How does one character have two such retardedly-different interpretations

how does one character have two such retardedly-different interpretations

Samus Aran.

Because she's barely legal in the states.

One half views her as adult, the other as a child.

Pretty simple mang.

>Man with implants


Right is cuter.

She can either be a generic cute anime grill or a Dorito-guzzling gamer gurl chibi thing. It can go both ways.

gremlin dva is the best thing i've seen come out from overwatch so far


You americucks never cease.

Because Overwatch is hugely casual.

Left is an interpretation from waifufags

Right is normalfags and probably mostly female artists.

>not a child

Did I say that was my view? canonically livestreams herself fighting and uses "nerf" and "noob"

She's a meme stain and is funnier drawn as such

Just ignore the retard.

> canonically livestreams herself fighting

Considering she's killing people, isn't that kind of dark?

has anyone made a hamster version of her yet


doritos are nasty.

That's nothing.

yes, a handful already

Welcome to the future.

I'd watch a Running Man stream

>left: how people view her
>right: how she thinks she looks like

>Twitch in the future will allow people to stream live-action footage of combat operations in war-torn regions

Sure why not


it is, actually, as well as a dangerous leak of military intelligence and strategy to the public sector

but Overwatch is a game and Blizzard apparently doesn't care much about the lore so its whatever. I honestly can't see Blizzard developing the lore of this game in any meaningful way, theres just so many holes to fill.

Are you actually fucking retarded? Do you have fetal alcohol syndrome? 18 is the age you become an adult.

not all 19 year olds are walls of brazen steel and completely self-sufficient

sure it's legal to put a dick in you but it doesn't mean you're worth a damn or know fuck all about the world

She kills robots, not people

a couple

Prior to the overwatch game we're playing she only fought Omnics for the Koreans and streamed that. I'm pretty sure the whole hero vs hero thing is relatively new.

making samus sexier has led us to where we are today, with a squishy toneless zero-suit waifu bimbo

the idea of samus being super ugly and beaten the fuck up is interesting
the space pirate logs refer to her as a horrifying death god, the HUNTER CLAD IN METAL

Imagine that, you learn to become very good at imitating characters in say, a fighting game.

And then during tournament you just start imitating what they say when they use their ultimate and shit.

Mind games.

Sure friend

she's killing sub-human omnics so it's okay

>it's legal to put a dick in
And that's all matter.

Still she doesn't have to look like a man.

The way she looked in the first prime was fine.

D.Maru best D.VA

>Living in a shit state
age of consent is 16 in a bunch of states

shes a gamer so I guess shes on that gamer fuel meme

>I looove that 18 year old pussy
>but man, 17 year old pussy's disgusting
>the diffrence is HUGE
>ew, death to pedophiles vote bernie

umaru dva is kawaii

in a lot of high level e-sports people wear sound-proof headsets to prevent the crowd and casters and stuff from cluing the players in on whats going on

so it wouldn't really work unless its a low key tournament and even then you'd probably get thrown out because people can't handle it

>Mei will never freeze you so she can have you to herself forever

Because if you only play the game the characters have no background and almost no personality and then the characters take on a life of their own through meme magic.
It's basically the same thing that happened with Touhou characters and boats.


Gremlin D.Va and Papa 76 are the best things about Overwatch.

lmao what is this abomination of a drawing

Not true, you literally can't buy a divine rapier in pro dota because the crowd just fucking explodes
This was a problem in brood war too

Because the internet knows what she's really like.
Also left would fit better for the Shiamada sister.

she's a korean e-sports idol

she's probably forced to shill a ton of stuff

you can always hear the screams when you do something insane as it's a fucking football stadium

Normal people and cancerous tumblrtrash memes.
It was never funny.

what about that time newbee did two rapiers on ember spirit

they have soundproof booths AND soundproof headsets, not to mention they're trying to focus on the game and communicate with their team.

pedo alert

you're not funny

It's actually canon that she shilled something called nano cola and a rather well known korean product that every idol endorses.

are you trying to say hypothetical character voice imitations to throw off the enemy team can make it through a screaming crowd and through soundproof headsets?

because I'm not sure what the point you're trying to make h ere.


cant get enough of gremlin dva, papa 76, and the moms

Even if I was trying the void of dogshit murricunt MLG memes would drag it down.
Kill yourself by aspirating a frenchfry, burger.

no you stupid nignog
When youre in a booth
you hear the crowd
no matter how well made the booth is

The point is the headsets aren't soundproof and neither are the booths

I want to suffocate dva


Matthew Mercer continuing to be an adorable dork


how come she doesn't have korean snacks

>Papa 76 are the best things about Overwatch.

... bkub comics when

Oh it's super dark. Don't forget that she views pretty much all of her combat ops as games.


you're not funny


I'm happy this exists

because normies are retarded

gremlim dva best meme in a while desu, i bet if were real, she'd get frustrated and embarassed that nobody takes her seriously which makes this even better

Just doritos and dew?
Not taking the cancerous KnowYourMemes far enough Sup Forumsros.

I wish I were Pharah's wife


All they gotta say is little child and she loses it.

So is Umaru?

okay yeah but I'm not seeing what the point you're trying to make here is

the user (I'm assuming it's not you) proposed a hypothetical situation where you imitate characters in the game they're playing as in order to throw off the enemy team

I reply that with soundproof headsets, its difficult to do this in large professional scenes

then you come in and say hundreds or thousands of people can make some noise that can go through the soundproof headsets, which has no real relation to the topic at hand. I'm not picking up what you're putting down here, user.

they aren't completely soundproof but thats the term used for them. What would you prefer instead? Noise reduction headsets? noise cancelling headsets? it's the same shit and its not related to what I was trying to assert.

It's the gap moe

More like Samus AMAN, amirite?

Don't we all?

Umaru + Chen + Korean Idol

holy shit that made me laugh

Christopher Walken?

This KYM thread has inspired me, I'll make some D.Va MLG remixes to do my part being a cancerous unfunny tumblresque faggot.

Just edit all existing comics

If you have to keep repeating yourself then you either didn't make your point clearly enough or your point is dumb

Doritos and Mtn Dew + Umaru =

bretty horrifying meme fusion we have here

2 Japanese
1 Egyptian
3 American
1 English
2 Australian
1 Chinese
1 South Korean
1 Russian
1 Brazilian
1 German
1 Swede
1 Swiss
1 Indian
1 French

>194 countries on Earth
>Overwatch only covers 14


who makes these comics? they always make me laugh but i can never find the source

Dva would shitpost.

go back to league then



>headset goes from sharpies taped to beats, to spoons, to lollipops