Can we all agree that this is the edgiest gesture ever, and stop using it

Can we all agree that this is the edgiest gesture ever, and stop using it


Whats wrong with it?

>he doesn't do quiet resolve while walking away


What's edgy about it? I want to hear this.

This is the best.

>rolls into the front guy instead of away from them
Dumb faggot.

>post Bloodborne
>no Shhh gesture
Why? They have like 10 different bowing gestures but they couldn't add the shhh?

>emoting at all
>not just using the gough wood carvings

tfw no well what is it

>no finger waggle


also the point down gesture

Dark Souls 2 had the best emotes

>point forward
>cut throat
>point down

do you honestly think it would have made any difference?

what armor is the guy being ganked wearing?

at least there's patches squat to make defeated players mad

Ds2 and 3 are fucking trash

Makes you look like a tryhard? Iunno

>get ganked by 3 phantoms and a host using the full shitter set, estoc/dork sword and caestus
>all point down after they tear me a new one

It's only a videogame, but it makes my blood boil like nothing else


OutFuckingSkilled kiddo

Why can the estoc cut but the rapiers can't? Rapiers actually have edges; estocs are just steel spikes.

The sarcasm behind the applause gesture always slightly irritates me.

People in souls have so much built up frustration and rage that they all bm each other all the time

Tfw the welcome gesture doesn't do the step back like it did in DaS 2

I only use it when I kill a parry fisher. I parry over his dead corpse a few times too.

Why did they remove this one?

It's literally the best gesture in the series.

Playing Dark Souls 1 for the first time, just curious when I should try to do the Artorias DLC content. I have all the Lord Souls except the 4 kings which I'm about to fight right now

>not relaxing and stretching out after killing someone

It's meant for endgame characters, so just kill the lmao4kings first.

Figure it out senpai

>no righty ho

My favourite gesture without the walking away. Glad they finally adding the thing Oscar does while leaving firelink.

I tried to play some DS2 last night and got completely devastated after getting used to how easy Dark Souls 3 is.

Missed a guy with a spear poke, kept spamming R1 as DS3 has taught me, my angle didn't adjust. I just kept poking forward, right off a cliff. I am actually retarded.

They fucked up Creighton's mask in DaS 3 :'(

>i wish i was cool: the gesture

I did the Artorias stuff before the 4 kings, but I always had help.

>my waifu proper bow is back
>but well what is it!, Warm up and decapitate aren't
>my thanks and beckon are shitty new names

I'm unsure how to feel about it. Gestures having practical uses like Call over and stretch out is a plus, I guess.

You can do it whenever. I usually only do Seath since he's in the way, grab the pendant, then do the DLC. If you beat O&S, nothing in the DLC is hard. Except Kalameet's tail


I'm sad they took so much shit out of DaS2. It had the best emotes in the series.

I miss the old animation in DS1 where you stand still for a moment then bow. Anybody else have little nitpicks regarding gesture animations?


Best gesture of them all.

The fact that the welcome gesture doesn't do the step back really gets on my nerves

This, cut the walking away bullshit and it's a solid gesture.

Yeah, if you're a boyscout.

Best gesture in the series, it's quick and can be used for pretty much any occasion

What? Are you gay or something?



Honor is now edgy

Naw senpai, Kids who point down when they kill you are the edgy faggots.

Ah, the mounds of hatemail this gesture got me

>New patch to remove 1FP for skills
>Simple gem now trash
>Wondering if its for all weapons or just select ones
>Slowly Fromsoft is telling us the only way to play is with Dark Sword R1s
Which one of you complained?

>Sacred flame + white hair talisman + axe to be killed
Did you know that you find Sacred Flame and White Hair Talisman in the same area?
It doesn't seem glitched at all, until some complained of being one shot by a slow-ass grab move. Goodbye easy soul farming. Demons Souls had an instant kill grab move that reduced your Soul Level by 1 if you got hit. Sacred flame was tame.

Shaking my head guys its like some of you don't like fun.

>legion etiquette

Just use one of the many bows if you're that sort of thing. Everyone knows legion is only used by faggots.

You're who I'm referring to when I say it's edgy

They fucked up his set too. His robes extend too far down, so your feet go through them when walking. It's like they didn't even put on the set when playtesting

>No shrug
>No look skyward
>No proper "Well what is it?"

I feel like there are a lot of similar gestures in 3.
Isn't there something like 5 bowing gestures and 3 curling up ones?

If you don't think walking away using Quiet Resolve is the edgiest anime gesture then you can stop being a human being.

>Actually implying that Patches squat is not the best emote

>point forward
every game had that

>cut throat
even edgier than Legion Ettiquette and exclusively used by underage tryhards

>point down
Actually, Dark Souls 1 had the most insulting point down. Dark Souls 3's looks more like some kind of wrestler shit, Dks1 was just plain mean with the *nah ah ah* motion

is there a duel bow similar to the one the blue sentinel guy gives you in dark souls 2?

No finger wag
No well what is it
No pout down from dark souls 1
No point forward, slice neck then point down
No shh from bloodborne
No roar from bloodborne
No righty ho!
No bloodborne cheeky wave

They seriously fucked up the emotes. Only see three of them now
Point down
Patches squat
Curl up


>Which one of you complained?

Friendly reminder that DaS2 used to have the most interesting and diverse PvP until 2 years later where it was nerfed down to fast/light weapon faggotry.

DaS3 just continued where DaS2 left off.

Toast is the only proper gesture after any DS3 online encounter

>tfw DS2:SoTFS still has more PvP build variety than DS3

Got this feeling that after some patch they made everyone able to just roll out of a stunlock after being hit for the second time. Completely ruined fisticuffs builds since your reach is shit and people keeps getting away from you before you can deal any real damage

From confirmed for hating fun

best emote is the one where you brush your hands by your coat in bb

DLC Emotes inc

There's plenty of people that would pay 4.99 or 9.99 for a DS1 or DS2, or even BB emote pack.

Simple gem is good if you use the proper way, to regen FP when invading and fighting gangs.
I have infinite HP with it and a chime.
I can't say anything besides Morne's, Twin Princes and MLGS made good use of the gem, the rest abused infinite arts because why the fuck not?

And sacred flame was a glitch, why would a single spell casting tool, with a single spell, increase its damage by giant amounts when paired with specific weapons? Next you'll say Astora's rolling R1 is a thrust?

You can grind easy souls with rapport still, and I haven't even reached pope in NG+ and already have hundreds of almost everything the jew lady sells.

Oh and
>complaing about fucking dark sword R1s
>when you can parry bait those shitters
>when gotthards are miles better

You know shit of what you're talking about.

I mean the FP skills. There are weapons that NEED the L2 because they have to proc bleed to be useful. Otherwise their R1s are shit and the L1s are an invite to be stabbed because they're slow. At this rate the only weapons that will be viable are the R1 spam ones with phantom range. The Dark Sword.

I'd be eternally grateful if someone would be so kind as to drop 4 proof of concord kept ears for me. Ive been FARMING FOREVER HOLY FUCKING SHIT PLEASE KILL ME. I need 4 more for a total of 30. Will nab me the all miracles achievement. Then 10 dregs.
>Then 30 swordgrass

I'm level 175 hitting for 450's 1H with Anri's straight sword. 30 strength, 40 dex, 99 luck. I got this character to such a high level BEFORE they fixed the Sentinels and Darkmoon of course.

Can't drop concords user. Have fun. Are you on PC?

>I've been farming forever for useless shit.

Please, just go back to WoW.

>use dried fingers and wait for invaders
no summons, I'm not a faggot
>kill said invader because 95% of the people who invade are complete shitters
>point down every time

A good R1 Darksword user will mix his attacks up to make it extremely hard to parry and that's the real problem. Shitters should never be used in any argument because they are never a threat with anything they are using unless it was blatantly broken shit like havelmoms or havelmages.

Why the fuck has "Well, What Is It?" never came back. Its absolutely the best gesture ever.

Also the lack of a shrug in 3 is really upsetting

yes you can. There is the "leave" option when you select them. And yes, PC.
I 100% every Dark souls title. The fact that they have 3 spells and 2 rings hidden behind covenants is horseshit. The only things I'm missing is miracles, sorceries, and rings. I only need 2 rings. Both of which are hidden behind covenants.

the gestures in this game suck so bad.

where's my well what is it? my no way? my decapitate? my shrug? fuck this game. instead we get 5 fucking bows. i'd pay for new gestures

>i'd pay for new gestures
Pls dont say these things

> Destroy an invader with my 3 friends.

> Legion him repeatedly as he dies.

> Get salt messages every time.

It's true though. It's one of the few joys I glean from life.

>a good darksword user
funny joke

There is a "leave" option but the other players in the world will not be able to see or pick up covenant items left on the ground.

>being such a cuck that you'd pay for new gestures after complaining that they left them out

fuck fuck fuck. This is fucking stupid. I can get them as I'm killing all 3 silver knights in less than 1 minutes but fuck me.

A couple rounds through the arena is enough to remind you how much they dumbed down the pvp for 3

Best gestures of all games coming through
>Righty ho
>No way
>Well what is it
>Fist pump
>I won't bite

Why would you not bring back no way and I won't bite? Now theres no way to communicate outside of pointing

And how is dark sword still worse than gotthards?
As it is now, you have reliable counters to them, most which are bigger PvP threats, corvian greatknife, gotthards themselves, CCS, dual wield spear + thrusting sword. And until friday hits, pole and estoc surely beat dork swords too.

Yeah. It's a goddamn nightmare to farm those things. Took me about 5 hours. Best advice I can give is put on a movie or some music in the background and just space out while you farm.

>Well, what is it
this will always be a top tier gesture

You can replace I won't bite with beckon. Not the same, but helps.

Yea I'm watching John Wick right now. I have the mimic head, Crystal Sage's rapier in my offhand, and pop a bronze coin every single run. I have 499 item discovery. Just ughhh.

I'd pay that just for the well, what is it emote

Seriously. I used it for almost any occasion. From a boss defeated to greeting a summon. It was versatile, fun, and silly all at the same time

>5 bows
I hate this too. Fucking A-Team.

W-what's happening on Friday?

>Now theres no way to communicate outside of pointing
Toasting or calling over maybe?

>All these Well, What is it? patricians
Sometime Sup Forums has really good taste.