Its still the best next gen game. Prove me wrong

and nothing even comes close.

>even with horrible bat-tank shit.

it's true. it is, next to MGS5, the most next-gen game there is.

well its not that hard considering all this next gen is filled with Remasters,Rehashes,Rereleases and shit.

People are getting excited over playing 360 games are freaks

It's on sale on the ps store right now, but I haven't played the other Arkham games. Should I wait and play the shitty remasters before this one?

There's nowhere near enough challenge for that title. I'll agree it was a great game, and it truly felt like a real batman game but there's not enough nuance to make it legendary

It's definitely one of the best looking games I played on console in awhile.

No? it's by far the worst Batman game, even Origins was better, seriously

MGSV is literally a 360 game, it's also a half finished medicore game

well what good games are even released to qualify OP's choice?

i got MGSV then you could say bloodborne but its not that good game , same formula . Good gameplay but not superior quality like other 2.

I am really having bad time listing good next gen games.

I would say Mortal Kombat X could qualify probably.

its current gen you fucking tards

>press X to counter the game

Eh.... Elite Dangerous, the souls series and Warhammer Total War are the funnest games I've played from the past 4 years. i have a problem calling any game the best because that's ridiculous, but that's not to say there haven't been good games in this generation and the one preceding it.

This is not another thread for you to shitpost in. Please close the tab and go somewhere else.

>finally get to drive Batmobile
>there's too much Batmobile

how did they manage to make something awesome annoying?


How's the PC version right now, is it playable already?

i don't get it


how much?

I have a 970 and was able to play it at really high. I sacrificed some FPS for looks but it's a hefty game with lots going on in it so I think it's worth seeing it all if you can.

Ran like 45-50 for me at that point.


He's not incapping any bad guys. He's just stunning them.

but still, it's nothing more than smashing one button


Now try it with;
Gun guys.
Cattleprod guys.
Charging guys.
Shield guys.

>hits 1 button
>does nothing in the game


$30, $45 with season pass and stuff

Nope the Witcher 3 is the undisputed king.

I can see you are PS4 player..

please see:

He will literally do that until the end of time. None of the enemies will ever be "killed" doing that.

Nice lies.

I agree.

Too bad they forever tainted it with the shitty port at launch, otherwise it was a great ending to an amazing series.

Not that guy, but this is literally not lying. They don't understand the game, but they aren't lying.

Ah, c'mon. You can't win by just pressing one button if you are fighting more than 4 guys.

It has the best use of UE i've seen so far.
Its not even UE4 right?

It's Rocksteady's custom UE3.

You can't defeat even regular thugs with only counters.

>Shows a vid of Arkham City against low-level mooks
>Doesn't show them trying that shit in Arkham Knight
>Doesn't know even then basic mooks have a charge attack that'll knock your ass down if you mash that.

Reminds of that worthabuy faggot. Fights just the weakest enemies and then calls the entire fighting system garbage.

That X to counter meme mostly works with vanilla thugs, when they start using gimmicks like knifes, electricity, shields, etc ur gonna git fuked.

The only thing i hate about the charge attack is that if you hit the charger with a batarang, you take him down at the instant.