Persona 5 is not a PS4 exclusive. Will be cheaper on PS3

>"And for all the rumor-mongers out there, I’m just going to go ahead and confirm this here and now. (What better place than PlayStation.Blog?) Persona 5 is 100 percent still coming out on PlayStation 3. And at launch, it’ll be $49.99"

And just like that, another reason for me to get a PS4 has vanished. Just the other day there were threads about how there would be no PS3 version and how "Sony is phasing out the PS3, time to make the switch".
Welp, sorry to break it to you, but there is a PS3 version, and it's $10 cheaper.

>he plays 720p 20fps garbage to save $10
Sucks to be poor

Oh shit.
Fuck thank God I didn't fall for the meme and buy a PS4 then.

Seriously though can they really not stop bleeding multiplats? It's kind of embarrasing.

PS3 version it is.

If you're going to get it on PS3 you may as well not buy it at all and instead download the undub.

I see no difference




I don't know who says that the game wasn't comming out on PS3.
Nobody went to the official website?

I guess the 10 retards that only have a PS3 will be happy.

Instead of releasing this WW they fucking release a PS3 version.

Get fucked Atlus I will pirate the Japanese PS3 version.


>I guess the 10 retards that only have a PS3 will be happy.
In Japan PS3 is still big, and in the west a lot of people don't want to buy a PS4.

literally no one said that yesterday and literally no one is saying that today


I cant think of any reason to own a ps4

>I guess the 10 retards that only have a PS3 will be happy
>Get fucked Atlus I will pirate the Japanese PS3 version.

You guys know what this means.

PS3 has now officially outlived both the Wii and the Wii U. So much for PS3 HAS NO GAMES

I'm waiting to hear how the dub sounds before doing that, I HATED P3 and P4's dubs except for JYB's Adachi which is perfect but loved Catherine's, so if they can keep that quality up I won't mind throwing money at it. If there's a single "sempai" in any trailers though I'm pirating it.

> le epic PS4 has no games maymay

You fucking rewards know this meme started with the PS3 right? You're probably not even real PlayStation fans and just made the switch when your Shitbox 360s RRODed. Fucking bandwagoner secondaries.

>so if they can keep that quality up
They will not. Catherine was a union production with more money and effort. P5 will be lazy as fuck. It's also set in Japan with Japanese characters so it's inherently impossible for the dub to sound right.

>You're probably not even real Playstation fans
Jesus Christ

A lot of games are coming out for PS3 (Star Ocean V, Tales of Berseria, Dragon Quest Heroes II, etc), but nobody wants to localize them.
PS3 outlived WII, WII U and XBOX 360.

outside of blood born what games does the PS4 have

Fuck off bandwagoner faggot, enjoy your 10 year old shit hardware and inferior port, meme spouting faggot

It's cheaper than that, and usually with a recently released game or controller is included too.

I have a PS4, Xbone, Wii U and PC. Being an idort should be an obligation to post here.

Epic maymay XD

Fucking secondary poorfag


>A CoD game you won't play

I'm not the one trying to rationalize a bad buy

>There's literally no reason to buy a PS4
You faggots actually had me convinced for a but I had to play this on PS4. At this rate I doubt I'll ever buy one.

PS3 version it is

Why would you have an Xbox One and a PC? A PC is enough.

It.. It was originally announced as a PS3 exclusive... And people lost their shit because "why the ps4 is out".... Then the PS4 version gets announced and people are happy.... Now people are.... Not happy?

Damnit Atlus, Odin Sphere is $50 on PS3 too. Let the gen die already. FFS if you don't have a PS4 yet then you aren't a true gamer.

Yes you are, poorfaggot. Keep spouting that epic shitpost meme, enjoy your 15 fps garbage port while us PS4 bros are playing 60fps 1080p.

>Muh PS3 release
Ok, and?
It's not being advertised as a PS3 game.
Guilty Gear Xrd got a PS3 release as well. Would you call it a multiplat? Of course fucking not.

For all intents and purposes, this is a PS4 exclusive, and no amount of shitposting will change that or sony's tremendous sales lead.

Sup Forums in a nuthsell.

>60 fps at 1080p
Ok user, I chuckled

To play Halo with friend and also other small games, Sunset Overdrive was pretty good and some mediocre timed exclusives games like DR3 and RotTR.

at least I don't have to rationalze a bad buy
and i still get to play the game

why am i here again

>FFS if you don't have a PS4 yet then you aren't a true gamer.
Fuking 13 years old brat.
It's a turn based RPG? Why would you care if the game runs at 30 or 60 FPS.
>this is a PS4 exclusive

The Day 1 Steelbook and Premium Editions are PS4-only, for those of you scalpers who care about such things.

>Would you call it a multiplat? Of course fucking not.

Uh, yes? It's technically multiplat since it's on both of those plus PC you mongoloid.

People keep saying this, but how the fuck do I hack my PS3 in the first place? I'm on the last version so just tell me right away whether it's an option or not.

These kind of responses truly irritates and confuse me
What is the point you are trying to make? That you have to own a console or PC to play a game on it? No shit. That doesnt somehow inflate the cost of the game itself

>I get to define what an exclusive is
No, you dont.

If Mario 3D world got a shitty broken steam release, you wouldn't stop calling it a Wii U exclusive.

Persona 5 is a PS4 exclusive. You can move the goal posts and bend the terminology but at the end of the day that's what it is. It's an objective advantage the PS4 has over the competition (if you can call it that) and another reason to pick one up if you havent.

Stay fucking mad

For fuck's sake, can you accept the fact that some people want to play the PS3 version for reasons?

The only people worried about a PS3 release are same people butthurt about no PC release.

>I don't see why people have to correct me It's stupid when people point out that I'm wrong

Reminder to give mney to those kieks at at Atlus.

Reminder that if you do you are the cancer that is killing the industry.

Reminder to pirate the PS3 version of the game.

Why do they always release these games on old platforms, they did the same thing with p4

What the shit? You're the one twisting the concept of exclusivity.

>plus PC you mongoloid.

>If Mario 3D world got a shitty broken steam release, you wouldn't stop calling it a Wii U exclusive.
yes I would?
dark souls isn't a console exclusive even though it got a shitty broken steam release

you're a literal retard familio

To save money and target a wider audience. It made sense back when they thought it was coming out in 2014.

Also a reminder the PS2 was still getting mainstream releases only two and a half years ago.


Why did you post this?

Just to suffer.

But you aren't correcting anyone
Its an especially mindless shitpost. And I know its hard to speak without greentext sarcasm and irony but please try to in the future

Why did you reply to him?


it is a correction
there is a difference between saving just 10 bucks and saving 410 bucks

I have never seen a fanbase this fucking salty that someone more than just them gets to play a game.

It doesn't even make sense considering its not like it's going to Xbox or something.

I'm ashamed to have ever bought a Playstation console and gamed with you tards.

I just don't understand why atlus us is so incompetent and couldn't guarantee a world wide launch.
What the fuck were they doing during all these delays?

I'm curious what his intention was when submitting that post?

>ps3 and ps4 on this list
every time, this bait is so good

Literally nothing, I imagine.

You could argue PS4 at this point. That doesn't make it a good console by any means but the case can be at least made that it's the least bad.

But yeah PS3 No way.

Because remember all that censorship in P3 and P4?

But anyone who isn't poor should already own a current gen system.
Since I already own the system I am not paying for the system again just to purchase the game.
So it is only 10 dollars more for radically better quality. Actually since I don't own a ps3 I could say that paying for it on ps3 is more expensive than ps4.
Your correction is nonsense

Looks like I'll be waiting even longer to get a PS4.
At this point I may end up with an X1 sooner, especially if gears 4 confirms horde 3.0


anyone who is smart wouldnt buy one though since thats 400 dollars to something else
its a bad buy and you are just trying to rationalize it

what should be there then? the fucking DeadU?

is he trustworthy

Holy fucking shit.
Sonyggers are cancer

Ps3 had more exclusives and a longer life cycle, it was a tortoise and hare type of win

>in the west a lot of people don't want to buy a PS4.
Bruh, console transition happened way faster than PS2/XB > PS360.

Uhhhhhhh where is the PC version????

Your correction still makes no sense and only applies to people who haven't bought the console yet. There is nothing wrong with not upgrading but saying that the game costs more than 60 dollars is false for most people

It's funny and sad.
One guy is happy because a company could win more money if P5 is exclusive for PS4. The other guy denies reality.

John ''P5 worldwide release in 2015'' Hardin

You tell me.

>being this triggered

>what is EDF
>what is Onechanbara
>what is Valkyria Chronicles Remastered
>what is Odin Sphere Leifthrasir

Oh right, not like a shitposting salty poorcuck like you would know about those games.

I had a sudden instance of inspiration.

>PCuck port begging again
>b-but mustard race

no, the wii instead of ps3

There's no point, he's just buttblasted his parents didn't get him a ps4 for christmas

everyone you've been replying to clearly doesnt have a ps4
no on is not buying it on ps4 just to save 10 bucks


>Ps3 had more exclusives
So did the Wii U. Whats your point?
>it was a tortoise and hare type of win
It wasn't a win in any regard.
The online was horrible.
They dropped Backwards compatibility.
The fat PS3s sound like a jet engine.
Absolutely abysmal multiplat performance.
"Rumble is a last generation feature"
Numerous hacks taking PSN offline
They made no money off of the console and had to literally fudge their sales numbers to combine with other Sony products such as the PSP and PS2 so we really have no idea how many even sold, only that it's less than they say.

Yeah, infamous 2 was great. The PS3 wasnt. Yes it lost.

user, just cause a game can cap at 60fps doesn't mean it will run at 60fps.

You're starting to sound delusional

then you are looking at the sales

>ps3 and ps4 on this list

why the ps4 shouldn't be on the list?


Damn, must suck being a poorfag Brazilian who has to game on decade old hardware. I actually feel sorry for you. Keep rationalizing that salt.

Sucks to be a blind gamer

Look how fucking mad this guy is getting

>buying a PS3 just for this game

I hope it is good.

its funny how he keeps getting increasingly defensive about his poor buy

Not as mad as a salty poorcuck like you, user. Enjoy your inferior garbage port, poorfag shitposter-kun.

Oh good, I'll wait until it's emulatable.

its funny how he keeps getting increasingly salty about being a poorfag