>Remastered Skyrim rumoured to be announced at E3
wew lad, not even skyrim 2 next, instead Todd will release the same game again. What a madman. Is there anything he can't do?
>Remastered Skyrim rumoured to be announced at E3
wew lad, not even skyrim 2 next, instead Todd will release the same game again. What a madman. Is there anything he can't do?
Almost as bad as when CDPR did it. Greedy fucks :^)
Bathesda knows their gamer demographic
>prey 2
Fuck I was intersted in this years ago. I'm pretty sure it was canned tho. Alien bounty hunter sounded great.
Except people who already bought the game got the enhanced version for free
2016 truly is the year of the "Remaster"
>buying bethesda shit
come on now
>it's been 10 years since Skyrim was released
Really makes you think...
Calling it now, they're going to remove levels and just make your character get better at everything as you do shit.
What is the point of a remaster for a game made great by mods?
easy money
console peasants will buy it
>post yfw Bethesda releases a fallout 4 remaster in five years and it sells millions
Hahaha holy shit I want to see it so bad, just to see how much they "improved" the graphics.
>tfw you will never play Morrowind remastered
What the fuck are you talking about it came out 9/9/99 it was my childhood.
This, it'll be PS4/Xbone release with mod support.
Hopefully it doesn't have paid mods. I'm still waiting for that shit to happen, console kiddies with their moms credit cards will eat it up.
its gonna run worse than the ps3 version
If it's true, its going to look like fallout 4 does in terms of graphics
Would it be possible and cost effective for them to update the game completely with new animations and a combat system plus a higher poly count for everything?
I would readily pay $80
If this means that Skyrim on PC will get updates to its engine, then I support this.
Old Skyrim won't get an update, the new improved skyrim will, provided you donate 60$ to Todd
So buy a remastered game that's just adding what mods did in 2011/12?
Remember how Dark Souls 2 was when they did Scholar of the First Sin?
Yeah, welcome aboard. If you want it to run better and look better, get out the shekels.
Jesus christ
>Wolfenstien 2
That's where I'm excited
>it came out the 06/06/06
wow,10 years and 2 days
I would assume that PC would get the update for free.
My reasoning? On PC, Bethesda's New Skyrim would be directly competing with Modded Old Skyrim. And, well, New Skyrim will look worse than Modded Old Skyrim. So sales on PC would be awful, so they might as well just give it to us for posterity sake.
And I don't think it's too far fetched, because GUESS WHAT? Bethesda is going to use this to push console mods for Skyrim with their new Bethesda.net modding platform, just like they've done for Fallout 4.
Who makes these mods? Is it the console players? No, it's the PC nerds. And the only way they're going to get PC nerds to port their mods to console is to make sure that PC nerds get the most up-to-date version of the game.
Whether Bethesda's charges for it or not is irrelevant because I only buy new games. No PC player will pay for rereleases unless they have to. If they release a paid Skyrim release on PC, it will only get pirated. No shekels for Todd.
your fucking face when people, including people on PC, buy it
>Remastering Skyrim instead of Oblivion or Morrowind
Which futa mods are you consolefags most looking forward to?
1. It's not coming to PC.
2. It's obvious people will buy it.
3. You are pretty gay.
Probably a PS4/Boner version with mod support like in FO4. They'll likely bring the graphics settings to be similar with PC on Ultra too but that will still look like shit these days.
>2. It's obvious people will buy it.
the skyrim audience doesn't know about morrowind or oblivion
there's more money to be made here
I can't care anymore. I really can't.
I don't buy Bethesda products, I tell everyone I know not to buy Bethesda products. That's all I can do.
because morrowind would need a full remake, not just a remaster.
and between remastering oblivion and remastering skyrim, skyrim is the obvious choice because it's just a more polished version of oblivion that sold twice as many copies.
also, they already had a head start on skyrim
to prepare for making fallout 4, they ported skyrim to xbox one so they could get a feel for the new hardware. so a lot of the hard work was already done. they just have to maybe touch up some textures or maybe add a new effect or two or some new grass.
>mfw prey 2 wont be the same but some shitty linear shooter
How do you not see it? In case you didn't know, Skyrim is like the game of all time to tons and tons of people out there. It's now coming out with improved graphics for their new shiny consoles. Some people are so retarded that they even sold their old consoles to get their new ones so that's even more of a reason for them to buy it again.
There are people out there, maybe even right on this board, that bought GTA V 3 times. Come on man it's not rocket science, people are dumb.
Wouldn't be possible. Back then games had so much more content. People would flip their shit if they had to read more than two lines in their questlog.
That would be the most pointless remaster in the history of remasters. I want to see it so bad.
Because it's Bethesda, and because Bethesda has a stranglehold on the casual market for open-world games. What other open-world, action-adventure games can compete with Fallout and The Elder Scrolls? The Witcher? No. Kingdoms of Amalur tried and failed. Far Cry is the closest any other major IP comes to that.
They do not need to even make a quality product, they just slap "Bethesda" on it and market the hell out of it (Fallout 4, Skyrim), and it sells like hotcakes going out of season.
I see people saying they feel "wrong" for not enjoying Bethesda games because they have the sense to realize they're flawed, but not enough to puncture through the hype that clouds their critical judgement. Very few other companies get this luxury, people just give Bethesda a free pass because there's no one else competing with what they do successfully.
the fuck are they gonna remaster that isnt outdone by modding? or is it just code for "it will be on PS4 and Xbox1 now :DDD"
I'm neither a console player nor a degenerate. If they do indeed do a remaster, I hope they improve the melee combat. It's incredible how shit it is
I don't think so. Skyrim ran at like 600p and 25fps on ps3.
Pretty much.
Oh also mod support for consoles. That's probably the big selling point they'll be going for.
I liked Skyrim 2bh. If the new version increases the graphics a lot then I'll probably get it.
>>I see people saying they feel "wrong" for not enjoying Bethesda games because they have the sense to realize they're flawed, but not enough to puncture through the hype that clouds their critical judgement.
I saw that too. I felt pity for those people, holy shit.
Oh, i guess forgot about consoles.
I like the sounds of skyrim ones, the pitter patter of rain through my speakers will sound cool.
will it just be the PC version I wonder, the same old game with the high rez pack, running at 1080, 60fps
Who the fuck plays anything like skyrim on a console anyways? Stick to corridor hack n slash like Souls.
Honestly if the PC Remastered version looks significantly good I'll buy it. No enb mods tho, it will be on dx11
Are you fucking serious? I've already grinded out the game with and without mods.
>The latest elders scroll game was a goddamn mmo
I don't want to replay it again.
Why can't they just release a normal elders scroll game?
I can't see them doing a Morrowind remaster and not fucking it up, not to mention we wouldn't have any of Morrowind's original mods.
When you think about it, OpenMW is kind of like a remaster.
People like you disgust me. Read the fucking article, there's no PC version.
I hate this "let's remaster a game that came out last gen" meme. Games released last gen don't even look that bad. Maybe they should put some fucking effort in and remaster games from the gen BEFORE the last one, give us a remastered Morrowind without giving it the Skyrim treatment.
I don't why people don't think Skyrim is a good target for a remaster.
1) It ran really poorly on 7th gen consoles, especially ps3
2) it's one of the most popular RPGs of all time so it'll print money
3) Bethesda wants to continue growing their new console mod feature so skyrims an obvious choice
4) they already had a working Xbox one version of the game
5) the next elder scrolls game is probably still 2 years away, which means a 7 year gap between TES 5 and TES 6, so this will keep TES nerds happy for a while as they work on the new game
6) they just released fallout 4 so porting Skyrim to their updated version of the engine will be easy. Skyrim could use some technical updates.
>no PC version
they'd be stupid not to do this
According to Bethesda's numbers they released when Skyrim hit 20 million sales, 86% of Skyrim sales were on Xbox and ps3
I'm pretty sure Todd said they were working on a new TES at some point or other. I wouldn't be surprised if it's announced this E3.
I'm half inclined to beleive this rumor, simply on the basis this is the jeweyest thing Bethesda could do to create a ready-made platform for paid mods based on current IP. Hi-res the textures, more triangles in the models, new mod tools packaged with it, boom, new game they can justify paid mods on.
First the "deluxe/ultimate" editions of games, and now they aren't even trying to release new games just making them less ugly. Such a good time to be a gamer.
Really? That's good to know thanks.
What makes you think they won't make it for PC? Current Skyrim pc version is 32bits that runs on dx9.
It says "Skyrim remastered".
If there's any engine updates, then Bethesda would NEED the pc players to also have those updates because Bethesda relies on PC modders to make free mods for the console players to use.
>releasing a remastered version for PC
>when everybody already remastered it themselves
To top it off it would cause problems because older might not be compatible with the remaster
No user, they'd be stupid to do this.
Please fucking add anti-modding DRM and use the Steam Mod Store to distribute it.
If Valve was smart they would have introduced it to any of their own yet-to-be-released games but it seems we won't be seeing any Valve produced games for a while.
What paid mods you are talking about? And here is your (you)
quit posting shops todd, here's a real photo from that event
Todd said they wouldn't announce TES6 until it was pretty much ready to ship, so probably like what they did with Fallout 4 where they just said "Boom, it's coming out in like 4 months!"
Also Todd has nothing to do with the MMO and one of the first things he said when it was announced was that it wasn't canon.
Not to mention they also need mod ideas to include in their next fallout/elder scrolls
>is there anything he can't do?
Yeah. Release a decent game after losing their main writer.
this preety much
its sad that gaming quality goes to shit cause normies think gaming is ''cool'' nowdays
That too. Bethesda relies too much on PC modders to not give them the tools that they need.
>Biggest selling point would be console mods
>The pc userbase would have to buy it when its graphically inferior and without the years of mod content and make these new mods themselves
>The console mods would still be limited to no script extender and a 2GB limit
>Even then the people on pc who choose to buy and mod high poly skyrim would have to upload their mods to bethesda's site for console users to use them.
Console users aren't going to get shit out of mod support.
Its like mcdonalds
everyone knows its cancerous shit yet everyone eats it
On the other hand, since Bethesda's jew-level is over 9000, there is a chance that they will go turbocorporate and make new Skyrim console exclusive, with just Bethesda approved "official mods" available.
I don't like eso as a game but it had a lot of lore elements I liked. Where did they say it wasn't canon because all I saw when I googled it was that it "wouldn't effect the main series"
it'll probably just be a free optional update on steam, kinda like the "HD texture pack". for console mods to work, bethesda needs pc players to be working hard on making these mods. this means giving their nerd slaves the tools that they need to make mods.
No, I think the mcdonalds comparison fits yearly games more than anything Bethesda shits out
>Max Landis
Would a remastered version be compatible with existing mods?
1.) Justified
2.) I disagree on principle, but I might be biased as I don't buy modern remasters. I think remasters should be motivated by a desire to update dated games to a modern standard, not to "print money" with the HD moniker attached. This sounds like too little, too soon; it's in bad taste.
3.) Console mods are a clusterfuck, and will continue to be a clusterfuck for the foreseeable future. The audience for console mods is so infuriatingly dense that no good can come from spreading the cancer to the Elder Scrolls fanbase as well as the Fallout fanbse. Mod authors are regularly being hounded and threatened for not porting their mods to specific platforms. Some console mod consumers are stealing mods from the Nexus and uploading them to Bethesda.net without the permission of the original author. Other console mod consumers don't understand concepts as straight-forward as, "This will NOT work on console," and blame authors or even Bethesda for their perceived persecution.
Not to mention, 2GB limit, no script extenders, etc. It's not attractive to mod authors, but it will be once Bethesda inevitably enables authors to sell mods that do not use Bethesda's own assets (it's in the Fallout 4 EULA, read it).
4.) True.
5.) True, but I think Elder Scrolls fans would prefer Bethesda to focus on improving the next iteration of TES instead. A remaster isn't going to take away serious resources from it, but it's still an issue.
6.) The Fallout 4 engine is a trainwreck between two dumpster fires, to call it "updated" is just fucked.
I'm worried about console mods, mostly. Luckily, I stick to New Vegas so it doesn't impact me, but I feel sorry for mod authors who have to deal with console mod consumers.
people love it when you release the same game over and over again with slight changes. see: uncharted series
they will probably ask why remaster when they asked for Skyrim 2
>bethesda worse than mcdonalds
also consoletards are in lack of games
yes but i thought everyone knows that bethesda games are shitty ,bugged unfinished alpha state products
>not just making elder scrolls 6
fucking JEWS
Is this just for consoles? It's not like this shit will offer anything that free mods can't.
Nobody really expects Bethesda to actually fix problems with the game do they?
Fuck no.
whether console mods is a clusterfuck or not is irrelevant b/c bethesda HAS spent millions of dollars on it and they WILL continue to try to make it work. they've wanted console mods for a long time and they aren't going to give up easily.
as for the taking away resources, bethesda opened up a little sibling studio to help with development. i imagine the new studio is the one who is remastering skyrim while actual bethesda works on tes 6.
Not really. If I go to McDonalds, it's because I know that their priority is being cheap.
If we're going to stick with shitty food analogies: Bethesda is In-N-Out if we were in an alternate universe where In-N-Out was shit. You drive through Bethesda Burger and order your double-double, DLC style; but as you're getting your order, you realize: half of one patty isn't cooked, another has a bite out of it, and the bun is expanding and shrinking rapidly, hitting everything in sight and raising a doughy racket. But who gives a fuck, because there's no one else like Bethesda Burger and you'd forgive them even if they forgot to cook your fries and just gave you a whole potato instead.
Every time you want to go eat with your friends in the area, they want to go to Bethesda Burger, because "It's the best."
If they do announce a remastered version, it would probably be a good idea to go on the Nexus and grab any mod you could ever imagine being interested in. I agree that a remaster would probably come with console mods, and there's a decent chance people will start taking their mods down in response to console players harassing them for not making them available for consoles because "All you have to do is check a box."
kek, Bethesda is such a casual company. I bet you this wasn't even close to the first time that they've invited a shitload of people to their event that don't have a clue, just to feel important. Lies masked by more lies, the true Bethesda experience.