What was Sup Forums like in 2010?
What was Sup Forums like in 2010?
It had one more happy poster
me on the right
best E3
This should about cover it.
A lot of trip fags, more off topic, and a hell of a lot of mass effect and Pokémon threads
I remember a time when viral was used instead of shill.
I long for those times.
Fairly accurate.
And it was a bannable offense.
>Sup Forums
>cell phone
>Sup Forums has the best tits
i can relate to this
Yeah, there was a lot of shit but there was also a lot more entertainment. Seems like these days there's less shit, but way less entertainment. It's all just "hate and shit on everything." Used to be that but also silly humor shit too.
Sup Forums pre-2011 was fun
Sup Forums post-2011 is a whiny bitch subreddit
This pretty much.
I'm surprised it took so long for moot to finally outright ban avatarfags.
>I started going to Sup Forums just before 2011
Basically this.
Plus you had more mod interaction as well. The place overall felt rather close-nit back then too.
>cellphones arent technology
Fucking shit.
Lanced Jack was a few years before but it was terrible.
Been here since 2006
2009-2010 was the absolute low point for Sup Forums. There were times when half the threads on the front page had literally nothing to do with video games. Like, not even tangentially.
That picture is from way before 2010. What ever year was Sup Forumsuvuzela for e3 was the best
Not too different. Everyone hated EA, I remember that.
Basically everything now is cück/shill/reddit/sjw/reddit/libtard/LMAO PKEKS BTFO XD/casual
I'd kill for some actual moderation
>Lanced Jack
>Manlet Tears
I'm still undecided if they were master trolls or just fucking idiots.
I remember the hot August of 2014. HE was running amok under the janitor's noses, spawning fan games and music mashups before swift thread closures. There wasn't much going at the time.
Suddenly, a crisis. Anthony Burch's wife leaves him and takes his Wii U, and he weakly justifies it. The Burch threads go critical on Sup Forums, at the same time a Sup Forums shitposter (redundant) spams threads of AVGN with the now infamous "HE'S GONNA TAKE YOU BACK TO THE PAST TO FUCK HIS WIFE IN THE ASS", evading countless bans. The pejorative of cuck spread like wildfire. Shortly after, an ex-boyfriend's rant about a cheating girlfriend are chronicled in Five Guys threads, and the board forever changed again.
I remember when Sup Forums at large was mainly liberal, and now a good chunk is conservative. What happened?
Lanced jack and all his clones are the worst thing Sup Forums ever had
>there are post-2010 reddit newfags browsing here now
Cellphones mine metadata, and Sup Forums's wiki is outright against owning one
>tfw I only used /o/ but then quit it in 2014 to start only using Sup Forums
Idk why but I like Sup Forums a bit more
The internet overall was better in 2010
Awesome as hell. I was a little sad though due to my mom and sister being dead... recently.
Some Sup Forums idiots though. Which was /news/ at the time.
And Sup Forums shits were arrogant as always.
tiny tears was a fucking retarded sperg, i think he is now trying to be a famous youtuber or some retarded shit like that
Except now you can't even discuss games without 13 year olds derailing threads with shitposting resembling I've also been here since 06 and the only thing that was worse was mods permabanning for whatever they felt like and not being able to browse while banned.
Having fun on the Sup Forums. Manly shit up a lot of threads, though. Quentin wasn't much better.
It was just a higher grade of shitposting.
Liberals grew up.
Anyone else remember that Fairly Odd Parents comic that kept getting posted?
>that 2011 Sup Forums
It was much better than now but you could literally see everything this places stands for being raped.
We grew up.
Me i the seat infront of you
I'll be honest
i can't read
Sup Forums became mainstream attracting edgy 13 year olds
Pretty much this. It's generally universally agreed upon by the people who have been here since the beginning that 2007 was the peak. Everything past that was a gentle slide into a twilight mediocrity.
So... How does the technology board use the phone?
I feel like i grew down due to scoliosis
Smartphones represented the unlocking of the internet to the masses and began to get massively popular in 2009-2010 and onwards, at the same time as the social media we know today like Facebook and Twitter began booming to appeal to this crowd.
Go check out Google Trends. The end of the 00s also marked the end of the 'old' internet, it has never been the same since.
redditors that were banned for not agreeing with the hivemind came over and started using Sup Forums as their stomping ground, so there was a pretty large shift in userbase.
We're not conservative, we're national socialists.
Sup Forums died in late 2007-early 2008 just like every other board.
I've been here since 2005 and I'm stuck here with you fucking faggots that killed my one love.
what the fuck do they use on the bus
>Everything past that was a gentle slide into a twilight mediocrity.
Agreed. It's been 8.8 years of pure hell since.
Your comment might be the highlight of my week. Thanks user.
It really was.
I see people complaining about the overwatch threads (prior to undertale) and they will never understand the tripfag threads and constant streaming threads back when JustinTV had started. It became a serious problem really quickly.
The board was a tiny bit more bearable.
Ironic shitposting wasn't as bad.
shitposting gimmicks from other boards hadn't leaked as much yet.
More tripfriends/fags
nogames was still a thing.
Sonyggers were fairly dormant.
It was alright, things just get worse as you get older and new people replace old people making a hostile environment as the age-differences clash.
2009-2010 weren't exactly high points (I mostly just posted on /jp/), but the site definitely felt more lively or more organic. Looking back, the rise of generals and outcry for more moderation to punish "trolls" spelt the death of Sup Forums.
>2010 was 6 years ago
The other party got into power.
their IBM thinkpad
It wasn't as politically charged as it is nowadays, but then again I might have just not been paying attention. I genuinely believe that the nuking of Sup Forums and the advent of gamer gate effected this board's climate long term, despite what everyone else claims. It was shitty back then, but it does seem like this place has gone even further down the drain lately.
It was never liberal. It was never political.
Edgy teen grew up and now they have to take up edgy adult political views because now they're aware of the world around them, and the reason Sup Forums ended up this far right is because liberal are winning out there and Sup Forums has always been contrarian.
The only good period of the past couple years was the winter of 2015.
Are you seriously going to pretend that Sup Forums isn't full of edgy meme obsessed teenagers?
I'm not even a liberal, but don't lie to yourselves like that.
You were probably 13-14 back then and didn't fully understand the subject matter or mentality of this site.
That'll be 19.95 plus tip.
Nothing unusual considering 2ch did the same. I'm not speaking politically - I'm speaking more towards conservatism in relation to Sup Forums's culture.
I think i have one in a box somewhere
If you really care that much, install 4chanx and filter all words you don't want to read. It might be censoring, but if you can't handle shitposting or actively reply to it, it's your fault.
Just don't give much of a damn.
Back in the late 90s/early 2000s we had right wing/christian fundamentalists up our asses.
I've been here since like 2011 and I've always liked shitposting here.
when liberalism was hijacked by degenerates
More trap threads.
I thought it was cancer.
It's much worse now.
Viral ended up being a filtered word for a while because of constant over&misuse so that's why people stopped using it
There is a cellphone general on Sup Forums right now.
>Implying we aren't still extremely liberal when it comes to a lot of things
Just look at any not-worksafe board that isn't /h/ or /s/ for five seconds and you'll see a billion faggot threads
Arguably worse than it is now, if not just about the same.
Console war shitposting was pretty much as aggressive, the only difference really was the amount of tripfags that could absolutely effortlessly get full threads over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over
Sweeping shit under the rug doesn't remove the shit. That said any of the words used in a post 95% of the time means "I'm retarded and you can safely ignore my post"
Kek no. Trapfaggotry started taking up Sup Forums by storm in like 2013.
>you will never be a teenager in the 00s again
>late 90s early 2000s
U wot
i dont care for politics nor for news, just for vidya.
Thats what most of you should too.
Thank god, it sucked
Shut up luca
people were bitching about 2010 fags and how Sup Forums wasn't as good as it was in 2007
The reddirt invasion was already over by then. So, shit.
Pre-2007 Sup Forums was the only good Sup Forums
The best time on Sup Forums was the one week after the first Sup Forumsgas
That event caused such a fucking shitstorm
Social Memedia is already dying out, cool your jets. The 'old internet' never went anywhere.
Nah, 2010.
Pedos (really hebephiles) countered by posting barefoot girl models.
Sup Forums is blue Sup Forums
Sup Forums just doesn't know how to ignore things and most people give up on trying to maintain user-moderation.
Atleast we have 4x/ACX
I miss the tripfags.
The best part of the Sup ForumsGAs was seeing all the newfags who didn't catch on the old Sup Forums humor rage hard.
Galo sengan
>The 'old internet' never went anywhere.
Well most of the old sites died and nothing replaced them so in a way, yeah it did.
did he get sucked?
>search interest
there's phone apps for all three of those things
I miss virus ridden embeds and spam
>believing Sup Forums had a political belief
we had nihilism and that's it really