So this game is out on steam.
Anybody grabbed it?
It's really nice so far
Stranger of Sword City
It's pretty much Operation Abyss 2.0, but thankfully with slightly less convoluted menus. Not by much though.
I got it and I cant beat that hydra lineage without losing people permanantly
nobody is supposed to die ;_;
hopefully someone posts the Sup Forums team.
I spent 4 hours making these portraits and then creating all my characters. Now it's finally time to actually play.
Absolute madman.
I've had it on the Xbone for a while and only just managed to beat the Hydra after being stuck for a few weeks.
What composition do you have?
double fighter and knight front
healer archer and mage back
Im pretty sure healer is awful though
Healer is fucking great later on. They get a mana switch ability and an auto-mp regen so your mages are always fighting fit.
Should I replace my dancer with an archer ?
I think Dancers are better. They do less damage but if you get them to dual wield different status ranged weapons they're great for disrupting and mild supporting.
dual class instead though
> paying for drm cancer instead of pirating
Healers get buffs that last the entire dungeon run, and also have the ability to put up a wall that keeps enemies from stripping you of buffs. Furthermore, a dual class Cleric/Wizard can cast buffs three times in a single shot. Your appointed Wizard and Cleric should always class into their opposite class and become hyper damage/support batteries. Your other four characters can easily be any other class with that taken care of.
A Ninja helps immensely, though, due to the nature of Assassination ignoring defense. A character on Assassination duty typically won't need other skills, unless you're fighting against a giant HP sponge, in which case it's nice for them to have Star Step or Genocide as a fallback.
Don't rely too much on Hunter's Secret for unlimited damage output, as the toughest enemies in the game simply spam unavoidable low-mid damage AOE all over your party; breaking that character's unlimited concentration. In such cases, it's better to simply sacrifice the turn to use a normal Concentrate and have your damage assured the next.
Digital Cyber Demons shouldn't be allowed
>green text faggot
anyway, moving on.
spoonfeed me then, or else I toss my money to the jews
>stranger sword city
>drink bleach
>play game
Shill me, I'm a sucker for turn based combat / strategy.
>the toughest enemies in the game simply spam unavoidable low-mid damage AOE all over your party
Shouldn't I just class everyone into knight once for that sweet 1/2 damage skill?
Well I'm still two hours in, so I guess it doesn't matter anyway.
It's wizardry but not as extreme
You can put your own custom portraits
Can you post them?
Played some until I got 3 of my party down. Need like a day for them to revive.
I expected dolphin porn but it's actually legit.
How the heck do I beat the Hydra in the Slums? I always die because he does this dumb double attack that kills my whole backline.
Get a knight
Grind until you get some decent equipment
Is there no way to recover life points?
You will eventually in any case, yes. I couldn't speak for the frequency of the skill activating, mind you. I don't even know if there's an alert for it that lets you know it has activated.
You sure as shit get a warning when enemies activate an exactly identical skill, though, and it happens with extraordinary frequency; so get used to dealing half damage.
What do archers scale with, AGI?
you can but it takes forever and if its early game that guy is getting a permanent bench
bump for this
I'm pretty sure they're using the same stat system as Demon Gaze so STR for attacks but having AGI is very useful for their attack to always hit and get the first turn for support items and stuff
You also need high AGI for proper dual wielding in any class
>Actually bothering to roll instead of just using cheat engine
Rolling for a stat bonus on character creation is a fucking retarded mechanic, especially when the only restriction is your patience.
You can make your own characters from jpg files or something?
I can't help but laugh at the one kinda creepy dude in the group being th emost normal of the bunch but standing out the most
Any picture, preferably;y with transparency.
Oh shit that's really nice
Going to pirate it and see if it's worth getting
Is there any story to it?
Any good female knight portraits? There are none in game
Just tell yourself there's a lady in it.
She's great, though.
why is this being shilled so hard
its a literal mobile phone tier dungeon crawler with anime waifus fuck off
>It's a mobile game
There's that meme again
>3 knights front
>2 wizards 1 cleric back
>everyone age 60 for +20 skill points
>30 for INT for wizards and clerics
>30 VIT for knights
Good? Bad? Just want to safely nuke faggots from the back row
SoSC's main quality that seperates it from the others is that unlike most modern DRPGs, its not a Panty Quest. and is much closer to oldschool style games
If anyone gets crit'd, they are gone, so have fun with living dangerously.
Post portraits
I'm shit at this, so you're free to tidy up the images
>Is there any story to it?
Like a 50 hour campaign
>using multiples of the same class
I wish I didn't have autism
how do rows work?
Is there front, mid, back or just front and back?
I cant load all my custom portraits in the options. It only lets me load 1. How do I load the rest?
For your party, just a front and back
For enemies, you have front, mid, and anything beyond that is back, so you have your basic short range weapons, mid range weapons like spears that can hit front and mid range, and then longer range can hit everything.
You also have the trick weapon skill that makes your weapon range infinite which is one of the best skills a dancer can give you for half the game.
Thanks user.
Do you know what the special weapons are? I saw ninja have ability to use them.
Special weapons are odd shit you aren't going to see for some time, I think only dancers and ninjas get the skill to use them.
What's up with all these new acronyms? They're dungeon crawlers.
the macho man one is bad and you should feel bad.
DRPG and Dungeon Crawler are synonomous
Can anyone finish this for me? Removing the rest of the background. I dont know how to get close to the border without the pic looking jagged and my skills are limited. I can do the 4 different size versions myself. Just the transparency is hard.
Would anyone be interested in pic related?
Yeah but not in 3D
If she had huge knockers sure
t.shit taste
For damage, STR
For reference for people in this thread, 25 AGL will get rid of the dual wield penalty.
Have almost zero experience with dungeon crawlers. Is this a bad one to start with? Heard it's pretty difficult even on the lowest difficulty.
>make new layer above image
>trace outline using pen or line tool, whatever
>magic wand the outside
>switch back to base layer
Its plays like something really old so unless you are a retro fag this isnt a good start.
Just erase it as best as you can, then if it still looks bad on the edges, give it a nice black 1px border for that cartoonish look.
Ok, I'm sold, i'm downloading this asap.
The game's main sell point is to use custom portraits for units, right? Anything else?
Laptop..I could do this but..laptop..fuck damnit
Thanks though. Ill borrow a mouse or something
Ill try this. Itll be a while
50 hour campaign
>mfw fast-apply and auto-move
Fuck yes
This is the kind of shit EO needs
This any better? I just use GIMP's free select tool to trace the outline of a picture, invert the selection, and hit delete.
Is this game similar to Class of Heroes, or is it a more casual Dungeon Crawler (A la Etrian Oddyssey).
Loved both despite being too easy (The last boss in Class of Heroes 2 was Lv. 50, while my entire party was already in the 80's-90's range by the end of the game, which made me almost one-shot the final boss with a Unison Attack).
Is it as unbalanced as Eliminage (In how bullshit it is) or badly designed (Like Unchained Blades)?
All in all, is it a good dungeon crawler? I love me some grind.
ten hours in and it's pretty fucking solid overall
Ok, same user.
Got it from IGG.
Is there a sub-folder with in-game art?
I had my own, but damn they're all so pretty.
I told you, man
holy shit user
saved, using this. Thanks
If it's anything like Strange Journey- I'll be OK with it.
DRPG's are one of my favorite genres, next to (real) Roguelikes.
If I have a "Hit -1" on a armor I equipped, does it means I lost a point in accuracy or the enemy does lose one when targeting me?
Any time equipment states it does something to your HIT in the stats, it's your accuracy.
it affects you
>Not using Tactics Ogre character art
You get less hit chance aka accuracy
Does anyone know what luck does yet?
Just about to start doing this
I assume it helps with dodge, crits, traps, discovery, etc.
>unlike most modern DRPGs, its not a Panty Quest
I can only think of Demon Gaze and Dungeon Travelers 2.
I was going to buy this for Vita then I heard about the improved PC version.
I was going buy it for PC but then I heard the Vita is getting an even better version.
So fuck them I'm just pirating.
It has its share of bullshit at times, but nowhere near as bad as Elminage. In terms of style, it's an oldschool game closer to Class of Heroes and Elminage than more modern ones like Etrian Odyssey and Unchained Blades.
exactly, they arent exactly a popular genre
Fuck this game with a rake
I just can't conceive how you can even finish that game, it's so fucking hard
Is there a good run down somewhere on stats? I haven't got a clue what certain classes want/need.
So far, I've got:
Fighters: Str/Vit
Knights: Vit
Samurai: Str/Agi/Vit?
Wizard: Int
Cleric: Pie
Ranger: Str?/Agi
Ninja: Str/Agi
Dancer: Str?
Am I missing something?
It seems to affect all the niggling stats a bit, such as hit and avoid get a generally small boost from it, but also spell enhancement gets boosted slightly by it, and the identify and trap picking shit gets boosted. It probably also has an effect that's hard to notice on certain class skills as well.
Do I go PIE or INT for Clerics? I assume light because then PIE would have no reason to exist, but im not sure.
I would make sure Wizard has t least 10 piety and cleric has 10 wisdom for multiclassing purposes
Let me know when you finish with the TO art, user.
PIE for clerics, INT for wizards, prepare for cleric to get better resistance.
>not having a party of 6 knights
kill yourselves, magic-wielding scum
I just found a butterfly
Should I kill it or leave it?
It's a bioshock kind of decision?