I guess non-Overwatch threads are against the rules now or something.
Fighting games thread then. What are you playing?
I guess non-Overwatch threads are against the rules now or something.
Fighting games thread then. What are you playing?
Other urls found in this thread:
>not Overwatch or Witcher shilling with added problematic content
why is guile so broken lads?
Is he? I hardly see him in tourneys. Is it because of his anime combos?
Not Tekken 7 since he'll never fucking release it. I mean, fuck. Besides SoulCal, it's the only fighting game I'd regularly play.
I've been trying to play SFV, but I'm balls at 2D, and there isn't a lot to it content wise.
>15 OW threads in catalog
>delete the one thread about fighting games
10/10 moderation
>SoulCal is dead
>Tekken almost died but was saved by TTTT.
What gives Namco?
I want to lick Lili's boots.
it's ok, I got banned for 3 days for making a post asking how many people played system shock 2 with coop, and talking about the changes of the game vs non coop.
Probably going to be announced at E3.
Also Tekken was doing fine before TTT2 which completely turned people off.
Thinking about getting SFV after playing it this weekend. Gief is still muh husbando
The ridiculous amount of OW threads made me hate the game even though I thought it was okay after playing it. And the fanbase might the worst ever, even worse than fucking Sonic fanboys.
literally dark souls for me
how about getting a...
I'm trying to Potemkin good, he seems like a bit of an uphill battle but I don't really like playing the rest of the cast
>The ridiculous amount of OW threads made me hate the game
Same, seems like an okay game but the push and the fans inserting it into everything is tiresome
it's either tekken or dead fighter, i'll take tekken
>Probably going to be announced at E3.
7FR releases on arcades around that time, so no.
>lel horny virgin losers tell me which fighter girl would you fuk xD
>video games
Well SF5 killed SF for me.
And i dont really like anime fighters.
So tekken for me i guess.
Nothing at the moment. Waiting for Tekken. And Soul Calibur.
please god let there be a SCVI at e3
This, nothing against fighting games but the thread was more about waifuposting than actual discussion.
I really want another SC, but i doubt they will announce one when tekken 7 isnt even released yet or doesnt have a release date.
How does it feel to be a newfag using literal Reddit insults? You're probably the janitor that deleted the thread.
let it go man
it's just not hapenning
>please god let there be a SCVI at e3
E3 will be all about tekken 7, sc on gamescom or tgs maybe
Funny, I look at the catalog and see plenty of Witcher/Overwatch waifu threads. But I guess it's ok when it's western game shilling. Selective moderation is cancer.
Injustice 2 teaser in an 1 hour 20 mins
Gimme your rosters Sup Forums
We already know that Tekken 7 is going to be at E3 and E3 isn't for arcades.
i've been here longer then all of you waifu shitposters combined
if you want to play with your pencil dick then go to Sup Forums where you belong
Who's playan Tekken 7 on the arcades?
I'm playing rev right now nobody is joining my lobby
Then report them and don't be as retarded as them.
The previous thread didn't even tried to look vidya.
Wow Dizzy literally had minimal screentime in Revelator. At least Pot got some glory
Dr. Fate
Swamp Thing
Nite Own II skin for Batman
batman and friends
I've been here long enough when faggots like you were laughed out for using normalfag insults and thinking it would stick.
Yeah, that works too
>muh game is perfect
>no faults
>must post about it in 10 threads so people will believe me
From what I've seen that applies even more to OW shit
But i wanna believe it too
Any hoo, did Ibuki get released already or when?
epic, epic for the win
now fuck off
Harada said he won't be there. Don't know if that means all of Tekken team but he won't.
SFV of course.
Reporting doesn't do shit. It's just a convenient excuse for mods to deflect criticism. I've reported tons of Witcher/OW shill threads with nothing happening. Make one thread that triggers our SJW janitor and it gets deleted within minutes. Funny how Sup Forums mods are sleeping on the job until they are triggered by pictures of fake girls.
What's the scene with Tekken 7 bros? Can we realistically expect it to be out within the year?
Sometime around June.
I'n honestly putting money on a 2017 release.
You're constantly ousting yourself as a newfag. Wouldn't surprise me at all if you're the dumb janitor deleting threads that are OMG SO CREEPY.
I have a theory that Tekken7 doesnt really exist and that all "tournaments" held with it so far were using prerendered footage in what is the biggest hoax in videogames.
>I've reported tons of Witcher/OW shill threads with nothing happening
for what? talking about the game? are you fucking retarded?
fuck off retard
Again, the previous thread gave a worse impression than even the shittiest OW thread right now (a thread that should be deleted in my opinion) and could've been way better if it was about favorite fighting game characters instead of which one do you want to fuck. You should at least try better than what you're criticizing
No. 2017 because Bamco is making tons of money milking the Asian arcades. Their console ports are always long overdue. It's becoming annoying by now.
Read the rules mong
>Please refrain from reposting.
>If possible, try to skim the board for threads pertaining to your topics/info that may have already been posted.
Great, due to Namco's greed the Tekken community is going to become cancerous in no time.
Golden Sun because i don't have a tv because reasons. I would be playing Tekken Tag 2 and trying to learn Ling and maybe Bruce in preparation of Josie and Ling in Tekken 7.
Oh please. I've been in OW threads that have hit bump limit with pretty much only SFM posting. If you browse Sup Forums and you're triggered because someone made a best girl thread, then Sup Forums isn't for you. There are tons of other sites where you can be in your little safe space.
This image is dumb, different players different play styles, also one match is from the start, the other halfway through might wanna take less risk toward the end.
Post more Lili.
so talking about witcher new dlc is not ok but talking about which video game girl would you fuck is ok
Fuck this character model is so good. I love how it stretches over the breasts.
I wasn't triggered, just pointing out that the previous thread was as shitty as those OW thread (again, threads that I think should be deleted).
Tekken 7 is boring, the bar life is short
>More people playing Tekken is bad
please leave console war child. Having it be on every platform means the game gets played more.
>Implying there's any such thing as cross-platform multiplayer for Tekken
>Hurr durr plebs that own consoles I don't like will play the game too bawww!
It's fucking retarded.
I haven't played SFV in months how's the tier list?
People come up with the most interesting complaints about Tekken.
Bamco runs their own servers for Tekken due to microtransactions so it's very likely to happen.
That's why there's 3 rounds mate
Do you retards need 16 threads to talk about W3 or OW? Really?
Sakura in SFV when? What characters would you people want in SFV?
Ryu is really good. Ken is unga. Gief is useless. Everyone else is in the middle.
>tfw no Revelator for PC
Ibuki (fuck that delay)
playing a little of xrd now that i'm done with most other things i was interested on ps4
too bad online management seems shit (50 empty servers to join in each country)
and seems dead too
I'm going through the GG story so I can buy Raven.
Ram has Telekenisis? Her mouths not moving when she "speaks" but everybody else's does and she still moves the rest of her body.
>Please refrain from reposting.
Seems like mods conveniently forget about this rule when it's a Witcher or OW shill circlejerk happening for the 12th time during the day.
Why would you want Remy when hes just guile but edgy?
Never Ever
post moar Nina pls :3
>Do you retards need 16 threads to talk about W3 or OW? Really?
Not the guy you're replying but this shit should be regulated in some way. Like having a maximum number of 3 threads per game if it's new, and 1 or 2 if it isn't or something.
MKX on PC...
Not him but what different playstyles?
Tekken is about spacing 24/7, there is not much movement outside of KBD which is the only viable meta.
Why did you even buy that knowing MK PC history? Sorry but it's very hard to feel sympathy for MK buyers. You enable WB to get away with this shit.
You know Raven is free DLC for a limited time on US PSN, if you're EU its tough luck m8
also goddamn Kum (Haehyun? I guess that's her first name) legit feels like a character for Street Fighter players wanting to get into GG, very linkky, very footsies, simple BnBs
The only logical choice as a consumer is to never buy capcom or WB products again after how they treat consumers.
Oh look it's this again.
Why did you peruse days worth of tournament footage for a game you hate to find less than a minute of footage of people trying to bait each other for a long time?
Do you even know what that stands for?
I'm in SEA
They sold the physical discs but they haven't upraised the PSN yet so I can't play with Kum or get free Raven
Movement is the most important thing but these just show two very defensive players. I think the point of these were two show cherry picked matches and not take it seriously.
How about just one? Generals exist for more than just namefagging and circlejerking. They're there for flood control.
Pretty hot newcomer desu.
BBCPE, game is hard but super fun.
What are the odds of a new fightstick being announced at e3?
Hwang is such a bro
Sounds hard to control if the game is brand new and overhyped, but it should be at least regulated in some way. And if some fag needs to have threads 24/7 he can always go to the general.
Lesson learned my friend, it's safe to say they're not getting a single cent from me again.
Even with Injustice 2 coming out...
>Markman left Madcatz
>Madcatz felt a 11m loss on Rock Band 4
Not very likely.
>Tekken is about spacing 24/7
That is the biggest lie I have ever heard.
One successful wr2 from Alisa or ff1 from Jack and the spacing game is over until one player escapes.