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Video Games #3403
Video Games
You may only choose one
Why Overwatch will never surpass TF2
ITT post "RULES OF NATURE" tier webms
If I can only buy 1 (one) N3DS videogame, what would you suggest me to buy?
High-res textures appear
ITT: God tier collectors editions
#BE3 2016
Are you feeling it, Sup Forums?
Why doesn't TF2 have class specific vehicles for larger maps like conker live and reloaded?
Friendly reminder that Wrath of the Lich King was literally the downfall of World of Warcraft
TES V Skyrim Definitive Edition out on november 23th
Regular or reverse?
Should Sup Forums be changed? Do we really need a stupid sticky about this shit?
How do we stop Sony?
He fell for the NVIDIA is DirectX12 ready meme
ITT: Weapons that don't get enough love in video games
Demon's Souls is best Souls game
KH Ground Zeroes in 10 minutes get in here KH fags
Just beat the game
What was the point of this game?
Just catched Groundhog Day here on TV in my country .. and I'm wondering...
We will never see a wonderful disaster like this ever again
Why hasn't this been ported to ps4 or Xbox 1?
Injustice 2 teaser in an 1 hour 20 mins
ITT:games That existed
I guess non-Overwatch threads are against the rules now or something
21 years later
Which is a worse game? This or Maker?
It's a Widowmaker is just standing around at the back of the map moving from side to side episode
ITT: We describe what made us drop a game, other Anons guess what game it was
Fire at someone
What do you think what kind of vidya does our dad play?
Hello there, it's good to see a friendly face! Almost took you for an Obsidrone, I did
Why the fuck are you Sup Forums faggots such gay cunts...
This is what a game with bad combat looks like according to Sup Forums
What are you expecting?
Im sick of dark souls 3's pvp
What's a game where I can play a loser with crippling insecurities or deeply rooted issues...
I don't know if I'm overly autistic, but pretty much everything about this design looks retarded to me
Bad cosplay thread
Waaa waaa 25 people content is so easy! Give us some challenge
Why didn't Avallach just kill her?
Is there a functional 3DS emu out there yet?
Hello there, Sup Forums
What was her fucking problem?
Will the FF7 remake have all the minigames?
I like playing videogames on my Playstation 4
Nice'a the princess to invite us over for a picnic gay Luigi?
Excuse me sir, do you have a moment to talk about our lord and saviour Klonoa of the Wind?
DOOM hasn't been cracked yet
What is Sup Forums's final opinion on this...
Less than 4.5 days until EA!
Only 4 and a half days until E3
Hello Sup Forums in celebration of Donald's complete stumping today in California...
There's never a healer or a tank on my team
Tanoa is out, and wow, it's amazing
After a slow start, the PS4 is finally getting its shit together in the legit exclusives department
Is this the best game ever made?
Be reaper
Let's make rules
Just two weeks to go
Fucking finally
It's a "beam drone on jump 1 with Stealth B" episode
Give me your honest opinion of this game
So is this actually any good?
New Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night development update
Hearts of Iron 4 Thread
Why is nobody writing about this game?
Why doesn't everyone use Pimp Yatta?
Alright Sup Forums, Nintendo sells the rights to Metroid to a western developer who ISN'T Retro...
ITT: Unpopular Opinion
Arrives tomorrow
Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book
You have one wish Sup Forums, you can wish for anything videogame related...
Can someone explain, why so many people have a problem with no gook voices in the Persona 5?
You guys fuckin jelly?
Who here HYPE HYPE for Mafia III?
What would you like to see in Sleeping Dogs 2?
The stickied thread has too many posts to properly discuss this
Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book
Remember when they were funny?
Thanks for beta-testing, PCucks
Gorgeous view ahead
"Videogames will never be a legitimate art form" - Morrissey
Gamer Fuel Thread
Fuck this stupid fucking broken trash game
BEHOLD! The Holy Trinity of "Never EVER PKEKS!" ITT We'll add to this and make PCucks CRY!
Overwatch tickrate
First Watch_Dogs 2 Trailer Leaked
Is there such a thing as a good vidya related tattoo?
ITT we talk about vidya media and communications infrastructure, and the people who run them
Post the most obscure game you consider a personal favorite
What game made you hate video games Sup Forums? im talking about one that made you realize devs don't give a fuck
Dead By Daylight
At the end of the day, was this a good game?
Which faction do I join and why?
Do well at arena fps games like TF2 or Ogrewatch
Hello Sup Forums can you recommend me games to play with a 30yo female who never played videogames?
What is your favorite videogame genre?
Name a more bullshit boss fight
Anyone else hyped as fuck for the remaster? I haven't played it since 2013
ITT: Good games that Sup Forums never mentions
Give me a legitimate reason why you're not playing Jagged Alliance 2 1.13
First week of our consolefriends getting their mod and this happens
ITT: Characters who are literally you
Will PC ever recover?
Sup Forums hates game
Hiro split Sup Forums into western Sup Forums and Japanese Sup Forums
ITT: Worlds you want in Kingdom Hearts III
Who is responsible?
Which are the best God Tier RPG according to Sup Forums ?
Watch Dogs 2 30-second trailer leaked
Graphics Cards
Buying a new game despite having a massive backlog
This is a 31 year old Chinese climatologist
As someone who's used and can run teamspeak, mumble, and other dedicated VOIP programs...
It's too hard
Thinking of starting this series
Meanwhile, at Apperture Science Sup Forums
Is it really that bad? Or are the people who shit on it just retarded and can't into the controls?
What are some of the most satisfying feelings in vidya games?
What are some games where you canonically get to revisit locations form previous games
Epic Mafia
So I'm planning to get a Vita in a week or so. Recommend me some _fun_ games for it. Anything goes, weebshit included
This released waaaaaay before Blood and Wine. HOLY SHIT
Well...that was terrible
New Kingdom Hearts 2.8 video tomorrow
Is she flat?
When ZTD comes out instead of comfy civil black bar threads we'll have console war shitposting everywhere for 3ds, vita...
How does one character have two such retardedly-different interpretations
Why is CS the GOAT of FPS?
Bloodborne storytelling
Hipster standards
Why nerf McCree, why not OP characters like or Roadhog
Post video game girls that are perfect
What was the last Nintendo game that you considered Game of the Year or at least GotY quality?
Does anyone have a Dead by Daylight beta key that they want to give me? I'd appreciate it
Let's make rules
Who is the hardest Overwatch character to play? I'm going with pic related
No eShop Anniversary sale in North America
Will we ever get another GOOD Godzilla game?
Games were you decapitate your enemies?
Rich white people the game
Post an image
Is this worth buying if I'll mostly be playing by myself
What's the angriest you've ever been at vidya?
"I definitely know that Ridley’s a much-anticipated name for fans, but if we made Ridley as a fighter...
Why is your 3DS not hacked?
Why do people seem to just give le no skill charge man a free pass to be an annoying cunt?
Skyrim Remastered Edition E3
IMO, Microtransactions aren't the problem in Overwatch
Why does this game have such a rabid fanbase? Having just played through most of it on curshing...
ITT: Fix the horror genre
ITT: Best CastleKino ever!
How good are you at fighting games
Epic sword with 20 strength and 3 agility drops
This Kong has a funny face
I'm searching something like pic related
Simple and Clean is the best song in vidya
ITT: Late 90's and early 00's Sup Forums
What are you playing/emulating on your phone anons?
Anyone else playing the new demo of this?
New name for Yandere Simulator?
If he was so powerful then why didn't he just use his CHIM powers to stop you from killing him
The little things
Did anyone else love this game...
Hey, Sup Forums. Work in progress, but any thoughts?
What are you playing on your handhelds?
Has there ever been a worse ability system in a JRPG? Or a video game in general...
Vidya Cosplay thread
Tfw you don't care about E3 because the best game of this generation just came out
Multiple games in a series have the same major villain(s)
Describe a game using a Spongebob quote
Persona 5
IT'S HAPPENING! Sunset Overdrive on PC!
Shit you've destroyed during game-time
What are some other "games" like saya no uta?
E3 2016
Shantae Thread
Hearts of Iron 4 came out yesterday
Now it's obvious Xenoverse 2 will have DBS stuff, what you expect from there?
So I just finished pic related for the first time and wow it's fucking shit. I should have listened to you, Sup Forums
Halo 2 Vista PC Multiplayer
What did you think of this area being in the game?
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
Why does this game just keep finding ways to piss me off?
Microtransaction in non-F2P games
No world wide release
Yukiko appreciation station
What went right?
Just bought this, what am I in for? Should I play with English or Nip VAs?
Now that it's been nearly a year, what went so wrong?
Post an image and others will recommend you a videogame based on it
You have been banned
U jelly?
What's the best type of game to play while drunk?
Who's excited for Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2?
What's the point of E3 for gamers?
Don't you find it odd that this is literally cultural appropriation, and yet no one has made a stink about it?
Steam Release of Wildstar on June 9th
He's back
There will never be a sequel
What genre do you dislike the most?
Persona 5 is not a PS4 exclusive. Will be cheaper on PS3
Now that the dust has settled, what did you think of this game?
Why haven't you bought Guilty Gear yet?
What are some intellectually interesting video games?
PSA: Kingdom Hearts news coming in ten hours
Why do developers intentionally ruin games?
Left stick up/down moves Samus
Why are Megaman fans such entitled little shits?
I'm gonna fucking KILL Praxis!
Does Sup Forums even still like GCCX?
How can Nintendo save Star Fox?
ITT: Best videogames based on a movie
Buy a psp
Has this already ended?
ITT: Vaguely describe the cover art to a game. Have others guess what game it is
Launch Day views
This thread is for skilled Hanzo and Genji players
I pray to god that the Sucker Punch Spider-man game isn't shit
Watch Dogs 2 protagonist
Why do people think the Souls games are challenging again?
Don't look up
Tfw Oblivion will never get a remaster
NBA 2K16 is free now
Odin demands a new thread for his game
What game announcement at E3 would make you scream in ecstasy as you experience a mind-shattering orgasm the likes of...
Play Battleborn Today
User are you excited for ______?
What games did you play today, Sup Forums?
Pc gaming
Its that time of the month again! VIDYA RUMBLE! Come to
Was he really that bad to play as? I never really understood the hate for him...
Why would a company think its a good idea to poke fun at the majority of their fanbase?
Horizon Zero Dawn
Time for another Monitor vs HDTV Thread
Playing a video game because of the "girls" in it
So what was it about? Did she actually kill herself in the end or was it a dream?
Amd processor vs intel processor
So what shall it be Sup Forums? will you join the unity or die ? JOIN ! DIE ! JOIN ! DIE!
Kirby Triple Deluxe makes me cry
The End
Persona 3 FES
Which Overwatch characters do you really hope are not gay?
Fallout: New Vegas thread
Why is there no videogames about golden age comic heroes?
Atlas starting to become like Nintendo and censoring games
Complete the sentence
I'm about to get a GTX 1070 along with a new monitor
Its going to be a remake of the first game wtf
Witcher 2 was better than Witcher 3. I just got to Novigrad, im 21 hours in...
Brand new 32gb wii u with mario kart 8 game bundle is 299$
Was early access
What the hell went wrong?
Is persona 2 worth it?or should i play just p3p?
200 games on steam
ITS ALL YOUR Bloodborne thread
5 months after Japanese release
Tell me I don't need to play the other two to play this shit
When was the last time you were aroused by a video game?
People want to make infringing numbered sequels (Mother 4)
I like that jump
Star Citizen
WWI game
Bravo guys. This is high art
Last thread died
Is this game any good?
Steam Controller
Life imitates art
What are some comfy video games?
World of Final Fantasy
The only genre this is acceptable for is text adventures
Name a better game
Sonic 25th Anniversary Games Leak
Rainy neon Japanese city
Injustice 2 existence leaked
3x3 thread
How did Valve trick everyone into thinking that its good?
Sup Forums reaction images
Do people actually enjoy playing the healer?
I cannot login to Steam
What was Sup Forums like in 2010?
What happened to Christ chan?
Why did she broke the mirror? Zant was dead, Ganondorf was dead...
Why does everyone hate Mei?
"It's the NX!"
Dead or Alive thread, continued from >>340339413
Sony and Square are back on top of the gaming industry like in the 90's/00's
Zelda fans make theories about zelda lore
Risk of Rain
Let us take a moment of silence for what the future of horror could've been
Be honest
MTG card
It's a three snipers on attack episode
Shadow of mordor
Does dark souls 1 still hold up today?
Any /colorblind gamers/ here?
You dare rise against me? The human era is over. The mutant era has come
Remastered Skyrim rumoured to be announced at E3
We're less than a week away until female Link is revealed. How do you feel, Sup Forums?
It's 2016 and you STILL havent hacked your 3DS
Monumentally massive task
A new Berserk game or a remaster of the PS2 game is revealed at E3, how erect does your penis get?
RDR3 discussion
I'm going to start playing the Witcher games in order. Any tips/ recommendations before I start?
Post more E3 drinking games
Chances of Morgana being romanceable?
Shameful vidya faps
Dawn of War III VS. WarhammerL Total War
AVGN. Is it shit now?
Why did this game receive so much hate on release?
Post God tier companions
Reminder that P5 will never surpass P4
Imagine a Sup Forums where Sup Forums is splitted between /vc/ and /vpc/
Has Oblivion aged well? Is it still comfy?
How did she get blue?
What went so right?
Uncharted 4 MP Thread
Do I buy one of these? Now that it actually has games it seems worth it. Maybe the price will go down when the 4...
Witcher 3: HoS
What's your biggest guilty pleasure?
Is Square the biggest UNJUST in video game history...
ITT Post fighting game girls you want to fug, part 2
Guts thread? I know my desktop is kinda boring
Can someone help me climb out of fucking gold because I can't do it in solo Q
How does Sup Forums justify piracy?
Will you buy her game, Sup Forums?
Video game music that makes you want to RIP AND TEAR
Draw a 13 year old
Hey Sup Forums, here's a riddle. What do these characters have in common?
Give me your honest opinion of this game
Oh shit current Earth gets destroyed
Watch dogs 2 let you shoot people in the worst american city ever
ITT: You hear you lose
You die tonight
I miss my neckbeard, basement dwelling days playing awesome oldschool MMOs like UO, Tibia, PSO, Runescape, Maplestory...
Microsoft Brefing
Can't play females
Gravity Rush
Next Assassin's Creed at E3
How old were you when you started gaming?
So how is it?
Okami HD
Which game has great marriage mechanic?
What is the minimum refresh rate I should look for when looking for a monitor? I plan on doing some gaming in 1440p...
What have you gotten so far from the 3DS eShop sale?
What the fuck is this place...
What are Sup Forums's thoughts on Rafe Adler as a character/villain?
Now the dust has settled. Can we all agree?
Buyfag thread
Map thread?
I'm in need of a game that requires an extreme ammount of concentration for multitasking
Did anyone else play this?
VR Games
Why did they stop making home console games?
After several tries I finally manage to beat the Tauros Dragon by the skin of my teeth
I have a PC. Convince me to get a PS4
Thanks for beta testing master race
How are you enjoying Revelator so far...
Have you ever cried at a video game?
Are you enjoying Atelier Sophier?
Huge gap between Japanese and English release
Is it worth playing?
Humble Bundle
What's Sup Forums's opinion on Lucio?
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
Nintendo E3
Risk of rain
Stranger of Sword City
I'm fucking done. Sup Forums, reccomend me a skill-based class-based shooter. Preferably with a high tick rate. Not TF2
What stats should Hitler have?
Persona 5 Thread
Montage/combo vid/frag movie thread
Name me games that had good female protagonists in the last 6 years
Well, Sup Forums?
Who here have non-gamer gf here?
No exclusive Zelda game for it
PC has no exclusives
Hello ladies and gentlemen, this video is part of a series of reviews where I go in depth on all the doors of dark souls
So ive heard this could brick my ps3 is that right?
I haven't played WoW seriously since Lich King, but I gotta say Legion looks pretty cool...
He hasn't bound melee to middle mouse button
1 week until E3
What is the best groove?
Can we all agree that this is the edgiest gesture ever, and stop using it
Hidden Gems in Steam Early Access
Do white people really call their siblings "little brother?"
Console Tan Tuesday 2: The Return
Persona 5 Censorship
Tencent acquires 5% as Paradox Interactive goes public
It should be illegal to not play this game at least once a year
Who Will Win E3 2016? (Poll Results Are In!)
Someone tries to make the protagonist notice that if he kills the villain he'll be just like him
Unreal Engine 4 games
Daily reminder that there is no such thing as a bad game, Just games that you don't like
You can complete the main story even if you kill every single NPC in the game
Zelda U Pre-E3 Anticipation Party
Yuka Kitamura is a great fucking composer. Unlike most game composers, she sounds like a real professional...
Name the series
Steam Wishlists
Okay Sup Forums, which one of you fuccbois was it?
Its still the best next gen game. Prove me wrong
Goodbye you old bastard ;_;
Not playing Oblivion on your PSP
Capcom Sale on PSN
GTX 1070 confirmed for 7gb
FFXIV Heavensward
Persona 5 Boxart censored
Overwatch Idea Thread
How do we save Nintendo?
What's your favorite E3 memory, Sup Forums?
It wasn't THAT bad
Thanks, PC friends
Yey, english dub only!
What do they mean by that?
Itt : Things that actually happened
Welcome to the Kafra Corporation. The Kafra services are always on your side? How may I assist you?
Why does Sup Forums hate this guy so much?
Shopkeeper won't sell you items
WeBM thread
Melee is better than ssb4
ITT: games only you played
Dragon's dogma
Ace of Spades
Overwatch girls
A Goldman draws near!
Woah there! You look like you're having fun, we're here to take care of that
Cosplay thread. Keep it vidya
Why does Sup Forums hate JRPGs? With the likes of FF15, P5, and SO5, you'd think there would be more love for the genre
ITT: We post the best games of their respective series
The magnum opus of Kirby games. Prove my thesis incorrect
Guys I have to chose between
Bad Company 2 Thread
Do you agree with this list?
Give me those PC games
Buy game because it looks fun and comfy
What do you think of this month's Playstation Plus lineup?
It's gonna Disappoint I know it
What is it about sewer levels that make them both so ubiquitous and generally so reviled?
Anyone able to suggest some good JP or EU 3ds games to play?
What went wrong?
It's High Noon
24K a month to talk about games in a studio?
Literally impossible
First Free content patch from Grim Dawn is out. Go enjoy it
Summon Night 6 coming west in 2017
Yen or Triss? And why?
Fighting Game Model
Agents of Mayhem
ITT : genres that dont exist
We agree?
Risk of Rain
Be humble blacksmith
Skywind will be at E3
Start new online game
Anyone else hate Metal Gear Solid here? Overrated non-games
So this was recently released on Steam and no one is talking about it. Is it shit?
What is this fuckshit? Who let this happen?
Alright Sup Forums I am moving soon and will not have internet access for about two years
Do I just suck or is this game pretty difficult...
Sup Sup Forums
Akiba’s Beat, Fate/Extella, and Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns coming to North America
Artificial difficulty: The Boss
When did you quit this game Sup Forums?
Dead by daylight beta
Morrowind remade for the UE4
Start skyrim
World of Final Fantasy
Overwatch stats thread
Mfw StarFox Zero failed
So is it true they are Mother and Daughter?
Was this a really good game?
Star Fox Zero
The lack of Kebako threads is concerning
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...