Why did this game receive so much hate on release?

Why did this game receive so much hate on release?
Was it just because muh grafix and poor framerate?
I just picked it up on the cheap and I'm having a blast, everything about the audio in this game is really cool

The final boss


its a decent game but IMO its the weakest in its series

Poor framerate and "Offensive" writing

That said
I love it

>poor framerate

If your referring as to why the general public didn't like it, that's because it's a niche jap game with a shit frame rate and poor graphics.
If you're referring to Cavia fans it's because most of them expected it to have he same tone and similar characters to Nier or D1 and didn't like that it was different from both.

I read the LP of 1.

Is it still good to play the game for the experience even then?

If you really like Taro's stuff it's worth it.

Is it really that hard? Compared to the first Drakengard it looks like a fucking cakewalk.

>Reading Dark "I was a problematic person. I'm so sorry my SJW friends please forgive me. Let me lick your boots for forgiveness" ID's LP

Makes me wonder how people are going to respond to Automata. People should know by now he doesn't do the same thing twice, especially with how different D3 was from D1.

Honestly, I loved the offensive writing too. It felt unfiltered and unsanitized, which is not something you see much of these days. With that said, it could have used a bit more variety then just sex jokes, although I found them amusing.

All I want from Automata is to not be the usual Platinum game where you get a corridor for a chapter with several fights strung in it and you get graded in medals on how well you fight.

Fuck that shit. I want a story above all else. In fact


I expect a lot of people who only played Nier to be very upset upon the release of the game and for threads to be filled with shitposting.

They already said they were going to make it something like Ocarina of Time

The game flat out blacks out and the camera zooms away. The input delay is also worse than Drakengard 1.

So I take it once I finish 3 I should play nier

Yes and if you also really like that give D1 a shot too.

I gave D1 a shot a while back, but it was laggy as fuck on PCSX2.
I think I'll just have to dig out the ol' ps2 and find a copy.

And that last fucking note

Because it's a pretty bad game and the humour got rather obnoxious with how often the characters were bitching about the shitty level design and tedious encounters. Being self-aware that your game isn't very fun doesn't change that it isn't very fun.

Even in terms of gameplay it was a massive step down from the quality of Nier which wasn't great in the first place, but idiots loved to deflect that with a Donte's white hair argument of "you just expected it to be the same game and are mad that it's different!".

The story is the interesting part while the gameplay is tedious arse and most reviewers didn't even play past ending A.

But that was the best part.

It requires an entirely different skill set. Drakengard 1's music battle was based on recognising the two ring colours with your eyes and inputting the pattern to break them. DOD3's music battle is based on copying the pattern sent out to you with your ears and sense of rhythm, and it actively fucks with you if you're trying to use your eyes to do it.

So did Squeenix ever bother to fix the broken Japanese voices in the Euro version? It took me a month from release to finish the game and they still hadn't patched it by then.

It's way harder than the first game's last boss

>It requires an entirely different skill set
Pretty much. Drakenagard 1 is just can you hit the right buttons fast enough. Drakengard 3 requires you to have precision

Might as well ask here. There's a english patch for Nier Replicant. Not perfect but there is. I also bought the regular Nier version (Gestalt). I know it's basically the same game but which one should I play first?

I like it better than Nier or Drakengard 1

The translation patch for RepliCant is just an insertion of Gestalt's script into it, so it's not even accurate as the two have different dialogue.
Just play Gestalt.

Is Automata going to have most of its lore and story hidden behind dlc and Japan exclusive side material again?

I dunno.

I really hope we get more info soon.

I'm not saying the final boss is bad, but it's part of why it got so much hate

Reviewers never even reached the final boss and most of Sup Forums knew what they'd be getting into. The final boss is hardly what got the game "hate", if anything the final boss just garnered bewildered frustration.

Which leads to hate

At e3 hopefully

Me too

>The input delay is also worse than Drakengard 1.
Ah ok. Makes sense. I love me some rhythm mechanics but if that's the case then FUCK.

It's just so many things. The 20-30 fps, the fact that you die in one hit and have to repeat a whoole 5-6 minutes song again and skip 2 cutscenes each time and the last thrid is just balck with a note totally out of sync 30 seconds after music stops while dialouge is playing

I like Drakenard 1 is the best in the series but 3 is cool too


I really fucking like the first games soundtrack but I hate pretty much everything else about it

Camera fucks your shit up
You have to do it for the WHOLE song which is 8 minutes
>That's not that long though
It is when you can die on one fuck up and have to start over.
There are also those phantom notes, and the part with three's camera zoom in at the end of her segment. Unless you are musically trained it's a pain in the ass.

That being said I've never felt more of a mix of relief and stress in a boss fight. Nor, the feeling I got when I finally beat it after 5 days of trying. Fucking Taro Magic.

Shit framerate
Obnoxious, juvenile humor
Story doesn't get interesting until Branch B
Tons of weapons, yet few boss fights fought on foot
Fuck you final boss.
People probably won't play long enough to see the protagonist for who she truly is, instead of the edgy, selfish unlikable cunt she's introduced as

I still like it

I got to the last note and died and couldn't get back to it for another 3 hours. I was so fucking happy when I beat it though

Taro is a complete hack that has made nothing but garbage his entire career

yes, he also has obnoxious female fans who care about magazine polls

That first bitch just spoiled the game to everyone that hasn't played it yet, what a cunt.

I agree with all of that.

It's still one of my favourite games ever

Huh, I never noticed that. Good thing you posted the best girl, though.

She's not my favorite but I like her.

I unironically like the all the edge going on in this game. I need to get this soon.

And who is your favorite?

Toss up between 5 and 0.

I get Zero but I'll never get why you guys like Five. Is it her delicious body?

I like her armor.

Her curiosity, airheadedness, urges to find out the meaning of happiness or art, wacky adventures with Dito. Stuff like that I think was kinda cute even if he was a bit cruel sometimes like when he tortured a village because she wanted meat. I also liked that she tried to become a better leader even if you could consider it selfish. Plus her design is great and she wields best spear.

Not him but the more awful a human being the character is, the more I like them usually. That's why Four is my favourite and Two is my least favourite.

Wait what is this? How broken are we talking about here?
I was planing to get the game

>he he he
she*. Brain please stop it.

>You will never play onii-chan Nier
Feel fucking bad man

>We will never get armoured Five

You should play EYE. It might become a fetish fuel for you.

I'll admit that she has one of the best looking weapons. I have a weak side for holy looking weapons used for brutal acts.

It's funny because from my point of view Five is the most human because of how she's obsessed with finding happiness and how she'll harm anything in her surroundings for her own pleasure.

I've never said this before but I wish we got some costumes DLCs, armoured Five looks so good.

>No Drakengard 1 and 2 in PSN
Well shit

>You will never have snu-snu with Two.

Drakengard 1 has always been dirt cheap in places like Amazon or ebay.

I like the ara~ara~ types.

Oh yes, this is definitely going to fuel some deviancy. Thank you, user.

I tried to play Cybermancy but I had no idea what the fuck was happening so I just stopped.

>Is it her delicious body?

I liked how she was a gigacunt to that one soldier/generally carried the bantz with her and before Zero offed her she was actively getting her shit together/being a less horrible person/maybe even learning to find happiness in the happiness of others. I find her interesting and, while she was mostly deplorable, nice characters are less interesting to follow narratively. I also like Four for this reason.

Also aesthetically I love her armor and hair and weapon choice (spear girls are always best girl unless there is a gun girl, and even then it might be a tossup).

La La La

t b h


I wouldn't mind that. Cosmetic only DLCs are always fine with me. That with a detailed model viewer would be great.

If you actually play it, you gonna need this. Don't you become a dirty fucking Jian.

Gameplay wise, pic related will help. Story wise it's a cluster fuck with horrible translation. Very little good will come if you try to understand it. But, here's a summary of the story. Huge spoilers:

Rimanah sent his wife to investigate a forbidden location, for whatever reason. She came back and was caught. He ordered her tortured to death to try to hide his own role in her crime.

Consumed by guilt he slipped into insanity and was trapped in an ever-reoccurring dream (the game's campaign).

In this dream he relived his past experiences with the E.Y.E., searching for an alien artifact and waging war on the Federation, while also fighting with his own guilty conscience. Every iteration of the dream culminated in Rimanah killing himself.

Occasionally, he experienced a certain moment of clarity, becoming aware of the truth and speaking to a figment of his imagination that appeared to him as his dead wife, Circe. But this was only temporary and he soon fell back into the dream cycle, doomed to repeat it forever.

dude why spoil it

Already have that pic, thanks anyway. I would rather not get spoiled even if I don't get it anyways.
Also Dance-On-Dragoon when?

that body is made for sex



The pubes are the best thing in that pic, don't be a pleb user.

This user knows what's up

Jesus fuck this looks complex. This will be the first thing I play when I get my New PC.

Valkyr in Warframe kinda reminds me of Zero.

Honestly, following Two's story pays off. Hers is my favorite DLC out of the bunch. I still have no idea what caused the pic related but I find it interesting.

Jeezaloo, I put in spoiler tags.

Getting the story in EYE requires great effort and many hours poured into the game. It's by far worse than our beloved Drakengard in that regard.

You know what, a full blown DoD rhythm game would be fucking great.

If you stick to it, high level gameplay can be fun. I wish I had some of my old webms to post.

>One just wanted to make the world a better place
>Her very existence is meant to destroy the world

Being One is suffering

The children turning into the Homunculus?

Cent used Two's song and she couldn't control it. Same reason her soldiers went insane.