to send people to the chapel in order to complete the game fully.
>being too dumb to just attack shit on sight instead of trying to lock on first to see if they're hostile
This is the sort of drooling retard from is catering to now
would you stick it in him?
this doesn't do anything though
>locking on to every potential enemy
This is the sort of drooling autist from is catering to now
And then i would twist the blade.
>tfw keep having to restart because Henryk wrecks my shit and kills the crow lady
This is Bloodborne, locking on is incredibly useful.
>every souls game ever
>assuming everything is an enemy in a from soft game
So did you killed everyone in the ds series too?
>being so bad you can't just keep him stunned and poisoned
>want to join a convenant in DS3
gotta lock to quickstep rather than roll
you should be locked on like 99% of the time fighting npcs
>Did this fight on my first playthrough
>Was even attacking Henryk with the Tonitrus
>Hit Eileen a bunch of times
>Somehow made it
>Didn't manage it again until my 5th build
why is it so tough
How to progress after amelia?pretty much done all the side bosses like paarl, BSB and the witch. now im in crossroad of locked out of password place and keep getting killed by invisible amygdala.
OP here.
Friend told me to attack a creature that appears when you reach Cathedral Ward in order to get blood shards. I thought this was the creature.
I can only imagine your experience with pic related.
Touch vicars altar for the password then head back down to that door
did you touch the skull in the area where you killed amelia?
that should give you the password.
>Touch skull in America's room
>You now know the password for the locked door
It's stupid but the password is in the cutscene
So who was this 'guy'? He/she always seemed sinister to me
Aaah, already did that forgot to backtrack again.tq.
He's easy because there's no 'time limit' in the form of a retard character that might die at any second
By the time you get up to him it's easy, at the start of the game when Henryk can kill you in 3 hits and you have to try and babysit crow lady it's incredibly hard
*regeneration intensifies*
now post the orphan one
>Use axe
>2h it
>Press face in ass
>Full charge attack
>Receive win
So when I find Arianna, do I send her to the church or to the clinic?
>tfw you 1-shot raped amelia back and forth with bone hunter anime style.
wew lad
Anyone have an answer for this
Well, one of them will save them and the other turn them into ayyys.
You can still join it. Just talk with Sirris whenever she appears in the Shrine and after killing Aldrich go to the upper part of the boss room and get summoned into her world and kill Hodrick and she gives you the covenant.
Down in the foggy street where you get the black church set, send every one to the church apart from the septic so many, send him to the clinic
Clinic every time
Except for that one guy.
there he is, cheers
blood shards?
But can I still send them to the chapel after I killed OP pic related?
Everyone you send to the clinic gets turned into an AYYYYYYYYYY
never have i EVER managed to attack an npc throughout all souls games
are you guys that paranoid?
what the fuck
also, the moment you enter the cathedral, you get a brief cutscene, and no one attacks you after that. your camera is not even looking in dweller's position iirc.
He just wanted to help fag, looks like ayyys for that run
But he can't send them to the chapel because he killed that guy before he had a chance to tell him to bring them there. Therefore he has to send them to the clinic to become ayyyyyyyyys
There was a version of this gif with the dog holding a glowing orb and the bar regenerating, I'm sad it never got popular and that I lost it due to my old HD dying.
>op's survivors
Start the whole game? Why don't you just load a back-up save?
You back-up your saves, right?
>tfw killed greatwood and joined rosaria's fingers
Felt bad.
>You back-up your saves, right?
user, I...
Literally no one had answered this question.
If you don't see the option then no. You have to let the dweller tell you to bring people there.
Have these as well.
Fuckin dying here
He's really not important, like all the other NPCs in BB. It's not Dark Souls, there are no merchants, and "saving" anyone rarely serve any gameplay purpose.
So just keep going forward, maybe you won't kill him on NG+ (or will you ?)
hahaha i love em
Bloodborne has some truly sick memes
And in real life considering you're probably an ugly virgin :(
i hate the first one because vicar ameila always screams more than the cleric beast so it should be her in the first one
based 12 year old banter
Been banterin your mom's base for the last 12 years you bastartd