Capcom Sale on PSN
Should I buy Dragon's Dogma for $9?
Do you think it will be cheaper for pc when steam's summer sale hits? Is it well optimized?
I have an hd7770 1gb card, amd fx8120 at 3.1, and 8gb of ram, using a 1080p resolution.
Capcom Sale on PSN
Should I buy Dragon's Dogma for $9?
Do you think it will be cheaper for pc when steam's summer sale hits? Is it well optimized?
I have an hd7770 1gb card, amd fx8120 at 3.1, and 8gb of ram, using a 1080p resolution.
Don't even bother, it sucks. Also, milhouse is not a meme you newfag.
Dragon's Dogma kicks ass. I heard it has been optimized a little better for PC and small gameplay features, so it is a matter of how bored you currently are.
DD is absolutely worth 9 bucks though. I would just go for it if you are interested.
Stop samefagging faggot. Get a fucking life.
Save your money for GOTY 2016.
I currently have enough to play for now and things that need to be done so if the pc version is well done and extra content I guess I'll wait for a sale then. Thanks for replying, now I can let this die.
I might try the demo one of these days.
Never looked into that game, but I might buy it when it goes on sale if I end up liking it.
Watching this made me want to replay Okami but I fear it may end up in my backlog for a long time.
I like the game, I just honestly don't think I can go through all that unskippable dialogue again.
Get it on pc, PS3 version is a chore to play with its terrible controls, poor resolution, and letterbox screen.
Yeah I remember it being annoying and losing the motivation to keep playing a bit after defeating Orochi but it's been so many years since I first played it and loved the gameplay, aesthetic and music. Buying it right now.
Yeah I thought so, that's why I was asking how well it was optimised to play it at 1080p. I've already decided to buy it on pc when it goes on sale though.
How's the DMC HD Collection? I hear the digital version has lots of bugs, but also that many of these bugs only happen because poorfags playing on SDTVs.
Couldn't honestly tell you because I only played dmc1 from the collection and it was the disk version, but I had no problems the little time I played. I guess it can't be worse than dmc3 for pc, or is it?
Just google it, I don't people complaining about it here
Wich would be the case if that was true. I know, there's some people complaining but it happens for every game, so I don't think that's a generalized problem.
Crap. googled* and "I don't see* people..."
PSN sales have been shit for a while now, but this one is good. Everyone should go buy Okami HD and DD right now desu.
Is DMC collection worth it?
If you don't mind the difficulty of the first game, watched some gameplay and ended up with a good impression give it a try, it's not that expensive for three games. I read dmc2 is considered the worst but never played it myself, but loved dmc3.
How long is this sale for?
I think I'm gonna get Dragon's Dogma and Okami.
Wish I could play it on PS4. I've grown pretty reluctant over turning on my PS3 lately.
>America only
EU sucks i hate it here
Just wait for the ps4 remaster at 1080p ;-)
Definitely get DD on PC instead. Runs much, much better.