BEHOLD! The Holy Trinity of "Never EVER PKEKS!" ITT We'll add to this and make PCucks CRY!

BEHOLD! The Holy Trinity of "Never EVER PKEKS!" ITT We'll add to this and make PCucks CRY!

>these are the 3 best console exclusives


Fuck you rockstar, seriously, fuck you sideways.

The other two? Pfft, who gives a shit, also, no bloodborne? I'd pay real money from my wallet to play it, I really want to buy a ps4 for it.

>tfw you remember Bayonetta sokd so poorly it had to get support from Nintendo

>can emulate one
>other two have been free with games with gold
>implying 99.9% of the people on this board don't own a 360

>Only posts RDR.

Read a dictionary OP.

RDR is the only reason I still have my console. I leave it hooked up to my TV just so I can replay it once or twice a year.

they were never free with gold and emulating is not an authentic experience

mgs3 can be easily emulated
bayonetta 1 and 2 will be playable soon thanks to wii u emulation which by the way is coming along great
not sure about rdr but i think i saw a video of it booting on a ps3 or 360 emulator where it crashed right after the intro

>authentic experience
who cares?

I buy a console every gen and never use them because i'm literally retarded

The only game of those 3 that is really really good is metal gear solid 3

The other two are both very solid games and absolutely worth playing but there are others in the genre that have either done the same or at least similar things better gta3 > red dead, dmc 3 > bayonetta

A true gamer

>authentic experience
4k, 60fps > authentic experience

>emulating is not an authentic experience

I don't know about now, but it was Platinum's best selling game.

Best multiplayer experience available on consoles

prove me wrong

when you emulate especially with a ps2 game you have to dick around with settings until it looks and runs good and even then there will still be some oddities and some minor graphical errors that lessen the experience.

>that tree's shading was a bit off
>but I'm able to run the game at a higher fps and resolution
worth it.

who the hell doesn't have a 360 or ps3


>Not owning every console + a state of the art PC
Kill yourself, consolewar kiddie.

Eh... more like

>game freezes all the time, and the textures just clip through the ground
>audio is completely off-sync, and the characters have stopped moving
>but it's 4k 60 FPS
And that's not even the "low compatibility" games.

This is coming from a PCfag, by the way.

BUSTIN' out another HOLY TRINITY! Can't even emulate these bad boys. Where's the PCuck trinity, oh, there probably isn't one...

I own all three games on their respective systems and two of those I own on two different systems.

Don't even pretend like you care about their exclusivity if you haven't got there yet.

>not having a gaming pc and consoles
stay salty poorfags

-world of warcraft

I already emulated it, cuck.

MGS3 is the worst mainline MGS game.

Red Dead Redemption gameplay is shit.

Bayonetta is good.

In what year did you emulate MGS3? 2008-2009? It's been fine for years now.

Reminder that PCs are able to run the calculations with higher internal resolution, so "superior experience" is more accurate


It sold 2 million copies.

>no bloodborne

Idort for life mah nigga.

Halo3 had the worst movement I have ever experienced in an FPS. I would rather play through Legendary than touch that turd again

delete this

I got you covered bro

Not talking about MGS3 specifically, but gen5 as a whole.

Sims has numerous Console releases and Civ had 1&2 ported along with the shit pile called revolution

All been fine, you need to catch up.

>a true gamer
t. virgin

-my grandmother's laptop can run it...
-sims what? most if not all sims games are on console
-nerd game that wouldn't work right on console anyway

>people ITT actually play multiplat on consoles

>implying PC gamers won't just pick up a 360 or PS3 for 80$

If any of those problems happened you could very reasonably just lower settings until they went away. Unless your PC was ancient it wasn't hard to emulate PS2 titles.

>This is coming from a PCfag, by the way.

then you're too stupid to have figured it out and make it work right, or you're being contrarian and playing devil's advocate

>Literally the only game worth playing on a console
>It plays at a poor resolution and frame rate because lol console hardware

We really hit the worst of all possible worlds.

That's not a whole lot when it comes to games sadly.

You realize MGS3 emulates very well.

And really? Bayoneta over something like Ninja gaiden?

I'll give you redded, but I'm idort master race so

>2. Flaming/flagrant "fanboyism"/etc. will not be tolerated.
>3. Threads should not devolve into flamewars. Instigating or encouraging such activity will not be tolerated.

You're either completely retarded, or just baiting.
This literally happens to a lot of PS2 games, completely independent of settings.

It's just issues with the emulator. Unless there's a better one than PCSX2 now?

>last time I used pcsx2 was in 2010
lol, kid

I can feel the PCucks shaking in their boots right now...

Anyone who's been employed since 2012.

>Not Vanquish

do you throw away your old consoles when new ones come out? what a faggot

it depends entirely on the budget you idiot

I gotcha consolebro

Which apparently wasn't enough considering now Bayonetta 2 is confined to the gaming hell that is Nintendo.
What a waste.

I want to lick her butthole

>anywhere near as good or better than RDR
are you retarded or just a fag?

has anybody actually played any of op's games on an emulator at 60fps

The only game that can be emulated here is MGS3...

Even though I mainly game on PC, I already played and beat those games several times a long time ago

What's with all of these threads recently?

Has there been something particularly upsetting for console users?

Does it have to do with the release of the new uncharted?

Is it because E3 is so close now?

It was worth a snicker at first, but now I'm actually kind of worried about the mental state of these people.

nice blog

only MGS3 can be emulated
the PS3 and Wii U emulators are being worked on but they're still a long way to being finished


Also, played all of those games already.

>owning a PC at all
>literally defending western multiplats

>I haven't emulated PS2 in 10 years but I feel I should post about it anyway: the post

They just need to troll to get over the pain of having to buy a new Playstation again next year, even though the current one barely got any games.

All those "new" exclusives they'll announce at E3? Watch them be conveniently delayed and released for the PS4K

MGS3 was on PS2, which is Gen 6

>Submitting false or misclassified reports, or otherwise abusing the reporting system may result in a ban. Replying to a thread stating that you've reported or "saged" it, or another post, is also not allowed.

As much as I dislike these threads, announcing that you disagree with it will only prompt more bumps from the shitposting side.

It's not worth risking getting yourself in trouble.

Just so you know, MGS3 emulates all the effects properly these days and has a 60fps patch.

It's definitive on PC.