Yey, english dub only!

Yey, english dub only!

>released 6 months late so spoilers will be everywhere
>after all that time no dual audio
>no dual audio in a game set in Japan
>the dub will be the same shitty quality as P3/4

Why should I even buy this game now?

Of course an english speaking country gets an english release


God dammit I don't care how good the dub is, I like who they cast in Japanese and I wanna listen to them, FUCK

Why would I care?
Just preordered "Take Your Heart" Premium Edition for PS4.

What the fuck were you expecting from Atlus? Like, seriously?

>meanwhile fucking Nintendo of all companies does it right
And you fucking heathens will keep denying how they're the only ones saving gaming.

Why are you idiots crying? You'd buy it even if Atlus called you all gullible little faggots and filled the game with memes, so stop acting like you're shocked and dismayed and are going to boycott it, because you're not and we realize that.

About what I expected. They didn't do Dual Audio for any of the previous Persona games, so why would this one be any different?

Of all the Japanese games out there, Persona has to be the one that refuses to get subs.

Woah, that franchise that has never had dual audio in the history of it's localizations isn't having dual audio? Next you'll tell me the new Zelda game has the triforce.

Why are people saying Persona has never had dual audio? I could've sworn Persona 3 Portable had it.


Persona 3 had great VA imo, Junpei really felt genuine for example, just because you fucking weebs do not get our ebin Lelouch and full animu experience it doesnt mean you gotta cry about it 24/7.

Its somewhat lazy of Atlus but deal with it or learn moon.

Are they releasing the PS3 version?

I fucking know right? I wish Senran Kagura did the same, fucking moon speak all over the place so I have to read this shit story instead of listening to it.

I don't care if it's in English only. I just hate hearing the honorifics in English. I doubt they'll get rid of them though.

They're just a different kind of cancer

Sure, an easily operable benign one. Enjoy your metastasis.

It's the current year.

They censor their fucking games and even go as far as to change the story so that they don't have to show a bikini.
They're just as bad as Atlus, just a different kind of bad

So? You prefer to jack off to videogames while you play them instead of enjoying them with superior voice acting? Maybe you should get your priorities straight.

weebs getting btfo will never be not funny

>same shitty quality
Actually, guy, considering it'll be without Bailey, it'll be even worse. I'm sorry.

>I want to read english subtitles while hearing a language I can't understand

Weebs are people who watch english dubs on toonami and cosplay Ichigo at anime convetion.

You need to post the whole picture for the full context f a m

Time to pray for southeast asia release.

>region locked console
>benign cancer

>I want to cringe when I hear my language butchered by weebs yelling out japanese translations

Yes and it's only $50

You're getting the game with Japanese voice acting, you fucking retard. You don't fucking need any region unlocking.

>weebs crying as per usual

nice, I feel the buttfrustration of weebs that want their incompressible gook more and more

>shitty useless tablet controller
>not the worst cancer there is
Again lmao

Why is less options a good thing exactly?

>play a ''weeb'' series
>call other people weebs

Why are normalfags weebs such cancerous faggots?

All VA this time are garbage tier anyway, why people even care?

>if you dont like the jap media that I like then you are a normalfag

>that pic

>not playing undub

Well, you can't:)

Which is actually pretty damn great for fast menuing, you moronic goalpost mover.

I enjoyed the P3/P4 dubs for what they're worth. The problem is Atlus getting more VAs than Yuri Lowenthal and friends cuz that rarely fucking happens.

I'm fearing EOV's release because of the voice options for your characters. They got a shit-ton of voices in JP version and they'll probably cut that amount in half if it makes it the US with no dual audio.

I can on my ps3, tumblr.

Erin Fitzgerald is hot garbage as a VA. Literally the only reason I wish Atlus did Dual Audio.

Not getting it then

>people calling weebs turbonerds because they want the original language in a weeb game
>people legitimately acting as if they're above others because they'll listen to some 35 year old woman play a highschool student

If I don't know the language, I can avoid knowing if it's ear rape because I wouldn't know any better.

If it's a dub, I'll know for sure within the first couple minutes if the whole ride is going to be ass or not. I'd personally never deal with it, when given the choice.

you can always just mute voices, That what I always due to chink audio games

>best country throughout the galaxy

phhnag wyrrtxx g'fnk weeaboos

Maybe you should mute your life while you're at it, faggot.

The dub could be the greatest thing of all time, and I'll still want dual audio. Not being able to understand Japanese is a god send because I can't tell if the voice acting is shit or not.


No, please. It's like they don't understand their audience. Or at the very least a large part of their audinece.

You see people who like weeb stuff most likely watch anime as well, and if they do that, they watch it fansubbed. These people want the same feeling recreated while playing the game. Even if it will be the best dub in the whole world, it will not be enough because that's not what they wanted.
I can tell those assholes at Atlus don't give a shit about JP audio and they prefer dub, so they probably won't make any serious effort. I just wish getting an undub somehow would be possible without hacking the console. Fuck.

Ffffffufudddudusiajck youuuwuwiaja FATLUS

You're the one who don't get it. The majority of people buying persona are casual anime watcher meaning they only watch the mainstream shit or dubbed shit they saw on toonami. They don't care for japanese audio.

>citation needed

Common sense.

I watch currently airing anime subbed all day and I still prefer dubs. Typical japanese anime girl voices are like nails on chalkboard.

Which you lack.

Pretty much this
Adult women trying to act like a cute girls is just disgusting

Does your dad work for Atlus?

Sub fags are the worst


Yes, you know what they need to do in order to sell, more than a 30 year old dev, kid. Congrats.

But american smoker old hag trying to act like loli is better?

>watching anime with female leads

They usually don't even trying, so it's okay

So a loli who sound 30 years old is ok to you?

What, did you think that Atlus would give dual audio for once? They're lazy and the fans don't demand any better. Persona is too normie-tier to get dual audio. Look at Compile Heart. Hate their games as much as you want, and there are certainly reasons to do so, but they know what their fans want and they'd lose sales if they got rid of dual audio suddenly.


>Persona is too normie tier to get dual audio
>FF15 is getting dual audio

You're dumb.

>6 months late
>not even dual audio
Just kill me, god

Quad audio.

Thats a severe case of garbage taste you have there.

This. If the normiest of all normie games get fucking dual audio then why can't fucking Persona. Drives me crazy.

No need to buy it now.

The only reason Persona wont get dual audio is Fatlus, there is no other reason and people who expected dual audio are retards

you are retarded, you actually thought there would be jap audio?

Literally every devs is doing dual audio now. Every devs but Atlus that is.

How do I pirate on the PS3?

I don't think many people expected, but they still are allowed to voice their disappointment, which is totally justified.

Then import you fucking faggot.

Don't act dumb.

JRPGs like FF and Tales which have traditionally been English only are starting to offer dual audio. The only legitimate reason to not include dual audio is due to insurmountable licensing issues.

Great, fuck those autistic dual audio fags who give 2 fucks about the game other than jap voices.

No dub can make up for the all-star JP voice cast. I just can't see it happening.

That "muh casual normalfags" argument doesn't work when you notice that Atlus no problem littering their localizations of Persona with honorifics for the sake of appealing to weebs.

"Oh we're totally cool with having normies listen to English voices call each other Jamal-kun, but the OPTION of hearing the original audio!? That's too much, we don't people thinking this Japanese High School simulator is for Anime Nerds, or anything!"

That makes no sense. Especially since so many other publishers of JRPGs think differently. Even Tales and Final Fantasy woke up to Dual Audio already.

>haha, fuck those people that want more options for their vidya, I'd rather slurp up the potential shit the dub will give me

>No dub can make up for the all-star JP voice cast
Good thing then, that this time all VA are literally second rate garbage

As long as it isn't fucking Yuri Lowenthal I'll be happy.

I fucking HATE Yuri Lowenthal.

dub apologists are as bad as 30fps apologists
>look at me everyone I can settle for objectively worse content without a word of complaint and you're all retarded unlike me I am fucking incredible at life
like why what are you doing stop who's paying you to do all this

>look at me everyone I can settle for objectively worse content
How so, please explain

You're going to get Yuri Lowenthal, Matthew Mercer, Erin Fitzgerald, Ashly Burch, maybe Michelle Ruff and Tara Platt. You'd be lucky if there's a single "new" VA.

Many English dubs aren't bad. People just like Japanese dubs because they don't sound as cringy to them. That is because non-Japs miss out on the awkward phrasing and intonation. To a Japanese person it sounds just as cringy.

I want to hear new voice actors, personally.

Danganronpa 2 and Disgaea 5 were full of people I've never heard of and they were all fucking fantastic.

>sake of appealing to weebs.

They are not appealing to weebs with this shit they are appealing to normalfags. Have you been living under a rock? Have you not seen how popular the ''SENPAI'' meme is with normalfags?


He was in P3 and P4.

You can bet your ass that he will be in P5 too.

Might as well include an option that turns voice-acting off.