Which are the best God Tier RPG according to Sup Forums ?

Which are the best God Tier RPG according to Sup Forums ?

>according to Sup Forums
Neptunia, Tales of Zestiria, Ni no Kuni, Pokemon.

According to Sup Forums the best RPG ever is _MY_ favorite Final Fantasy game and the worst RPG ever is your favorite Final Fantasy game.

Pic related is all you need.

Persona 4

Sup Forums agrees and Marie is best girl


Zeal and all that jazz were very interesting in Chrono Trigger.

The MegaMan Battle Network series has the absolute best battle system in any RPG ever.

Tales of the Abyss is a very underrated RPG especially as it excels in all gameplay/story/characters/worldbuilding/music.
Pic related, given the 'pros' that the reviewer has noted it's absurd that it only got a 7. Based on the content of the review you'd think it's a 9.

Lufia 2
FF 5

BG2, MM6, Fallout, and Gothic 2 are my favorites.

Romancing Saga of course.


>No Strange Journey
>No Raidou
>No Crystal Chronicles
>Chrono Cross

Great taste,m8.
Have you played any jrpg's? Thinking of playing one (OP's acctually) cause I never played any. You seem to have good taste,so maybe you have tried and know a good one.

>Golden sun

Final Fantasy 13

Fallout 4

and of course, World of Warcraft

There were a couple JRPGs on the PS2 I liked. Can't remember the names though.

>Golden Sun
>no Lufia 2


Skyrim 2 when?

No one is falling for cheap bait.

>FF 8

What a shit list.

Best Action RPG hands down

Not this. CT was good for its time, but it's nowhere near as good as the sequel.

Xenosaga 3, Lufia 2, and Wild Arms 5 are all top-tier.


That explains the terrible weebshit here. I'm surprised you didn't add in those shitty Neptunia games.

>good rpgs
fucking retard JEW
baldurs gate 2 or witcher 3, prove me wrong
you cant

ct is good but overrated.

lufia is the best snes rpg

Lets get one thing straight, JRPGs are NOT RPGs, j stands for joke they are more like turn based adventure games

You won't have a you retard

Keep telling yourself that lmao

>according to Sup Forums

That's your first mistake right there. Do not ask Sup Forums for any sort of opinion because you will get waifu nonsense, nostalgia trash, and weebshit in return.

Keep believing your little animeme adventures are in the same league as real RPGs like Dues Ex or Bloodlines

Dungeons and Dragons is the epitome of WRPGs and it's turnbased just like fire emblem for example

Except DnD has RPG elements unlike jRPGs

This, but no one's ever fucking played it.

Yes, we're all aware of this, you retard. I once proposed we call them RFGs instead, to stand for "role-filling games" but my friends and I agreed that sounds fucking stupid.

Move on, you dumb newfriend.

With that boxart, who can blame them?

but I own an actual copy of that game

If we were all aware of this then there wouldn't be 50 jRPGs listed

Stop enforcing your shit taste.

>convention of notation that makes discussion easier
This is how I know you're not only new, but ridiculously underage. It's normal to abuse notation in literally any specialized field if it facilitates discussion.

Also, stop typing "jRPG" you fucking stupid iPod-loving, fixie-riding, soy-eating hipster moron. The J is part of an acronym, and is capitalized. Besides that, it stands for a proper fucking noun.

>Complaining about Xenoblade but not Xenogears

xenoblade was pretty bad though. it was literally just an offline MMO.
unless you enjoy those "kill X amount of monster" or "find this item for NPC" type questing. then its you that has shit taste.

You could simply not do every single fucking quest the game throws at you and just have fun progressing through the story and fucking up mechon.

Lol what a nerd

>all these Lufia 2 bros out of nowhere
It's too bad the remake was shit, though.

Monster girl quest

Modern WRPGs aren't RPGs either.

Where are the nep games? Shit list

I'm surprised SO3's on that list. I mean, I liked it, yeah, but it seems like no one else does.

Fallout 1 & 2
Baldur's Gate 2
Divinity: Original Sin
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
Deus Ex
Alpha Protocol
Jade Empire
Neverwinter Nights 2

I've actually been looking into playing some old WRPGs. Not JRPGs because I've been playing those my whole life. No, recently I started playing Diablo 2 with my friends and it's been pretty fun, so I wanted to play some others. I figure I'll try one of them Baldur's Gates and Planescape: Torment later.

I even took one of my old shitty laptops with Windows XP in case I find a game that's too old for my two-year-old computer to handle. It's funny how that's even a problem. Back in the old days, when it came to computers, the only thing you had to worry about is if a new game's too powerful for your old computer to play properly. Now you have to worry about whether a game's too OLD. Can't even play DOS games without some program like Dos-Box.

It was good, you should have given it a chance. Despite all the changes in setting/world/character and gameplay design it's pretty faithful from a story and dialog perspective. In fact a few changes were great like Tia's role in the timeskip and Bart and Berty's new relationship. The gameplay was pretty good too as far as action rpgs on the ds went. I'm just happy it got a little attention before Neverland went defunct. Try being a little more open minded.

golden sun was great and you know it

Why no Grandia 2 ? Millenia is my waifu


>Chrono Nigger
>God Tier RPG

I had no idea this game existed.
And I fucking loved Panzer Dragoon.


Is there a list like this for JRPGs ?

Objectively untrue, Wizardry I is fucking gold.

>according to Sup Forums
It depends who sees your thread and when you post it. If you post it while the Americans or the Arabs are awake you're going to get shitposts.
I liked FF8 when I was a babby and I like Bravely Default and Persona 3 now.

what gam

Dark Souls


>Complaining about Xenogears

Why, though?

>witcher 2 better than witcher 1


Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter

don't play it

My games.

>Morrowind isn't shit-tier and Daggerfall isn't God-tier
Objectively shit list

I never played NWN2, so I never understand why Mask of the betrayer is God and the rest is low. Isn't it an expansion?

Patrician taste.

I've played it, and it's bland as hell. Glad I didn't pay a three digit sum for it like some suckers

Breath of Fire II
Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter

Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy IX
Legend of Mana
Final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy Tactics

Basically, Squaresoft games.

>first game in the image
Well fuck that.


Love Yunica

Alphabetical order

>no risen

>risen on mid tier when Gothic 2 is on high
They're on the same level dipshit

Lufia 2 is super under appreciated, I agree.

>Low tier
>Neverwinter Nights

>High tier
>Expeditions Conquistador and Divinity 2