Now that the dust has settled, what did you think of this game?
Now that the dust has settled, what did you think of this game?
Amazing gameplay/combat. Using monsters as party members and the monster colosseum were fun as fuck.
Story, not so much.
The whole dress sphere thing is good if you like mahou shoujo stuff, probably bad if you don't.
It's fun.
Story and characters are retarded.
Time really has helped though.
When people first played it, they expected...well, they expected Final Fantasy X-2.
That's REALLY not what this is. It doesn't have the same battle system or atmosphere or tone.
This is a spinoff that happens to be set in that universe, and that's where most of the ire came from, I think.
Time has really helped this game separate itself from the original, which is only a good thing.
Too many shitty minigames
Terrible. Fucks up the characters and the lore. Everything about the universe of FFX is better if you assume that X2 never happens.
The combat is pretty good though.
Fucking this but still like it.
ruins the game for me tbqh. Combat is okay and could've made up for it but you spend less time in combat than you should because the game is constantly pushing shitty minigames on you
>digging in the desert for Al Bhed markers
>ATB combat instead of plain turn-based like it was in X
>retarded story, team rocket can go fuck itself
>barely any new enemies, just reskins
>leveling up wasn't nearly as satisfying as it was in X to the point where you probably just "grinded" elemental enemy encounters to max out your stats
I really wanted to like X-2 but it just took so many steps back and changed things that didn't need changing.
Surprisingly good gameplay.
The depth it had for a somewhat spin off to FFX was amazing.
can never get into it
i cant stand the menuing when in battle
its fucked
cant just press the direction of the enemy you want to attack
>12 year old self
first ff, loved it, played because of kh
>high school
hated it for being a barbie dress up simulator after playing other ff games, mostly the psx and ps2 gen
>college self
nostalgic for the game when i realized its basically an updated ff3 and ff5 job system but with grils, actually good combat
>2 weeks ago to 3 days ago when i played and finished it on steam
Good gameplay but less end game than i remember
all in all, 8/10
If I'm being perfectly honest, the game is really odd. I can't tell who the game is marketed towards with the story, atmosphere, characters, writing, minigames, combat, and general gameplay all clashing.
However, the game is SUPER fun, if really shallow on the story department. I would kill to have the ability to go back in time and have X use the same battle system of X-2 (just the ATB, not the class system).
>that 5 minutes of cringe intro
Still can't play it around my family/friends.
>yuna has to be a yamato nadeshiko facing death and rikku has to be a teenage girl not wanting to lose a friend
>even after the giant death whale is dead
>even after the world is literally free from destruction
What, you gonna grieve for ever when your mother dies faggot?
>If I'm being perfectly honest, the game is really odd. I can't tell who the game is marketed towards with the story, atmosphere, characters, writing, minigames, combat, and general gameplay all clashing.
people who were desperate for a sequel to FFX
its funny, i looked up trivia on the games and it turns out there was idea for a yuna spin off, rikku spin off and even a game for braska and friends
It makes me wonder how ever what a proper sequel for ff10 would have been. SIn got rekt, what else could they do?
>Dark Bahamuth
I still didn't get there, I used the cheats to speed the gridsphere because I can't be bothered to grind spheres/items and so on
I've already done that on PS2 and on PS3 and it's a huge pain in the ass
I used a save editor to max out all stats on all characters and aeons and used the square provided supercharge cheat and still barely managed to get by by using magus sisters due to their innate status resistance
I dont know how the fuck your supposed to take him on normally
It's kinda sad, but true. The X-2 team definitely played on the hype for X for a quick cash grab.
That's not to say they didn't put effort into X-2; it's just not anything resembling a proper sequel to its predecessor. X-2 would have been at least decently received if it were labeled FF11 or some spinoff instead of X-2.
Beginning is extremely jarring, but once you calm the fuck down and realize what's going on it normalizes alarmingly fast.
Gameplay remains among one of the best in the franchise. New dresspheres and monster party members, as well as old favorites returning in the special mission are just incredible.
Looks infinitely better than the PS2 version, and sounds better as well.
Characters are largely underappreciated (especially Paine), as well as some development being thrown under the bus because NOT MUH X (Yuna taking after Rikku and learning to not be a total shut-in, Brother being a hilarious creep, Leblanc and her story, etc).
Story isn't as strong as X in terms of story-telling and quality, but manages to get by with the characters.
Best banter in combat, bar none. Some of the mini-convos the party has with each other can be side-splitting. Dialogue is markedly better than X's janky wording and translation. Voice acting is much better (granted Yuna's voice was excusable). (cont)
The fucker has impossible evasion stat
You're supposed to have guard for everything to counter his insta-game over attack and use that skill Wakka has that boosts your accuracy
Even with that you'll miss a fuckton of times
Seemed like something special was there I just wasn't willing to put up with the flip flop in the tone to get to it.
I'm loving it.
It's a nice happy story after the whole constant depressive atmosphere that was X.
After finally killing that bastard, by totally cheating, I had no desire to fight any of the other dark aeons. He was just too cheap in every way and I figured it would all just get worse from there.
He's honestly really easy. By this point, you should have plenty of Light Curtains + Underdog's Secrets so you'll never have to worry about ingredients for Hyper Mighty G.
Have everyone on Comrade with Auto-Protect, Auto-Haste, Auto-Phoenix, and Ribbon/Stone-Proof. He'll counterattack now and again with Impulse which will fuck your shit up if you don't have Ribbon/Stone-Proof (it's an auto-wipe). Other than that, stay high health to ensure no random wipes from Impulse counterattacks and simply watch his overdrive meter. Attack Reels and Slice & Dice whenever available while Quick Hitting otherwise.
Also, Dark Bahamut and those after require 255 Luck to fight properly which is where the real time investment comes in (2x Luck Sphere from overkilling Greater Sphere; 2x Fortune Sphere for killing Earth Eater). He (and literally every other Dark Aeon) isn't hard in the slightest should you be maxed out and properly equipped, only tedious.
Content in this game is something that should have become an industry standard. There's never nothing to do, and every playthough will be different with how many ways you can influence the game and how the story unfolds.
However, you still need a guide to get the best ending, which is total horseshit. Catnip is ruined and made useless. The story of Shuyin and Lenne is fucking boring, the bait and switch with Shuyin and Tidus with Yuna somehow having a connection to Lenne solely because of her dressphere is still very stupid. Story is way more light-hearted and silly for 90% of the game. Game can be unclear about some mechanics. Digging in the desert is just as annoying as it was on the PS2. Superbosses are fucking annoying. Azi Dahakka can eat a fat dick and choke on it to death. Fuck Malboros. Fuck the coin flip bullshit.
Still is overall an unsatisfying experience, as it wasn't what anyone really wanted, and left us wanting a prequel instead. We get pic related instead
Pretty neat ATB system and Rikku manages to be both adorable and sexy at the same time.
Other than that, its shit.
I thought Impulse armor broke all your characters, something ribbon doesn't protect against. After that any attack he did would do max damage.
The story is still worse than basically anything else the franchise has produced with the possible exception of VIII and maybe the XIII line.
The gameplay is fairly solid, but what the hell were they thinking making Behemoths early game enemies.
I liked the Boss Sphere system
Strange really, it felt like they were more interested in creating minigames to stuff into it than making a real game. I think it would have made more sense if it was used as a bridge to a real sequel instead of being a tacked on Charlies Angels adventure.
1000 Words was amazing and so was Leblanc.
It does, but Auto-Phoenix and Hyper Mighty G (Auto-Life) take care of that. It's actually a huge positive because his instagib of 99,999 auto attack on a target simply charges everyone else's overdrives.
I'm not saying you don't die to him. You die to him regularly, be it from post-break attacks or his overdrive. You simply need to keep up with Hyper Mighty G and portion out your few turns before his properly.
Again: easy, but tedious. Like this "must be killed 5 times" fucker who can ambush you and immediately Wakazashi your team for a wipe.
That has to be my biggest complaint about Dark Bahamut.
He has way too much HP for all the shit he pulls.
I have spent way too much time on the fiend stories and arena.
I remember needing Ribbon but zoolab's monsters hardly dropped Darkmatter
This was 2 years ago on PS3 and beating Bahamuth without protections was a sure game over
So I basically spent a fuckton of time grinding on Dark Yojimbo to get enough materials to get Ribbon on some protections and I beat the fucker
Valefor and Ifrit were easy as fuck and every Ifrit counterattack was a free overdrive
I'll power up my characters even further for the other dark aeons
In retrospect I should have named my aeons like the Japanese ones this time around
I'm playing it for the first time now. Been waiting to play it for a while because I heard it uses the job system. While its fun I was hoping for something more akin to V's job system. Story sucks balls though and kinda hard to keep motivated with it as a result.
It's good.
You should enjoy more if you aren't an insecure faggot that has his fragile masculinity shaken by a little bit of girlyness
Final Fantasy X-3 is gonna be shit
Dark Yojimbo is definitely your best bet for Dark Matter farming, but he still requires that you have maxed your Luck before you can effectively touch his dodgey ass.
Time investment into preparation is the true difficulty for X's side content. Which is why I said before that I'd love to have ATB from X-2 in X so battles would require at least a marginal amount of active thought. Meanwhile, pic related on at least 3 characters is all you need to beat literally everything in X (with the exception of Penance, in which case you need a crazy 4 characters maxed out, though it's specifically Auron, Tidus, Wakka, and Rikku).
I had played FFX-2 on PS2 and then again on PS3
It wasn't so bad but the fact that there's stuff you have to to in precise chapters to unlock stuff has always kind of pissed me off because it means you have to play the whole game with a guide for unlocking stuff
Other than that I think the game was pretty nice but the soundtrack, story and overall feeling were either handed to another team or the same team just decided to throw everything in the toilet and publish whatever they picked up after flushing
FFX has this great feeling of going against a faith estabilished thousands of years ago to settle things for good and fight together to protect Yuna as her friends
FFX-2 was literally "The guy in the sphere looks like Tidus, we'll compete with a team of jackasses to find out about him" and in the meantime they stumble into a secret weapon hidden forever and a story that was never heard of
I liked how, in the lore, Tidus is most likely the Faith's reconstruction of Shuyin anyway
>It wasn't so bad but the fact that there's stuff you have to to in precise chapters to unlock stuff has always kind of pissed me off because it means you have to play the whole game with a guide for unlocking stuff
That always has been and always will be shit.
Luck 255 is definitely overkill for every superboss you have to fight
120/130 will do even for Penance
However at the time I was willing to spend more time to farm materials and money to get materials but I'm not anymore because going through it 2 times was more than enough
It really sucks that they blocked Wakka's overdrives and emblem behind chances of finding those items as prizes in the League and Yevon cup because I've had a crapload of games and Attack slot never comes on and that's just the beginning since I have to do a lot of battles for having a chance for Status slot and then double that to have a chance the emblem is on
Square really ensured fans would take a long time to complete it 100%
>There's an emblem in Zanarkand required for Tidus's strongest weapon
>No clue that you might find it, unless you're very curious and check down the stairs
>Going to check again will trigger Dark Bahamuth's boss fight, who is the fourth strongest boss in the whole game
I'm in a similar situation in my current FFX file. I only need 1 more Al Bhed Primer and it's in Besaid, when I go back there I have to fight Dark Valefor. I haven't tried fighting it since I got the airship so I'm sure I can take it on now.
The combat system was great
That happened to me. That and I missed the destruction sphere treasure in Besaid.
Which meant not only was I locked out of Tidus and Yuna's weapons. But also out of Anima until I could get strong enough to kill dark Valefor.
And Anima is like strategy #1 for the beginning of the grinding.
You could do that, or you could just zanmato every superboss considering it takes about as much "skill" as grinding levels for no reason
I'm pumped to play this for the first time.
You need some decent stats to beat him without aeons
He doesn't have huge evasion but you'll need some good accuracy to hit him
Except his overdrive he won't take more than 9999 out of you and he doesn't have counterattacks
So you can simply use that magic Yuna has to revive people automatically even if the entire party is dead and you're all set
I'm not sure if I'm strong enough to take him yet. Tidus, Auron and Wakka have gone through Tidus, Auron's, Wakka's and Kimahri's part of the sphere grid, and I have all the summons except Magus Sisters.
Well I did that with Penance because my stats were off and I would have had to grind like crazy to get enough magic and magic defense with the mains I had at the time
So it as either hours and hours of grinding or simply pay off yojimbo and get it over with
Anyone in my place would have done the same
The best gameplay of any final fantasy ever released
Point blank period
fuck you it game me a boner as a kid
>he rotates his saves
>Not rotating your saves
Do you literally want your savefile to be fucked beyond repair?
Not that guy, but why would you ever not rotate your saves? Unless you have a weak ass memory card there's no issue.