what game made you hate video games Sup Forums? im talking about one that made you realize devs don't give a fuck.
What game made you hate video games Sup Forums? im talking about one that made you realize devs don't give a fuck
I enjoyed this game but I understand peoples frustration with the multiplayer changes.
>but I understand peoples frustration with the multiplayer changes.
this is the most logical thing I've ever seen on Sup Forums
reach was the downfall of what halo is now. I literally put thousands of hours into h2/3 but now it's all ...useless. that style of game is dead unless I play the mess that is mcc and even then it's nto fun dropping 30 kills because the game has balancing issues just like reach
Dragon Age Inquisition. It had so much fucking potential...
spore, Skyrim and Rome 2.
>I'm afraid of change
Just die already, gandpa, I need your inheritance.
>I will never not be mad
battlefield 3
Destiny. I bought a console specificallyfor that game, and it was the only game I've pre-ordered in the last 5 years. Still, at least now I have a nice looking Netflix machine in my room
>>I'm afraid of change
it snot even fucking change
1-3 had change
reach 4 and 5 are completely different games ...like why would I even bother. enjoy your weird cod ripoff
>tfw I've bought DA:I on 3 different platforms
I really do enjoy that game. Whenever I'm hungover I sit down on my couch and play the multiplayer with the 8 other people in the world who decided to play as as well. Yes I'm a casual
The game of life
>the halo with the best campaign story
>devs don't give a fuck
What are you talking about? Reach was the last game Bungie put some love into.
They had some poor design decisions, but it wasn't souless.
I heard there's a game-breaking patch that gets released once you hit level 30
well at least you know what you like, you don't go with the memeflow like the other 90% of Sup Forums.
but seriously, on 3 systems? what the fuck is wrong with you
>Completely different
>Not change
Grandpa, please, take off the nostalgia goggles. The family is worried.
Reach was a masterpiece as far as halo games go
Halo 5 is great so you suck
>talking about reach as if it had a ton of core gameplay changes
All it did was add armor abilities, which is an extension of equipment which was added in Halo 3.
The fact they were set on spwan isn't a core change and could be turned off
Literally nothing wrong with casual gaming. Prove me wrong.
Starbound, Dark Souls 3, or the Battlefront Beta.
The lack of shield bleedthrough was a pretty big deal.
Aside from that: there's also player traits being nerfed to make the armor abilities seem more attractive, powerups being removed from base maps, and increasing spread based on fire rate.
>The lack of shield bleedthrough was a pretty big deal.
I always thought this was a mostly positive change.;
It made melee range encounters more based on patience and self control rather then whoever could mash out melees first.
Since the shield would eat all the melee damage if the shield wasn;t already gone, it forced you to fire untill the shields were down and then melee for the kill. If you fucked up and meleed before then, you were dead because there's a pause after you melee before you can start to fire again.
>And increasing spread based on fire rate.
That's not really accurate, most guns in the prior halo games had a set amount of spread that didn't change or none at all.
The introduction of bloom in reach was both a postive and a negative thing. It made automatics less shit and set the pathway for future halo games to balance them well, but in reach itself it rewarded spamming with the DMR
Mass Effect 3 is the only real answer in this thread.
Not only did the devs cut corners to maximize profit, they also paid the media the slutshame their own consumers who were understandably upset and vocal about it
>It made melee range encounters more based on patience and self control rather then whoever could mash out melees first.
Not really, because one guy could just punch you and make you one-shot without having to do any previous damage. If you didn't do enough damage to make his shield pop first, you were shit out of luck and put on the same level just because you couldn't do damage fast enough.
It also makes damage unintuitive, as my weapons wouldn't do a consistent amount of damage.
>most guns in the prior halo games had a set amount of spread that didn't change or none at all.
Not the precision weapons, which is where all complaints about reticle bloom come from. It's totally unnecessary on weapons designed for use at longer ranges and just made them impede on closer range weapons.
>Not the precision weapons, which is where all complaints about reticle bloom come from. It's totally unnecessary on weapons designed for use at longer ranges and just made them impede on closer range weapons.
That's sorta what I was getting at. It was good it was added for autos but bad for percision guns, though I think they could have made it work for percision guns had the tweaked the values to be just right.
In any case Halo 5 pretty clearly nails how it should be done with bloom and autos vs perscison guns, they just gotta make bursting more worthwhile on the AR and spraying a bit less effective.
They should bring back the headshot bonus it had on shields from the beta but reduce bodyshot damage/
The AR is fine where it's at now. All it needs is a starting ammo nerf.
This and Metroid: Other M
Not so much that the devs didn't give a fuck, actually the devs gave tons of fucks, the studio didn't.
Yeah if haven't dispelled the virgin rebuff by then your fucked
i still love videogames. the master chief collection made me realize i need to stop giving microsoft money. ever again.
This. Bungie put a lot of love into Halo and it shows.
still thousands of times better than halo 4 or 5.
those games wrecked the lore, went further in COD-izing the MP, introduced shitty stupid microtransactions and RNG to customization, and Halo 5 didn't even ship with a working theater mode or forge.
and Forge World will never be topped.
Yeah, ME3 was pretty horrible from what I saw. Glad I never got into Mass Effect.
I think the problem was that they added sprint. If this was completely removed, it we wouldn't have such a shit fest of Halo games (Reach was okay, but I drew the line at 4).
It's hardly a mass effect game. Shame really.
I fucking hate that game with a burning passion. After I started playinng other games for the longest time, I'm happier. Recently, I got so used to Doom's mechanics and controls that Destiny was so fucking slow and boring.
RuneScape, Payday 2, probably Halo: ODST because it was an expansion pack released as a main game. R6 Siege was the last """"AAA"""" game I bought into and figured would be half decent, and then it turned out to be a shitty game full of campers and crappy gadgets with no innovating gameplay.
Too many to list man.
It's a tie between Destiny and Halo 5: Guardians.
>Shame really
The shame is that Bioware and EA made money on it
Hitscan, no bleedthrough, hitscan, and swords not clashing forever.
Also the maps.
WoW: "Why are you still playing this game and forcing us to release sequels" edition
You mean entries in the series that killed it?
Halo 4
Gears of War Judgement
Fallout 3
Mass Effect 2
Civilization V
Dawn of War 2
>Civilization V
What the fuck?
hexes are gay
also no content
Reach was the absolute best Halo game. Fucking fight me.
I could see the arguement that hitscan is a core gameplay change I guess but that's a super minor thing.
Bleedthrough I think was overall a postive change
See hitscan for swords.
I agree the maps are shit but that's not a gameplay thing
>hexes are gay
opinion discarded
>the halo with the shittiest story
I know right man.
Reach was a disaster if I had my laptop still, I would put my long ass Reach hate list on hear. I may email it to myself before my laptop completely dies so I could post it from my phone.
That's retarded, no matter how you slice it.
If you just judge the stories based on their own merits, then Reach isn't the worst because CE barely has no story at all, and 4's story exists
if you include the EU stuff, then 4's story is worse, because there's actual explanations for reach's inconclusiveness with the novels which prevents them from being retcons. 4 has inconsistencies and retcons that have not gone explained, which makes 4's worse.
We've all seen it by now.