The lack of Kebako threads is concerning

The lack of Kebako threads is concerning.

Here, have one and talk about Cat Girl Without Salad: Amuse-Bouche.

Other urls found in this thread:!Q5YnGTyZ!wV8ysVhxni-1kh_XipUGJgcn_WC_Uv2cXnkEcAUWbMk

I'll talk about the game when they let me buy it

New content WHEN?

>You can't even buy the game legally anymore

This is a problem. I actually want to give WayForward money to make more retard cat girl bounty hunter adventures.

then don't buy it but use the megalink posted in these threads
jeez moralfags I swear

What was her band called?

Someone wanted an edit of the dopey face?

I didn't know I wanted it.


>talks about link
>doesnt post it

Who was in the wrong here?


Why is she flat in game but she has a rack in the cover art?

There's something for everyone.

oh fuck

good work user

So I guess no one can play this anymore since you can't buy it and it has no advertising. Too bad, these threads were fun.

>attack Aestheticus with the RPG sword
>chop its head off and it falls

>tfw the popularity will die out before anyone can draw porn

I havent had this fun in a while, why did they hid this game in a fucking humble monthly?

>trojan detected

You're welcome.

Because they humbly funded it so they could humbly convince people to buy into their humble xboxlivegold

Kebako is cute. CUTE.

Welcome to the Kebakonet.

I'd toss her salad if you catch my drift

I'm gonna need you to be more specific

Would you play Kebako Generations?

>using a download link someone has posted on fucking Sup Forums

where do I get this?

You can get the model if anything.

come on man you can trust us

Good man, user.


that's not the same model as the OP pic is it? I feel like her head should be less square.

Yeah, they're completely different models. The one in OP has a cel shading, and the author hasn't released it yet as far as i know.

I want to cram pastries inside of all Kebako's holes at once

Hey guys got some cronuts you guys real cheap only $200

>neofag filename

>you can open the .dat files in Audacity
this is just great

>still no explicit lewds
Drawfag please save us

I just got it off one of you guys. Don't be surprised.

Sorry dude, I just work with small edits, I'm not a drawfag really.

Last edit I did of anything was this

>Kebako, the April-Fools joke turn mini-game heroine, has better fanmade 3D models than Shantae does

Someone will probably get to it, if not I'll eventually do something but y'know.





Squiddie confirmed for filming Kebako while she sleeps

I'd give her the Donut

explain further


>Not a Cronut
Yare yare, senpai

When Kebako notes that Cat Grill has a similar voice to her, she says "Are you sure that's not me? Squiddie, have you been recording me in my sleep again?" And Squiddie laughs it off nervously. Obviously "recording" is vague and could just apply to sound, but his nervousness about it would imply he's taking creep shots as well.

>Almost takes her shirt off to fight with Gunnar
>Later on his disgusted by the fact that he's not wearing a shirt.

This bitch has no consistency.

there Wayforward goes with there stereotypes again. How fucking racist do you have to be to think that tentacles are for raping?

Well she's supposed to be like that, right?

But I literally didn't mention anything about rape or the substitution of tentacles for phallus's. I said he's a voyeur

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>abandoned by her parents when she was little
>found at the doorsteps of the food academy
>suffers from short-term memory loss and is basically like the Memento guy

She's a tragic hero.


I don't interpret her as having short term memory loss, I get the impression she just has a bad base of ADD and is on a constant sugar rush, combined with the fact that she's been alive for hundreds of years and has spent that time dabbling in countless activities.

Hi, I'm Allonautilus Squidkeesian and I'm here today to talk to you about tropes vs squidan

>still the only lewd pic of Kebako there is
>it's from 2014

is there seriously no way of buying the game? you had to have subscribed to humble's monthly horseshit or you're SOL?

weird. at least the soundtrack's free

Why the fuck does this look like it came out of SSBB?
Hell the left wing is totally taken from Meta Knight

>I made a joke! laugh!
>hahaha! good one sir!
>I hate math, stop laughing!

Uramiko (and Jake) implied that there'll be 2 more entries in the series coming eventually. WF will probably sell it complete once the every episode is out.

I wonder why...

T-thanks wayforward

I'd put something delicious in her pussy

>open .meow file in notepad++
>see this

Like what?


It'd be a nice change from Yet Another Shantae Game: We Have Officially Run Out of Ideas, at least.

This is who Kebako reminds me of. It's literally her when it comes to behavior.


Most of the gun ""upgrades"" feel far less efficient than the default pea shooter. It's kind of stupid.

That's nice. What happens if you edit it?

I wonder if it's possible to use this to rearrange the enemies and bosses.

Glad I'm not the only one reminded of her. I need some /u/ pics of kebako x excel now.

The only one that's even a little useful is the RPG one

>tfw Excel was my waifu 12 years ago

Haven't tried yet.
Other files contain such things as the dialogue scripts, the DDR moves for each stage and other stuff I haven't made out yet.
This oughta be fun.

Most likely.

>less efficient

but each upgrade does a shitload more damage than the Pea Shooter

The pacman one is really useful, are you high?

The pacman and megaman guns are good if used correctly.

So is this actually a fucking game or are you shitters just going to keep making threads to post the cat girl?

youre a man of good taste



Yeah she has nice hands

It's a mini-game based on an April Fools joke from a couple years ago.

The link is right there, go give it a whirl.

All of them are more efficient, as they do more damage in less time. You just need to get gud at a weapon and it's better than the pea shooter.

Well that was a fun hour

When you buy it

They're all good but fuck the stupid fucking bust a move piece of shit gun. Those bubbles get in my way.

Do you even puzzle pop? Focus on connecting three of the same color. They even show you which color is next at the top of the screen. Plan and aim shots correctly and you'll wipe everything mercilessly.