Mfw StarFox Zero failed

>mfw StarFox Zero failed

Other urls found in this thread:

>mfw nobody's doing a fucking squilliam collage this year

shame, we had a good haul this year

Why not?

>People thought Star Fox Zero would save Nintendo
>One of these people was Miyamoto
>MFW he was LITERALLY put in charge of making the WiiU gamepad desirable and SFZ was all he could come out with
>MFW other devs made the gamepad look desirable just by using it to enhance games as opposed to building games around
>MFW Miyamoto failed in your lifetime

>MFW Miyamoto failed in your lifetime
he's been doing this for a while now, thats how we got StarFox Adventures and Sticker Star

hoping PlayTonic tries again with pic related

>Sticker Star

I don't think Miyamoto commenting that it looked a bit samey to TTYD meant "fuck the game's shit up monumentally"

>Comparing Adventures to Sticker Star

>Adventures evolved the series and did something new
>Sticker Star removed all story elements and regressed back to "Stop Bowser, save Peach"
>Adventures doesnt punish you for not doing something very specific
>Sticker Star shits on you if you did not use the very sticker that cripples the boss

It just doesnt work

No, Playtonic cant touch it, Nintendo owns it. Either they'd make a spiritual take, or Nintendo has them remaster Star Fox Adventures, which cannot be altered to what you think. Sabre is dead

But didnt he suggest for Dinosaur Planet to be turned into a StarFox game?
Because that certainly fucked up the original idea

I dunno about Dinosaur Planet desu

>dumb furfag who wants his m'grill in the game
abandon thread

Wow OP you sure are dedicated!

>Sabre is dead
He wasnt in Adventures, who the fuck owns him?

Notice the actual discussion before you faggots came in?
Im sorry Zero killed your precious series, but please think before you speak

>mfw your thread on trash is still super dead

Originally Rares, it was literally their version of OoT, but got converted into Star Fox. HOnestly who gives a shit because.

>Rare went to shit even before they got bought out
>Neo-Rare killed every old IP they had, the collection is quite obvious they dont care anymore
>Young Conker, do I need to get into this?
>Banjo also got fucked hard
>Their CEO refuses to have their old IPs remade to current gen systems, told fans to fuck off
>Rare being dicks to everyone and even themselves

Microsoft probably

>Star Fox Zero failed
>sequel never so Krystal is forever non canon

sad day

>mfw dogshit furry waifu representative of decline of classic series gets retconned

What's with all the samefag

Katt sucked in Zero too, dumbass

>Implying Zero's a reboot

Remember how Sakamoto tried saying fuck you to the Prime series? Didnt convince anyone, in this case it didnt convince Japan.

>Next to no SFZ specific fanart
>Pic related has everyone in here even though they dont show up until after
>More artwork of her still made from both Japan and the west

>Implying retconned
>From the same faggot that went into a bitchfit Bayonetta stole her place

nobody ever said that Star Fox Zero was going to """""save""""" Nintendo

Stop projecting

>mfw Other M bombed
>ForceFed is next

>you actually thought this was clever

I can post Shantae too.
Im so funny.

>Adventures evolved the series

Into massive furry pandering and story arks nobody asked for

I just want a sequel to 64, and as shit as it was Star Fox Zero is what we got

At least Shantae still has a chance of being in Smash eventually

Krystal doesn't, cause she was retconned

Except people did

>This game's HOYYYPE
>This will save the WiiU!

Then the excuses came about when it turned out to be shit

SFZ specific fanart is just SF64 specific fanart.

Where was the fanart for SF64HD?

>>Remember how Sakamoto tried saying fuck you to the Prime series?
only Metroidfags in Sup Forums said that Sakamoto is jealous of the Metroid Prime series. this is what happen when you don't do your research after 6 years of bitching.

he fucking loves Metroid Prime

who are you quoting

Shhh no tears

I couldn't even bother finishing the game, it just made me want to go back to playing 64.


>At least Shantae still has a chance of being in Smash eventually
>western indy character
>any chance
That's adorable, Sakurai said Krystal was on the same level as a Dry Bones for getting into Smash but Shantae? Not even remotely comparable to a common Mario mook

the game was fun but needed more content

>Thinking indieshit will ever make it over a Nintendo character

In the end, you still bitched more than everyone else.

Wolffags bitched more than Krystalfags did

Myself. I'm a genius

Feels good man

no idea

still hilarious people still blaming Krystal over why Zero is flunking and the actual problems of previous titles. (i.e. Assault's linearity, Command's controls and storytell. etc.)

also, flustered Smash Bros degenerates

Nintendo chooses what they want to revive regardless of sales

Nintendo has a pattern this entire gen if you haven't noticed

There's always a lot of fucking sequels to stretch out concepts for better or worse, Tropical Freeze, 3D World, Robobot, Color Splash, The Last Ranger, Pushmo, Pikmin 4 is already confirmed to exist etc

I'm guaranteeing you that NX WILL have a Star Fox Zero sequel

Which is honestly a positive

Star Fox Zero had problems within the game outside controls but t was still a great Star Fox game fundementally and improved gameplay in All range

A sequel with more creativity and a better handle with things like the level map, and control options is going to make it great

>But didnt he suggest for Dinosaur Planet to be turned into a StarFox game?

By the time they were making it they were pretty much sold to Microsoft. Would Nintendo really fund a brand new IP that they'd be immediately be handing to Microsoft?

Nintendo as a whole most likely wanted the game to be their property and not Rare's.

no mii costume


>Mii costume =/= consideration

Because it worked out so well for the K Rool supporters, they were fucking pissed over that and probably still hold that grudge. Same for the remaining Geno group

I was surprised Geno was even ACKNOWLEDGED
Genofags should've been happy

Krystalfags are scum.

Krystal herself is nothing special but if given a retool could be a decent character.

>Kuck rooler: "it's consolation prize guys! He clearly still cares about muh gay king croc!"
Sakurai didn't even bother question about the K.Rool costume outside talking about wanting Geno and Lloyd in Smash

>K.Roolfags still delusional after their kroc got kicked out of their own series

Are you implying we DONT want her to have personality?




This. Since when did Sup Forums start being so friendly to furry scum? 10 years ago these fucks would have been strung up by their own diapers

>that second line in the highlighted part
What did they mean by that?

Change her backstory, change her personality, change her outfit to something that fits in with the Star Fox team

Erase everything to do with adventures/assault and start fresh.

Since when did Sup Forums start being friendly towards autistic avatar-fagging shits like yourself?

still won't save Zero from flunking, pham

so whats the best level in each game?

still funny how a boss from Assault is in Zero as well

not Zoness

>aka monstergirlfags think they are better than furry waifus
loving every laugh

Fun fact

Miyamoto did Zero because he wanted to

Star Fox 64 3D didn't actually sell to the point of guaranteeing the return

He just wanted to

Sales are irrelevant sometimes

I love puffy vulvas

>Literally who company that only got known a decade after their starting point
>Complains about muh 07 days yet is avatarfagging

Shantae is indie shit as implied by Wayforward themselves

>Profits made from the games they build for other companies is used to fund Shantae or their own games
>Implying that isnt indieshit

He also ruined Paper Mario because he wanted to

>Sales are irrelevant sometimes

Get fucked, you could pass this off for 643D, but not Zero.

>Splatoon sold over a million in less than a month when it released, a year before the death of the WiiU
>Zelda and most likely every other game that followed that year before Zero did better

Even mentions it

The only thing that'll save Zero currently are fixes to problems like gameplay, online being a thing and more content added like extra missions, And That will never come.

I'm talking about the next game.

>Game series that desperately needs a sequel only gets one if Miyamoto feels like using it as a guinea pig for his latest innovative ideas

>At least Shantae still has a chance of being in Smash eventually


>Miyamoto did Zero because he wanted to
>Star Fox 64 3D didn't actually sell to the point of guaranteeing the return
actually no, Miyamoto literally said to buy 643D so he "revive" Star Fox.
and after seeing it outsold Command and passed 750k, Nintendo considered it as a success. they even gave it a Nintendo Select.

>Sales are irrelevant sometimes
not for shit like Command and Zero, Star Fox went into a coma for nothing.

>mfw the MGfag butthurt over Cait Sith/Cu Sith

>they even gave it a Nintendo Select.

Not in the US they havent, so no.

>mfw Matt "Ruseman" Bozon literally tricked Shantaefags as if she was going to be in Smash one day

>implying NoA matters
all the released Selects is literally fucking scarce while EU/AUS got mostly everything

should have had krystal in it

>At least Shantae still has a chance of being in Smash eventually
>being THIS delusional

I agree

shantae autist scurried away to the hugbox thread after getting BTFO lmao

>At least Shantae still has a chance of being in Smash eventually

>Boco is in the thread

hopefully this marks an end for furshit


still won't make shitty Zero any better or save it

fuck you miyamoto

no but for real how dead is your thread on trash?

Amount of Posters hasn't even broke 20 and you would think with the amount of furfags in this fandom there would be more posters instead of a handful of Sfur people.

That was literally Miyamoto's position from January 2014 onwards.

Post more mimiga


Furries are slowly being pushed out again. We go through brief spells of it from time to time and people get annoyed and they leave, the cycle then repeats. They are dwindling right now


Because I want one to sit on my face while I massage it's footpaws

>rosy crotch
nigga what are you doin to me

I think so. The whole mascot thing in the 90s has died out, and most furries will grow out of their autism eventually. They'll still be around but in lesser numbers

I like personality with my games bud, fuck realism

>you will never be a pathetic, avatarfagging shantefag

the defense for the game, in the other thread, is hilarious and pathethic

apparently there's that Miiverse autist coming in every SFZ/Color Splash/#FE discussion reposting the same images in every thread thinking he's convincing anyone with his agendas

So just like barneyfag?

Let's not pretend the same bitter Krystalfags aren't here as well.

dude, that sounds great
tell me more

I will when people start dumping some lewdmigas, thread is ded as shit

You just ruined whatever heat you were packing lmao

what about now

seconding this.

ye. scary how some crazy anons are following barneyautist's footsteps on super-obssessed shitposting.

how are they bitter about Zero when the game bombed and disappointing in all sides?

they already celebrating the fact noone can't use their favorite scapegoat on why Zero failed hard.

>happy that a series you like is doing poorly out of spite because your shitty waifu wasn't in it
come on now