Buyfag thread

Buyfag thread

Keep it vidya

Why did it have to be 3A? It'll be 5 years late at best.

>see one of these things at a target like 5 years ago
>think it looks like shit and cant imagine who would buy this
>apparently its a really big thing and people collect them obsessively

My current collection

I don't get it either,

What's wrong with nendos?

I think he meant the other, overpriced, inferior western figure.

Just opened...

The only nendo I'd ever consider getting is Toon Link and that's because the figure actually looks close to the ingame model.

Those aren't Nendos user, those are Funko Pops

What about Kirby?

Some of my MH figures

What's wrong with them?

>mfw bought a venom snake nendoroid

Looks cool too. It's when they hardly resemble the source where I have a problem. Like a Snake nendo for example.

They have no mouth and they must scream

>What's wrong with them?

Serious question: how do you guys justify buying these in terms of longevity? Specifically, I always think "one day I won't want it anymore and will just get rid of it" when looking at cool shit like figures.

everything user

Not thinking like that helps.

It's a hobby, if you need to justify it then you don't really have what's called disposable income.

I'm the same way, the three Nendos I got are Toon Link, Kirby and Megaman

I own the Mega Man, Roll and Proto Man kotobukiya model kits, don't give a fuck about MMZ Zero so I never brought it.

I also got that X-Plus figure of Roll, I really wanted the Mega Man and Zero ones, but they cost a lot to buy now. I don't give a fuck about the X or MMZ Zero X-Plus figures, so I'm not buying those as well.

>what's wrong with funko pop

Remove asuka and you've got yourself a good collection

who's the female x-wing pilot?

Weebshit, everything is wrong with them.

Is this a new meme?
They're just cheap silly figures.


Jaina Solo. She's nobody now thanks to Disney

They're ugly as shit with no details.

I wish I had a better camera to take pictures with.
The magnets on Kirby are fucking genius I love it. Only complaint I can think of is that the hats aren't as magnetic, so they can fall off if they're not placed nicely on top (so no weird upside-down poses).

>Remove asuka


that thing on the left is ugly as fuck.


They're essentially the geek version of Precious Moments figurines. Bland, safe, inoffensive, and cheap. It doesn't help matters that practically every niche store and hobby place has wall filled with these goddamn things.

That slippery slope.


it's so cute ;_;

>That Tomoko
Fuck, I want one.

Why is Saitama talking with old Lisa Lisa?

>And this is my wife's son's room.

That's a cute squid there.

>Precious Moments
Every Precious moment isn't just a palette swap

>Own the 1/1 replica of the bionic arm
>Wanted the Sally model but the game was bad enough for me to not want more from it
>At a loss on what to buy

Are all those blonde big tittied bitches anime or vidya?

End yourself

I still can't decide between the nendo or the figma for my next buy.

If i recall pochacho is a mascot of a company that makes music and is in some of the VN games featuring the other mascot.

It's a good feeling

I want /jp/ to leave

>opening the boxes
>not keeping them in mint condition + packaging
>mfw you're destroying their value just to pose them for a couple pics

I've bought a companion cube keychain, L4D Sacrifice poster and pic related

Only boosting the value of nrfb. You are welcome.

>I've bought a companion cube keychain

>that Raita figure


how are you not gonna recognize Reimu and Marisa behind the monitor? shake my head mi familia.

I don't keep it on a real keychain if that's what you mean. It's at home

>he doesn't know one piece characters

how do you get your mum to buy you these filthy things user?

I bought Project Diva f 2nd from gamestop used for the Vita. It was the cheapest I could find it. They delivered it through USP. I was glad I didn't get fucked and got a generic case, but the case itself looked deformed and when I opened it the hinge/spine was split down the middle. What do?

Shit meant UPS

I need way more Miku

And Racing Sonico

I told myself I only needed one Miku fig but god damn this year's snow miku is adorable. I'm really tempted.

And this new sonico is like two in one
Every goodsmile racing miku is top tier

>tfw mistakenly getting a bootleg
Even the real Snake sculpt doesn't look all that good sadly.

How much did you pay for the Seras figure? It looks awesome.

>dat new Android 18 statue gone up for preorder
No boner, you won't win this round.

>pre-orders up
That was fast

Oh come on, that's not fair

Looks terrible. The Lunch figures look much better.

Just ordered this. I really wanna get the whole FF7 crew as well.

oh I was searching the Sup Forums buyfag thread for this post

Anyway I just preordered it. Been looking forward to it hard. Didn't hesitate for a second

I even have hand drawn booby pictures of 18 and other DB women. I find the girls in DB to be so sexual.

ITT: people taking embarassing photos they don't auto rotate.

I'm not going to do it for you faggots, stop uploading pictures without rotating them, properly.

Can't wait for this.
Anyone have the newer pictures of this set in a gray background?

where do you people buy your stuff aside amiami for figs?
i got my credit card only recently so i'm clueless about where to go

Plamoya for rarities. Ebay for shit you can't find on Plamoya.

Hobby life japan

Tokyo otaku mode occasionally when they have a good deal or free shipping deals

playmoya for obscure stuff and mandarake

Android 18 was my first female drawing

Isn't there another board entirely dedicated to this?

Why have this thread at all if you have a whole board for it? I'm sure there's better/more discussion over there.

Lots of boards have buyfag threads, newfag.
Now get out.

Not bad. Isn't that Aensland fig very rare or am I thinking of something else?

So I know a guy that works at a comic book store. He's been working there for at least a year.

He doesn't get paid in money, instead he buys figures like those itt at retail price.

So his room is cluttered with this shit. Like Dayum nigga not even cash.

This one?