Hearts of Iron 4 Thread

How are your HOI4 runs going?

>Playing as Nationalist Spain
>Crush the commies in the civil war in less than a year
>Join the Axis
>Start preparing for WWII
>Meanwhile in Germany Hitler decides he'd rather annex countries through fucking diplomacy
>Keep getting notifications about countries voting to join the Third Reich
>Get notifications about Hitler walking into a country's capital where he's greeted by adoring crowds
>Germany has annexed half of central Europe and parts of Yugoslavia without mobilizing a single soldier
>WWII meter never fills up because of this
>1940 and the meter is still below 30%

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How long until game is below $30 on g2a?

The game is already cracked

Sounds like a great world you live in

That'd be stealing though

This game is so dumbed down.
I knew it was gona be shit, i knew it was gona be casualized as fuck, and yet i had hope that Paradox might notgo full retard.
Instead we get a retarded AI, horrible UI, almost 0 detail and shitty trade mechanichs.
>Buying 8 oil
>Only need 1
>The other 7 is just thrown in the trash instead of being stockpiled
Or the stupid factory mechanic, why remove the money system that always worked perfectly, instead i have to give up any infrastructure production if i want good trade.
And why in the fuck is Hitler blacked out, are we really at a point where we cant show a picture of Hitler, the face that literally any first world person knows?

>be literally Hitler
>build up army for two ears
>grab as much land as I can
>war comes
>invade Belgium and Poland
>they fall within weeks due to our superior Panzer III's
>drive straight to Paris from Belgium
>France capitulates within two weeks
>been building BF109's for years
>have 2000 of the fuckers
>complete air superiority over the English channel
>next step is Operation Sea Lion

Are you ready Britcucks?

So you can fantasize that Hitler is YOU!

fucking min max hitler.

Based Adolf. Western Europe is a fucking joke now.

Is it really THAT bad?

>be Paradox
>build geostrategic simulator
>fail to factor in Jew ability to push goyim into fratricidal wars


sounds like a dream

Light Tanks are OP in my opinion.
Its alot more convinient to spam them and then just give your infantry alot of AT upgrades to counter any enemy tanks.

>for two ears
better than one testicle i guess

Can you do final solutions? Even as Americans?

I've never played a HOI game before bit I understand literally everything after 10 hours of play. It really is basic as fuck. There are also barely any unique events, and you always follow the same tree every time you play that nation pretty much doing the same thing but 10% different.

Overall I'm disappointed.

Its could be ALOT better, definitelly a dumbed down and casualized experience from HoI3

if it is stealing in your mind, then it becomes stealing

Also with factories the country can only build one factory at a time. It takes months to build too

Is naval combat at least less of a clusterfuck as it was in III

>It really is basic as fuck
I think that puts it perfectly.
literally 0 depth to it.

>playing a more boring and casual version of Stellaris

Tigers have rolled over the Urals now, USSR is 7% away from capitulation, assuming that Japan being in the Axis has raised the VP requirement like in previous games.

Wow Im doing the same campaign

I absolutely rekd portugal and then helped italy take over all of africa

currently fending off d-day with my german buddies while amassing a gigantic collection of fighters to nuke london

hopefully germany gets its shit together and actually attacks ussr sometime soon so it doesn't just have a million divisions on the eastern front while the 120 or so american divisins prepare to take back france

also how did you join axis at 30% with the modifier?


Why would you ever let Japan in? You will need to give them land, and 95% of the time they attack America. Fuck that shit. Germany and Italy, and maybe Hungary is all you need.

>more depth
>sold better
>better received
>even /gsg/ is admitting Stellaris is better
Face it, history is boring.

hitler is only blacked out in countries where he's illegal to be shown, not pdx's fault. I have him in Canada no problem

>>sold better
The game literally came out yesterday

Stellaris is boring as fuck guy.

>also how did you join axis at 30% with the modifier?

I diplomatically improved relations first, and Hitler let me join the Axis a few months before the civil war started


>Paradox hid the sales the day after HoI4 came out
Didnt want people to see it was selling like trash in comparison to Stellaris. Day 1 Stellaris was way ahead.

You must really hate HoI4 then because its got far less content and depth than Stel.

Have they finally added a mid/late game?


Late game got fixed, AI is now smarted and doomsday events work better. Actually band together to combat disasters.

Mid game not so much

>launch game
>want to train soldiers
>have to use SS mana
>increase economy using autobahn mana
>increase diplomacy with axis mana
>want to do some shit and have to use some mana again
Why did paradox become so lazy?

They're a public company now, they have to report to shareholders, so maybe it will change

>Tencent took over 5%
Then again, Paradox could become Chinese tomorrow and the next update for HoI will be a flat buff to everything Chinese.

>Germany has annexed half of central Europe and parts of Yugoslavia without mobilizing a single soldier

Never mind, Hitler just diplomatically annexed the entirety of Yugoslavia, half of Lithuania, and half of Romania and nobody gives a shit. WWII meter is at 34%

It's 1941 and the country who contributed most to the meter is Japan

So how many tons of DLC are they going to release for this?

I've dumped quite a few hours into Italy just trying to learn the game, think I'm pretty certain what the fuck I'm doing now.

I tested out air support vs non-air support invading Yugo then Greece, and I dunno if maybe the Greek army is just way stronger, but my Yugoslavian invasion with air support was a walk in the park compared to attacking Greece purely with land troops, which was a total stalemate.

Is air support that crucial?

Also I accidentally sent a Battleship from production straight to an all-submarine fleet, and couldn't figure out how the fuck you detach it and send it to another fleet.

lel my japan got whooped by china

Hitler has a normal portrait on my copy.

In mine the Japs and the Nationalist Chinese have been suck in a stalemate for the past few years

USSR decided to support Nationalist China instead of Red China for some reason

Maybe they don't want global revolution after all.

>playing as Peru
>annexing the entirety of Central America on my first playthrough, attempting to gain more decent production and reserves in order to function as a nation
>eventually become involved in a land war with Nicuaraga, nothing to worry about with ~50 divisions on hand and light armor at the ready
>CHILE enters the war on their side
>only one fucking sector connecting me and them
>they fill it with ~30 Divisions
>have to stage a simultaneous naval landing all along the coast several months later to end the stalemate in the mountains

My only complain about this game is the absurd number of rivers/mountains and the horrific penalties that they can inflict upon your force.

I always seem Japan get it's ass kicked by China and even kicked out of Korea by 1940.
Hell, Nationalist Spain loses nearly every game or is forced back into North Africa.

As a first HOI game it's pretty fun but I can already feel the lack of depth biting, similar to Stellaris.

Mods when?

Just like it was in the real war

>play as fascist Italy
>get ready for WWII
>max production and developent into planes and submarines
>laugh at the British

>not building a proper shrine for maximum Aryan mana

On the topic of China, they're already way overpowered. I'm not very good at HoI and alway shad trouble holding territory against the japs in 3, but managed to conquer all of Japan on my first try in 4. The game really became so fucking easy.

>that guy who play as a gommie

>Endless menus are fun

Its not illegal to show Hitler in any country

I own Hearts of Iron 3, but haven't played it.

is it good?

Like Stellaris, it's okay. My main gripe is the game has a strange problem where even though the mechanics aren't that deep, they're not explained that well either.

If you're going to buy the game wait for the DLCs to come out first, if you're going to pirate it, the game is only 1GB, so why the hell not.

Actually, either way I'd wait a while before getting it

The resources and wiki for it are pretty sparse and disorganized right now

Do you mean 4 or 3?

Im asking about 3

>Pick sweden
>Build up military until 1937
>Start quick and easy invasion of norway and completely decimate them
>Try to make a claim on finland
>France guarantees their independence out fo nowhere
>Wait until hitler attacks poland and invade denmark instead
>British troops start fucking me in the ass and america is somehow in the war now

>mfw they made UI even more atrociously garbage
>stupid paradox shit that makes no sense like in EUIV and CK2
>oh god why the UI
>Icons are tiny as fuck, have to zoom right in on 4k monitor to see if that is armour or infantry
>garbage garbage garbage garbage UI

for a game that is 90% looking at the UI they did a fucking horrible job.

well, good thing i pirated it.

If you have enough civilian factories you can build more than one thing at a time. Maximum of 15 factories can work on a thing at once, so if you have 30 you're building two things at max speed.

My Hitler isn't blacked out. Where do you live?

Why is Hitler darkened but people like Stalin and Tojo aren't?

>inb4 we wuz fuhrers and shiet

I google it and some people claim it's the German version.

I'm using some pirated copy I found online.

>make Ireland fascist
>take back NI
>Expand into Scotland
>Take all of Mainland Britain as Ireland
>Fight off Hitler
>Help free France
>Ally France
>Allies win
>Axis a kill
>No interesting achievement for being Ireland


How possible is it to blob in HoI4 or the HoI series in general?

You pirated a shitty version. Go find skidrow's.

whats a safe, non-torrent link on skidrow?

Pick one and use google.

that pic
so true

I'm sure it's not that ba

No matter how hard paradox try, they'll never manage to dumb anything down to your level.

> How are your HOI4 runs going?
Without resources

Want sum help?
It ain't free tho.

this desu


Only one side of history is taken into account in these grand strats games unfortunately, not the ugly side.

Yep, they tried fixing things like Balkan superpowers by making France and Britain guarantee everybody you fabricate a claim on after you annexed your first reasonably large country. Thanks Johan (I don't care if he's not lead for this, he's still responsible).

I hope we get a mod for it

Heh what i mean is this

>can play CK2, EU IV and Viky2 without problems
>Try HoI3
>Barely able to even function as a country
>Try HoI4
>As a Baltic country I outteched Germany and manage to defend against an army 20 times my size without even trying that hard

It's kinda silly how fucking simplified the game is.
EU IV is more complex than it. It removed so much shit it's not funny
>Army without food, ammunition in the middle of enemy territory
>Only -33% debuf
>Country landlocked and surrounded by enemies
>Can trade without problems with it
>All minor countries have the same focus tree allowing them to become more advanced than the major powers
>66% of said focus is completely irrelevant while the rest allow you to transform your shitty third world country in a war machine capable of going toe to toe with any other super power in the world
>AI is mentally retarded
>tech tree is a fucking joke
>if you are not the UK there's literally no reason to even touch the navy because the UK will instantly kill it or the UK will instantly kill all enemy navies
>the trade system
>in all my games Denmark is able to kill Germany after Germany destroys everything

Did HoI3 fans even had any expectations? I mean even on the forums there's actually a sizeable chunk of people complaining about it without being drowned by the paradox drones.

>playing netherlands
>rushed production and research
>make super strong template for defense
>anti-tanks out the ass
>war breaks out
>hold the germans back until 1942
>they crush me under the weight of panzers and superior troop numbers

Anyone else do these impossible odds? I love knowing I made it that far

>introduce idea of tying national focus to nation you play as
>it'll make every nation unique!
>only have unique national foci for 6 countries in the entire world
I'd put 100 bucks on the fact that dlc is going to introduce at least three times as many unique focus trees than there were in the base game. Or they just say fuck it and make playing China or Hungary the same as playing fucking Tibet or some shit forever.

played for 5 minutes
reinstalled hoi3 with blackice

hoi4 was made for super ultra casual facebook users

This. Not only that, the UI in HOI is pretty bad, but IV is just fucking terrible, it does actually look like some farm-town tier browser game. it's so jarring and every icon pops out at me like some googly eyed kiddy puzzle game.

>>Germany has annexed half of central Europe and parts of Yugoslavia without mobilizing a single soldier
That's what happened in real life

This fucking guy

Germany mobilized for close to a decade before the war

>He doesn't know Germany annexed every nation in Europe diplomatically by sending legions of armed diplomats through their borders

Read moar

3 is a deeply broken game, so if you want an actual WW2 wargame it's not worth it

Yeah, and you have to do that in game too, you retarded monkey, you need a certain manpower in the field

It's way too easy.

At least it's not filled with RNG nonsense like EU4


Is that an australian empire?

It's the name they get as a fascist state.

Why is literally the entire western world fascist?
What have you done to England

>empire of the platypus
>not southern cross
nice meme

Yup. I was playing as Poland. Instead of doing the sensible thing of allying with commies or fascists I decided to stay neutral. I just gave Germans Danzig to avoid war. Year later Soviets attacked and I'm beating them rather comfortably and as time goes on they seem to put up less and less resistance. I just stopped playing in 1941. It's just not fun when game is this easy on your first try. I can't imagine how trivial it must be when playing as one of the majors.



I sent a volunteer force to the spanish civil war consisting entirely of a single Motorized and Panzer divisions under the command of Erwin Rommel.
I took Madrid, Valencia and then Barcelona within a month. It was fucking nuts.
>cutting a swathe right to victory points is completely ignored by AI troops because it is too complex for their premade battle plans
>literally only fought in 6 provinces: The outskirts of madrid, madrid itself, then cut all the way behind their lines without resistance to take valencia, then valencia's outskirts from behind before repositioning and cutting a 3 province swathe right through the heart to barcelona
>despite being the capital, only a couple infantry divisions moved to defend it
>nationalist spain only got a +6 to diplomacy from 'volunteer forces' despite the fact I basically won it single-handedly for them

Looks like HOI4 is a good point of start for somebody that never played a paradox game and want to try, isn't it?