Trails thread

Why does everyone parrot this series for having one of the "best ever written in a JRPG" and to "play it for the story?"

Yes, Trails definitely has its strong points. But those points are in the world-building, lore, attention to detail, characterization and the way the dialogue is WRITTEN but the actual story itself I feel is pretty weak and actually on the low-end of the spectrum when it comes to "good JRPG stories"

I mean after what FC was building up to SC just ended up being your typical JRPG story trope-fest of "discovering ancient civilization more technologically advanced and villain wants to revive this civilization just for the power, oh yeah and somehow the church and the elements of life are involved too"

Dare I say even some Tales games like Symphonia and Abyss have objectively better and more original stories than the overarching plot of Trails! Yes, you heard me right: Objectively speaking both Symphonia and Abyss have better overarching narratives than Trails does.

So please, Trails fans: I love the series just as much as you do but please don't parrot the lie that its because this series's story is somehow "above" any other JRPG's Its horrendously cliche and even somehow worse because this is a story that's being dragged out across 10 or so games when this type of story was easily done in 1 game during the 90's and you hardly would've missed anything!


You fell for the meme.



YOU fell for the meme


You both fell for it.


Bumping for best girl in all of vidya!

Repeat after me: Estelle is for ________


>Ever having a good story