ITT: Worst CastleKino / CastleLudos ever
ITT: Worst CastleKino / CastleLudos ever
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No, CastleMANIA
Rondo of Port.
It even has the stupidest fucking title ever.
The game itself is alright but it runs at the speed of death plus has a control delay and near pixel perfect jumps with a stricter time limit compared to other Castlemanias. It feels unfairly hard and is extremely frustrating mainly due to its slow speed.
CastleMania is a mlp reference and I dont want whatshisbame to comeback
You mean Barneyfag?
Yes. I didn't want to talk any chances so now I changed this meme to the second option I could think of
Why are people so insistant in sticking metroid in with Castlevania when most "metroidvanias" have nothing to do with Metroid anymore?
>people think this game is actually hard
Aside from Cho Drakini, it's fucking easy.
Akumajo Dracula XXX when?
Although the music was decent for a shitty GB title
No, it really isn't.
>can only use whip
>only projectile is a shitty fireball at full whip power
>lose whip power-ups upon being hit (in b4 hurr dont get hit then)
>other shit you mentioned
Even with the movement hack added in, it's still not a good game. Only good thing is the music.
Was belmont revenge better?
It's been a while since I played it but I don't remember it being as bad as adventure?
>Was belmont revenge better?
Fuck yeah it was.
It was everything Adventure 1 wasn't.
Also, Adventure Rebirth was pretty good, though not as good as the better CV games.
Great soundtrack arrangements though. I literally can't stop sucking the x68k's soundchip's musical cock.
>7 years later and I'm still fucking mad about these two songs
>use a fucking menu song for a stage
>don't use the song from the actual game you're remaking
I honestly like this version of lost painting better than the original. Kill me.
Well that's good. I should replay it then.
One thing I did remember about the CV GB titles was its music. Shit was pretty gud.
>tfw you even liked some of Legend's music
Melody-wise, best Bloody Tears to me (though only when played by a better soundchip).
I even liked the Vampire Killer remix.
Why do people still like SotN more than the later IGAvanias?
Nostalgia cred.
Sonyggers were jelly that they didn't get the good Castleroids.
Because it wasn't shit.
Nostalgia and bias against hanhelds.
I got you fampai
Perhaps because they aren't good?
PoR and OoE at least has good bosses.
What does SotN have? Fucking nothing.
Death and Dracula tagteam was the only boss fight that really stood out, honestly. Astarte seducing Johnathan was kind of interesting, but that was about it.
Also the Legion boss was completely recycled from SotN (after already being recycled in HoD, for that matter).
Why does HoD have the same map as SotN with no breakable walls?
Get in here for some Harmony.
To fuck with you. Same as having identical warp rooms that aren't actually warp rooms.
I always thought its a third-rate gamer reference
Because they both started having similar gameplay styles one right after the other.
>tfw seeing alucard's broken coffin
Or was that AoS?
Better gameplay, atmosphere and graphics
DoS is worse
>shitty touch gimmick
>maybe two truly good bosses
>also has shit grinding
>garbage animu art style and dialogue
I don't totally get it.
Is this actually erotic? Is it gonna have straight up titties, or really soft core stuff? What's the point of pachinko porn, you can't exactly fap to it.