It's too hard

>It's too hard

>0.1 hrs on record

what game


Probably HOI 4

Which is ironic because it's the easiest paradox game yet

>0.1 hrs on record
Whatever game it is he clearly just bought it to badmouth it and then get a refund.

No I didnt

no he didn't

super hexagon

>check the Dark souls 1 global achievements

Could be dota. Ive got 3.5k hours and still hate the fucking game.

You know that loads of people played it when it was on GFWL? The achievements did not carry over.

It's pretty normal for games that go on sale.

They did though.

No they didn't.
I don't have a single achievement despite finishing the game twice back then.

Lolno, they didn't.

I have over 200 hours on the PC version before it ever came to steamworks and it shows I have zero achievements.


I've seen pretty much this said so many times on this board. It's like the whole Dota community are a bunch of masochistic crazy people who hate winning only slightly less than losing.

not him but i think mine got carried over when i replayed ds1 after the no-gfwl patch thing

maybe it was a limited time thing because the achievement data from gfwl got wiped

That's what she said.

find the last game you played on steam and post the first one of these kinds of reviews you find


This. I've seen it done before.

This. I've done it before.


For me at least it was the love of the game, but the hate of the taco nigger community.

If Valve ever decides to region lock the game, I'll reinstall in a heartbeat. Until then they can suck my asshole.

Im doing it every time game goes on free during weekend. I have around 20 fake accounts only for that. Help me ;_;

id love a region lock on melee and ranked matches

but not on my custom maps
i dont mind playing with chinks and ruskies while playing just TD maps
better them than having nobody to play customs with

>play dota with a gud pal and we have genuine fun
>another pal decides to get in on the action
>completely hooked on the game
>becomes one of "those" players, everything revolves around him and he "belongs" in 6k
>gets increasingly stressed out every game
>we don't invite him anymore, but he joins saying "i know this is going to stress me out but I'll play anyway"
>has to see a therapist because he has too much stress in his life, one stressor being dota

>haven't finished a game in almost two years
>only enjoy shitting on them now

Yup. There was a period of 2 months where you had to load up your save once to get your precious achievements.

Fucking this. There are so many better ways for Valve to implement region locking or something similar, but they don't. FFS you could lock people below 4k MMR, it'd at least keep bad people out while still letting people play with their overseas friends.

Also someone explain to me, why do South Americans queue in English NA servers? They have their own servers right?

i thought so

because i dont remember playing through the end once i replayed the ds1 again
yet i shows on my steampage i got the ending achievements

god this port is fucking horrendous without the dsfix

Spiderman is awesome, especially in civil war he was so faithful to the comics.

just checked - they didn't.

You retards realize this is pointless if you don't tell us the game, right?

>no versus

means nothing to us, maybe it's a game that could have used a Versus mode.

that'd Deathstroke asshole

Deathstroke have a big white skull on his torso.
Comics aren't rocket science you fucking moron, how can you fail so spectacularly.

"no versus" was Vermintide

Fair enough then, that game was massively lacking in content

Yeah also

>$10 for three new levels

Whole thing was a total scam, they promised so much more than they ever delivered.

It was a shallow L4D clone.

Like every Warhammer game made recently:
Vermintide, Mordheim, Gothic:Armada, Bloodbowl.
I'm really afraid about DoW 3 now ;_;

What the fuck

Justified. The skirmish mode is shit and the online is literally the worst of any RTS game. He probably did play campaign anyway.

I'm worried about Deathwing

Deathstroke doesn't have a big white skulll on his torso thats ghost rider that has that fuckwad it has nick cage from mortal kombat, have you never seen it

Many games are like this, fighting games in particular. And this is coming from a seasoned Street Fighter and Melee player. Some games, and sometimes entire genres, are too hard for most people to want to invest time into.

Go ahead and jump into Quake Live or SFV ranked and see if you have fun without knowing what you are doing.

What is the appeal of Last Stand anyway? It seems extremely shallow.

And why do you feel the skirmish mode is garbage?

My brazilian friend said that Brazilians hate other Brazilians as much as Americans do.

Ghost rider have nothing to do with skulls, he's the guy that burn.
His catchphrase is even "flame on".

It was entertaining for a few hours its pretty hard and needs good teamwork on the final waves, no idea how that fucker got so much out of it though.

Skirmish was absolute shit because the AI and resource system were rubbish. Made the entire thing nothing but running units in circles to recapture points with little to no fighting.

Not him but

>What is the appeal of Last Stand anyway? It seems extremely shallow.

Most of the fun comes from making different builds. It can actually get quite difficult later in.

I heard the recent Necron Overlord character is stupidly overpowered though, even moreso than the Tau Shas'O. No idea what he's actually like though.

>And why do you feel the skirmish mode is garbage?

It's a merry-go-round of capturing resources.

>Made the entire thing nothing but running units in circles to recapture points with little to no fighting.
That ain't my experience. When did you last play it?

the character with the catchphrase "flame on" is Iceman, fuckking retard

it's supposed to be ironic, because he's got cold powers but he's gay

On top of that it ran like absolute shit.

The devs are literally talent-less hacks. Like the definition of the phrase. They used someone else's IP (warhammer), ripped off the entire game mechanics from another IP (left 4 dead). Then they can't even optimize their fucking games and add worthwhile content. Fuck them. Do not give them ANY money.


Is Gothic: Armada actually bad? I was considering getting it, too.

DotA is just as casual as LoL. The only difference is that the fanbase somehow deluded themselves into thinking they are something better.