Brand new 32gb wii u with mario kart 8 game bundle is 299$

>brand new 32gb wii u with mario kart 8 game bundle is 299$
>brand new 500gb xbox one with gears of war bundle is 299$

Is Nintendo fucking insane? How do they plan on competing when they are charging such a ridiculous price for a last generation system hardware wise?

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It's basically two generations at this point.

>drop the price to $100
>still no one bought it

pick one.

does xbox even have any games, i never hear about it

>release console in 2012 with slighly better hardware than a 2005 console
>release it for $100 higher than it should be
>never drop the price

Did Nintendo want the Wii U to fail?

Nintendo isn't trying to compete. You have to remember, in Japan the Xbox is as big of a joke as Ouya was.

At this point, only Nintendo fans will buy a Wii U, so there's no point in lowering the price.

>not a single price drop in 4 years

I want a wii u. At this point i might as well wait until the nx comes out but I swear to god if I don't get backwards compatability and Mario maker I'm gonna be fucking pissed.

I think if the Wii U could run without a TV, like you crank games on the main controller on a train by plugging in a wii u.. in your.. bag, and you also had the controller,

That'd make it better

Are you 12?

>it would be a good idea for Nintendo to compete against themselves in the 1 market they dominate.

Good idea m8!

how would the NX be backwards compatible with the wii u when certain games require the wii u gamepad?

>Is Nintendo fucking insane
No, they've just given up on Wii U. Understandably, too, with how much of a blunder it was.

Why slash the price? Production has likely stopped by now, or will stop soon. There's no reason to prioritize market shares over profitability.

It's not like the Wii U has some magic streaming tech in it, it's just bluetooth. I am also doubtful about backwards compatibility's pro-consumer but not pro-console.

lets face it even if it the wii u sold for like $199 no one would be buy it except for resellers

>dominating anything
They lost 80% of their handheld market to mobile. They might be "dominating" the remaining 20% but that's like fighting over a distant 2nd place

Literally just Forza and Sunset Overdrive. Future Forza will be on PC, though.

handheld and mobile aren't the same market.

Well, we aren't in Japan aren't we?

>they fucking called it "Wii U"
fucking LMFAO

I'm still in tears over this shit

My sister owns a Wii U and she's still convinced it's a fucking Wii

How can anyone possibly argue Japanese companies aren't all completely fucking retarded?
The NX is going to blunder too, and when they finally go and try to put Pokemon on phones no children will even remember who the fuck Pikachu even is

americlap detected.

>how would the Wii U be backwards compatible with the Wii when certain games require the wiimotes?

It dropped price once like $50. Not much, but it's better than literally nothing.

If that makes you feel better, sure, but the handheld market still shrunk by 80% generation over generation. DS was their best selling handheld and 3DS will be their worst.

>I think if the Wii U could run without a TV

It can user, it can.

Just reinforces my point that anons idea of turning the wii u into a cumbersome handheld device is retarded.

you can buy wiimotes separately the same cant be said for the gamepad

I-is this what ultimate virginity and autism looks like?

if anything, it went UP

Wasn't this 250?

Nintendo isn't going to lower the price because they're already prepared for low demand. They're not producing any more units.

They don't really drop the price much but they do try to add incentive with more game deals and such. I got my WIIU with two decent games for $250.00, was way worth it to me.

>the same cant be said for the gamepad
If backwards compatibility ends up being a thing I could easily see them selling the gamepads separately

The NX will likely have a touch screen embedded controller again anyway

Oh you're completely right. But the market doesn't cross-over. In this day and age smartphones are basically a requirement. Dedicated gaming platforms are not.

>buying a dead console
what starting a retro youtube channcel?

I don't understand why Nintendos best HDD on the WiiU is 32gb.
I didn't even think a manufacturer would bother to produce 32gb HDDs in this day and age.

The fact they also have a 16gb model is also baffling.

It can, but literally why.

It's just flash memory user.

But I bought it

>dropping their price ever

They are fucking jews, they dont care.
They know theres always kids out there who will ask for their consoles and games and us parents are forced to buy anyway.
Nintendo in my house never again.

>I-is this what ultimate virginity and autism looks like?

Thinking people care about what you play and if you play videogames at all is more virgin and autistic than anything posted here; that shit ended in the mid 00s.

Have you ever played Gears?

>But the market doesn't cross-over.

It does more than you think. The handheld market is made of equal parts hardcore, casual and children, and two of these audiences don't feel the need to carry a dedicated gaming console around anymore.

i doubt it most people dont even care for the wii u library

They're not HDDs you idiot
It's a nand chip that's built right onto the motherboard. And the smaller one was 8gb, not 16


$350 at launch for 32GB version and $300 for 8GB version.

I loved my 360 but I kinda wish I got a ps4 instead of a bone, I can't even think of any exclusives that sound good.

Scale bound looked kinda cringe, recore has never even shown gameplay yet. I e played the first 3 gears so that just sounds like the same shit. Can anybody raise my hopes? Is there something coming that I don't know about? Something fresh

Not him but what's wrong with bringing your 3ds around with you when you go out. You might convince yourself that people around don't care, but that's just like being one of those douchebags that feel like they need to bring a guitar to every social gathering they attend.

that's why the 3DS is still selling at 250, right?

>woah man, just let me shitpost!

it's not that bad, plus the Wii-U is legit the better system of the two.

pull out game weak as fuck

If the NX is releasing in 2017 they might be waiting until the holidays for a price drop.

The NX won't have BC, remastering is a huge market. Apparently Nintendo is already working on Mario Maker and Splatoon ports for the console launch.

360 was pretty sweet sometime before the kinect era came along
Id buy a ps4 but there are only a handful of games that interest me ie bloodborne, lack of backwards compatability is also disappointing

>Shit console with all shit games
>Shit console with mostly shit games
Seems good to me.
If anything its a loss to the xbone

Everything that's on xbox is on PC except maybe one or two games. Plus you have to pay for Xbox Live. There's not really any reason to get one.

I actually got one after the price drop

>The Wii U was outsold by the GameCube

Not saying that playing videogames in public is dumb, but if you bring an entire wii u and play that in public... That's another story and another level on the spectrum entirely.

you have to pay for PS+ too
nothing is safe

>Xbone spring bundle
>1tb Hard drive
>Halo 5, Gears Ult Edition, Rare Replay and Ori
Looks pretty promising, amigo.

Paying for online will be the norm. I'll be really surprised if the NX doesn't also switch to paid online.

Would you buy a Wii U RIGHT NOW, if it was $99?

>wanting Nintendo

I have never seen a kid with a 3DS in public, ever.

Depends on the context. If I was travelling somewhere and had a wii u with me and a few hours to kill I'd go to a Starbucks and set it up and not give a fuck.

But then I've spent hours in cafes watching tv on my phone and drinking beers. So...

The Wii U is not worth it for Mario Maker alone. To be honest just wait a few months after the NX comes out. Re-releasing games onto newer consoles seems to be a trend with Nintendo.

Imo the Wii U is nintendo's most worthless console. Nothing worth playing for more than a week or challenging to the gaming scene. The Wii sucked but it also had games like Mario Galaxy, etc.

I wouldn't want to own one if you paid me $99

Damn that would be painfully cold.

oh good.

Forza has always been a decent series. It took what GT and GT2 did right and improved upon it. Where Gran Turismo itself focused more and more on HIGH FIDELITY SIMULATION shit, Forza remembered that it was a video game and was supposed to be fun.

But racing games aren't worth buying a whole console.

>$100 to spend on whatever you want
>free console to boot
>I wouldn't want this
You're such a fucking faggot

This is what you'd look like to anyone around you. Don't do that.

>the Wii U was outsold by the GameGear

Can I throw the Wii U away after you give me the $99?

Then I might do it, but definitely not if I have to keep it in my home

>Us parents

Yeah totally. Honestly now I'd argue it even does the simulation aspect better than Gran Turismo. GT cars never felt like they had very much weight to them. Also Forza loves putting mid-class consumer cars in their games which I've heard tons of people have used in the past before going car shopping.

The NX is likely a portable so there won't be any controllers, and will definitely not be BC with Wii U.

They take forever to make GT games and I feel like they don't really have a good reason to take as long as they do because Forza is better at this point.

>we took 8 years to look at these cars now here look at this game where half the cars don't have proper damage models or cockpit view!

Are the games still $60?
no thanks.
>no they're going to be priced sanely at $30~ and have good sales at the $5-10 range
sure why not

otherwise i'll stick with pc sorry ninty.

>Also Forza loves putting mid-class consumer cars in their games which I've heard tons of people have used in the past before going car shopping.

This was one of the best parts of early GT games. Getting that mazda miata as a starter car.

It's money, just take it. I know you're used to doing things for free, but for once you actually get compensated.

You do realise Xbox one ( as in first one) barely beat the game cube right?

There's a slight difference, user.

But given that you'll be surrounded by people using laptops, Kindles, books, I pads etc. I don't think any of the people around me would notice a wii u game pad and they definitely wouldn't care.

I mean fuck, I'm pretty self conscious but caring about strangers in a train station starbucks is next level.

But I get hot pockets for my all my hard work, I do get compensation.

It was Microsoft's first step into the console market, they didn't know what the fuck they were doing and killed the first Xbox early to (very successfully, I might add) apply everything they had learned with it's successor

What's Nintendo's excuse?

Right? GT 6 has 1200 cars compared with Forza's 400-600. Sounds like GT would be better in that department, but only a slim fraction of those cars are fully complete, while Forza has all interiors and their neat list Vista thing for all cars. Forza's quality vs GT's quantity.

>Apple and a hipster fade with matching hipster glasses..
Kill it with fire.

There is no difference. People will think "can't this idiot get away from his toy and leave it at home for a few hours/days?" either way.

People here have a huge problem with self image. They think everyone is constantly watching them and judging their every move. I have that issue myself. This is learned after years of abuse from family members and peers, and Sup Forums doesn't exactly help either when everything is "2/10 wouldn't bang or "You look like a cuck".

It's basically a sickness of the mind.

don't even try to pretend that nintendo didn't fail hard. they had a strong brand in the industry, microsoft had none. they still were last place.

typical neogaf poster

>It's basically a sickness of the mind.

It's called becoming an adult. I know that a lot of people here believe the exact opposite and that growing up means stopping thinking about what other people think, but that's what children and actual autists do.

That's why you shave, dress appropriately, don't put a fedora over your head and broadcast your MLP love to the world.


>hipster fade

do you call barbers haircut people, user?

it's time to go outside.

Is that being though by the people who are photographing their cappuccino and taking selfies?

Again, no one gives a fuck what you're doing. You have no idea how oblivious the general public are.

>do you call barbers haircut people


The sad part is when you find out

I found out

It seems you have trouble discerning between a socially acceptable practice and one that isn't. Ask yourself why you don't even see people taking selfies with a tablet ever, and when they do every neck in the vicinity turns to their direction.

It's got all of the multiplatforms the Wii U couldn't even hope of running but if you've got a PS4 or PC that's not of much value.

Still, it's nuts that the Wii U is the same price. Basically no storage, no Blu-ray, drastically inferior media capabilities, drastically inferior graphics. I mean, the Xbone is kinda crap in its own way when compared to its direct competitor, compared to the Wii U it's a next-gen machine.

Mother was a professional stylist and used to do my hair. Lost her battle with cancer so I had to start going to other barbers in my 20s. Fucking awkward as hell.