Skyrim Remastered Edition E3

Well they did it, the mad man Todd has planned for E3 is a remastered version of skyrim. Multiple sources confirm it, you need only look yourself. Todd's wallet is ready for your welfare checks, Sup Forums, are you prepared to dish out another $60 for this thing?

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it's still just a rumor. if you trace it back to the source, it's pretty sketchy.

im okay with it though. skyrim's stuck on dx11 and needs some new updates.

Didn't they already do some free HD Texture Download so time ago?

yeah but it wasn't very good because the textures wrap around objects so poorly.

its a relaunch for console mods as well.

I'm actually hoping this is a thing just to see how much it sells.

>remaster comes out
>the cut content isn't added back in

calling it now

Maybe Bethesda let this one leak out in hopes to cloud their true intent of announcing Morrowind remastered or the next elder scrolls.

I'd probably get it, I want to replay Skyrim but my PC a shit.

maybe if it sells a lot we'll get New Vegas HD

>tfw skyrim sold like 30 million copies

Todd's face when Skyrim remaster sells another 10 milly

>skyrim 2 actually becomes a reality

only skyrim is eligible for remaster. morrowind is so old it'd need a full remake in order to sell it in 2016.

TES 6 is Valenwood you cuck don't you dare imply otherwise

i NEED a qt bosmer gf user. I NEED IT!

desu most games suck ass nowadays. I'll probably buy it.

I won't like it. But I'll buy it.

>Next Elder Scolls

It will be Skyrim 2, they are gonna ditch the name. Normies don't even know the elders scrolls is the series.

>stuck on dx11

The fuck is wrong with dx11, it will be fine for another 4 years or so

Why don't they throw in Morrowind/Oblivon 1080p 60fps in there too

why do they hate any fans from before Fallout 3 so much?

You mean DX9.

Skyrim Legendary Edition was like 9$ on some Steam sale. What makes you think they will charge 60$ for the remastered version?

But don't you see the mastery of it all?! Fallout 4 was an empty peice of shit because they were diverting funds and effort into whatever project is being announced now. They get all the money FO4 with a fraction of the work put into it. Oh man oh man, I know TES VI is going to be flawless!

I really would not be surprised in any way if the next game in the series was called Skyrim 2. Bethesda have lost it, and are just chasing every last dollar they can catch

This. Fucking Bethesda.

And I fell for Fallout 4. Hard.

No way it will be valenwood. The consoles would catch fire trying to render a forest.

You hurt everyone when you do this, but worst of all, you hurt yourself the most, user.

it'd probably be for consoles you stupid mustard

Meanwhile the PC version has looked better then any console remaster could for years.

>Rendering the forest
>Not the massive fucking tree the elves live in that moves the fuck around all the time because fucking Elder Scrolls, man

>Wanting a Woman with hideous Scars
>also wanting a filthy elf no less
You're disgusting.

whatever it's on, i don't know. i just know modding skyrim has all sorts of dumb, archaic ram and vram limits that should disappear with an engine update

But we already have mods what would be the point, modded skyrim would look and play better than whatever remaster they would make

Fucking bullshit that Skyrim has no marriageable Bosmer women. Maybe I'll use the console to get Nimriel.

That's some advanced guilt tripping, user. Please spare your future children from that gaslighting torture shit.

black ops 3 on console has some big trees desu

I have 4gb ram and 2gb vram and I can play it modded at constant 60fps

Also with a q9550 CPU

>Not wanting to rape and mindbreak an elf

you're digusting, user

i want suck a cute bosmeri girl's feet

Sorry but Nords have standards and honor. Only milk drinking faggots like thieves would do shady shit like that. Just rip and tear elf scum and continue breeding the master race.

i'm talking about mods. there's all sorts of weird technical limitations when you try to mod it with heavy graphic mods.


>not recognizing the supior merfolk as Dunmer
You filthy N'wah.

>Skyrim Remastered
just found this leaked screenshot

i like dunmer but i just think that bosmer girls will have better shaped feet

dunmer are cool but u have to admit that the women leave something 2 be desired

Will not solve the game's problems, or the engine's problems.

AH yes but then shouldn't a modded remaster be even better?


>Elf thinking it's superior to abother elf.
They're all the same. Wish Ysgramor continued the genocide on all Elves.

more like

>remastered oblivion on current gen

please yes

God I hope not, they need to just ditch that idea, console kids are assholes and keep harassing modders.

>wanted elder scrolls 6 or morrowind remaster
>got an mmo no one wanted, a card game no one wanted, and a skyrim remaster no one asked for

I think you got him and Pelnial mixed up. Get your lore straight bub.

No need to get hyped for this. This is probably only for new gen consoles. They said they ported Skyrim to xb1 when they made Fallout 4.

Btw Bethesda e3 conference is on jun 12th, soon.





it's Skyblivionwind, all the regions in one game

user, its time to give up on this series. I just pay attention to it now out of a morbid curiosity of how low it will sink.

That would be the only good thing, but it won't happen.

Skyrim is the most modded Elder Scrolls game but we didn't think to track and force people to pay for mods. What should we do guise?

But what will I do with all my elder scrolls reaction images?

They still haven't made a game bigger than Oblivion yet so that'd probably be pretty shitty.

>wanting a Bosmer
>filthy cannibal fucking shits
>a MER no less
I want thalmor sympathizers to leave

If we got a Morrowind or Oblivion remake, do you think the Skywind and Skyblivion faggots would kill themselves?

How cute, the Morrowfag thinks a Morrowind remaster is in greater demand.


But bosmer girls are the most beautiful, because of their glamour.

What if... what if... it's actually good...why do I keep turning the other way for them, what the fuck? i was so pissed about fallout 4 the other day no im not fucking shilling or falseflagging

Allegedly, Skywind is going to be at E3 next week. Like, Bethesda is officially supporting them in some way.

I think the reveal is going to be Skyrim remaster + some big news about Bethesda "partnering" with the Skywind team.

>implying Nord
>implying not glorious Imperial
try again nerd

>Todd spreads sweet lies of a Skyrim remake through the journalists
>To distract from the Morrowind remake they actually have planned
mark my words

They want me to trust a remastering job and give them money because...?

They need to remaster fallout 4 first

I wish Nords were still that cool.
Skyrim made them lame and boring.

>buying miss simulator

It's just Skyrim with better graphics. If you liked/hated Skyrim then you'll like/hate this. I don't get what's hard for people here to understand.

Morrowind remaster is only a dream. It will take too much effort. Oblivion too.

morrowind is fallout 1/2 tier in terms of relevancy

Seriously why are you still posting?

Maybe.. maybe more content... they'll surprise us... This must be how my parents are in denial of me

Everyone knows its not, They are fucking depressed that half the fanbase has only played skyrim and think its the best game ever.

Holy fucking shit you guys are dumb.
You listen to games jornalism as a fact without checking sources
It happened time and time again. You idiots think ps4k is a thing thinking NeoGAF is a source
You think the NX remote is a thing
And now this all based off some game writers guess without any comments or hints based off of people I'm Bethesda

Fucking IDIOTS

Its Skyrim with better graphics and mod support, meaning it will have no mod support for consoles since the Skyrim SE exists.

Still the same combat, still the same awful animations, still loading into everything and every part of the world is closed off from each other.

>TES5: Valenwood
>experience Bosmer getting constantly ass ravaged and upset over Khajiits cutting their trees
>Everytime they fight back they just lose
I would pay for that

They sound like a bunch of beta faggots desu

No it is not you dumbfuck. Morrowind was Bethesda's 1st popular game, that won them goty awards and tons of critical acclaim.

not know how to read roman numerals?

When? In the 80s? Come on senpai, you are clutching at dusty turds.

If the update is solely to the fallout 4 iteration of the creation engine I'd already be more than satisfied.

ENB's are nice and all but they're horrible janky, finicky and generally just look either really good in some cases or just God awful in others.

Oblivion isn't a region

Its a typo my man, even then in the post I replied to the user didn't use Roman numerals you goose

Cyradiil is, famalam

That shit still isn't out yet? Damn, they really don't care about anything but the monies.

something nobody else has ever said, daggerfall remake... complete with all 96,000km2 world to explore... complete with all the skills and systems they removed when they dumbed down elder scrolls for morrowind, such as climbing mode, interaction mode, sneaking mode (not just a simple crouch faggots), ropes, 3d map, banking, sailing, real estate, home owning, horses and carts, camping, caution system, speech inflection system, dialogue system, mapping system, etc... everything that todd howard removed to bring in filthy morrowind casuals.

you could probably remake daggerfall in minecraft

can someone explain to me why a person would want to rebuy a 5 year old game?

minecraft is garbage and has no lore or good dungeons to crawl

Maybe they'll add the spears from that one video they did of in house game mods? Oh who am I kidding.

Because kids who bought it at 10 are now 15 and therefore they are 3 years away from being nostalgic over Skyirm

because at the time of it's release, most people played it on decade old hardware. have you seen how poorly the ps3 ran skyrim? it was like 600p, 25fps max, huge load times, and weird glitches everywhere. so there's that.

as well as mods. bethesda's invested heavily in the idea of bringing PC mods to console players. they want to do to skyrim what they're attempting with fallout 4.

lastly, the length doesn't determine much. there have been cases like The Last of Us where it's released on PS3 and then 11 months later it's "REMASTERED" on PS4 and people still bought it by the millions.

Probably a decent amount from the redditors with Skyrim nostalgia

and obsidian is going to make the proper fallout game

Two different eras into one?

>kid who's never played a good beth RPG
opinion disregarded

Fuck you I want Elsewyr