Hello Sup Forums can you recommend me games to play with a 30yo female who never played videogames?

hello Sup Forums can you recommend me games to play with a 30yo female who never played videogames?

she grew in farm/small town poor without any kind of vidya, grew in a farm and doesn't play facebook or any other kind of games either.

so there's no clue as to genres and themes

and the occasion is a weekend spent together, and i will be only using this as a timewaster for us, its not that she wants to get into vidya or anything.

and ofc, it can be 1 or 2 player

only restriction is it needs to run on a toaster laptop, dial core 1.5 GHz 2GB ram, so i was thinking that with luck some simpler PS1 games might run and perhaps N64, but surely any 5th gen emulators would and PC games pre 2005 more or less

What I recommend for your imaginary waifu, because you are full of shit, is an nes/SNES emulator and a bunch of classic games like Link to the past, Super Mario, Tetris etc. Maybe one of the final fantasy's

Rapelay is pretty good.

Castle Crashers
Battle block theater

First of all, don't play FPS games, the perspective messes up new gamers and she won't be able to control it.
What you want is a classic platformer or if you're trying to play coop, an arcade beatemup
Also if you're on a toaster, psx/n64 emulation will be pretty bad because your CPU is shit

Farming Simulator

Mario party. 10 turns. Easiest AI. Let her win, but be cute about it.

Mario 3d world. Let her set the pace.

Mario kart. Easiest AI. Let her win.

Second, literal idiots can play castle crashers

too slow, farm sims are more fit to kill some eons and playing alone.

>What you want is a classic platformer or if you're trying to play coop, an arcade beatemup

suspected as much, from early on i was a PC fag with RTS, FPS, 3PS, somehow i wouldn't think a woman would see appeal on castevania, metroid, and not having been much into those genres i couldnt think of a simple and fun platformer or beat em up

>Castle Crashers
>Battle block theater
i just checked them out, look simple and fun, thanks!

>the perspective messes up new gamers
What the fuck are you babbling about? I was playing Wolf3D, Doom, and Descent when I was in grade school.

>Let her win
Sup Forums is for real gamers. Please leave now.

Goat simulator

Put it in her butt

yes, but being 30yo i will only be able to put it in the morning, afternoon and before bed, she lives alone in a cold small town with nothing to do and it will probably be raining a lot this weekend

forgot to mention it will be valentines day,
>Sup Forumsirgin killing time on valantine wih recently acquired girlfriend
>better plan some vidya time

>Sup Forums is for autists please leave now
There corrected it for ya

>implying purposly losing benefits anyone
How will she git gud then?

Anything with a very stable camera.

Casuals/non-gaymers get motion sickness from first person games, and anything where your eyes have to go back and forth a lot probably gives them headaches. Doom is out of the question for a beginner. Tetris is a maybe, but Pac-Man is a definite yes.

Bitches love Pac-Man.

>implying that you play games to be good at them
Maybe play games for fun not to be better than some irrelevant faggots

>he's never met a woman
My girlfriend doesn't like to git gud. She gets frustrated, gives up, and quits.

And this is a girl who grew up playing fucking SNES.

I should also mention that bitches love puzzle games in general. Legend of Zelda is good for them. Combat's pretty casual too.

If all else fails, give her Dark Souls 3 and pit her against Nameless King

The perspective is disorienting for new players trust me. They can't move while controlling the camera and vice versa, it takes time getting used to it.
Age has nothing to do with it, that's like saying that because you used a computer when you were 5 a 70 year old who doesnt have a clue about technology should know how to use it too

>Maybe play games for fun
See my first post
>Sup Forums is for real gamers. Please leave now.

Have her fuck you with a strap on you gay faggot

God, why are you so proud of being an antisocial faggot

Dark souls
git gud

Dark souls should let her win. Cause she's a female and or else she'll
>She gets frustrated, gives up, and quits

Journey with online connection and no explanation of gameplay
Portal 2 co-op
Crash Bandicoot 2
The Last of Us on easy, having fun as she is scared to continue