Left stick up/down moves Samus

>Left stick up/down moves Samus
>Left stick left/right moves camera left/right
>Left stick+R up/down moves camera in any direction
>C stick does nothing

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Why do people like this game?

>>C stick does nothing
Confirmed for not playing the game

>playing the original when the Trilogy exists

Best controls on a Metroid game ever.

Too bad Trilogy fucked everything up with the motion bullshit.

why did you ask Sup Forums?

he's clearly at the first part of the game.

only reason to play the original is for the sequence breaking and the extra shit it had back when GBA+Link Cable was still relevant.

i'll never understand why they patch it out on the Trilogy version.

>please reply! : - ;


If you're talking about Fusion suit, it's available in Trilogy in a much easier way. Getting a GBA cart + working GameCube + Link Cable is a pain.

The original Metroid is removed though.

>If you're talking about Fusion suit, it's available in Trilogy in a much easier way.
damn really?
>The original Metroid is removed though.
well damn, at least ZM exists/Wii VC existed

>best controls on a Metroid game ever.
What the fuck?

>Too bad Trilogy fucked everything up with the motion bullshit.
Since when is the pointer motion controls?
Did you try turning free aim lock on off?
Are you trying to say that a single stick for moving and aiming is better than a movement stick and an aiming pointer?

this thread is going to be shit

thread was at Page 7 and your dumbass bump it without a sage

now it's at Page 6, do us a favor user.

It is. The wii motion control gimmick was one of the worst ever. No one wants to sit down and flap their arms around while playing vidya. The GameCube controls were simpler and more well rounded.

this is bait

>metroid thread
>post other m
Wow. We got fucking nostradamus over here.


>nintendo fans

>>metroid thread
>>*post previously sucessful bait that still works

Protip: we need a Metroid general to run away from dumb shitposters or just go to /m/ and /vr/


Yeah because /vg/ is so fucking great

AM2R is almost done.
Guy working on it is balancing the Queen Metroid.
Anyone else hype?

I need to find my PSP to use as a controller

>le /vg/ is cancer maymay
better than having a million metroid threads with the same bait by smug nintendrones

Can you even do that?
The game doesn't run on a console emulator. Its just an executable you open.
I use a dual shock 3 controller to play AM2R.

Pretty much this.

It's free too, if you aren't literally retarded.

/m/ has Metroid threads?

The fusion suit was a dumb gimmick, I did it once and never bothered again

Also the original NTSC version of the game, on top of having all of the sequence breaks, has pre-rewrite lore

Motion controls trumps all of that, though

Of course it does. Metroid is /m/ as fuck.

the only bait is your meta whining

Have (You)rself a second helping

nigga, they love the suits Samus wears in every game especially in Prime 2 and 3.

what do you think?

Yeah, a homebrew program for the PSP lets a PC see it as a controller over USB

It is already
But we can fix that

>ITT Ideas for a new 2D or 3D Metroid

That's neat.
I'd still rather use my DS3 tho.
Of course the default controller the game sees is a 360 controller.

fuck you, i'm sick of the crap that comes in common "in-general" Metroid discussion in Sup Forums. even 8/v/ has it a bit better with the waifufags being mild as fuck, dubposters destroying shitposters and GY_Sybb automatically told to fuck off to the /vidya ass/ board.

i even have to just take a break and discuss other shit in other Sup Forums threads (like Kirby or Megaman)

Metroid general, to other boards, or nothing

Let's just get it out of the way
>The original control scheme is perfectly playable
>The Wii Trilogy controls don't really add anything to the game in 1&2 the way they do in Corruption, they're just there for the sake of it
>both control schemes are fine
There. You may proceed

Entering Phendrena Drifts the first time you go there still gives me ducklingbumps.

I like it because it feels closer to a SNES controller and I don't need to buy anything

>Metroid Dread
>takes place after Fusion
>GF hunting Samus for destroying a military installation and a planet
>chase takes her to a huge, failing space station
>insert insane computer program fucking with Samus in 2D idea from Metroid Prime 1.5

its why the first two are collecting dust on my shelf

I remember renting Prime because I thought the little picture of Phendrana on the back cover looked cool

I couldn't get enough of it, begged my parents to buy it for me the day it went back

Why would I want to play the Trilogy version when I want to do sick nasty speed runs?


C stick switches beams, idiot.

>Having to stand still to look up or down is better than free aim with lock on


>playing the version that fixed all the fun glitches

Is there anyway to play an emulated version on PC that let's use a mouse for aiming?

I'm guessing a hack of a wii trilogy version that somehow maps the motion coordinates to mouse movement.

I've looked but never found anything useful. :(


why would anyone want to play with the wii mote

Combat is solid

Scanning and lorefagging is tons of fun

Bosses are gud

Atmosphere and level design is top notch

Music goes well with everything and is memorable

Story is vague, yet somehow easily followed throughout

Last time before Samus was transformed into a generic anime girl

But we did this already, right here .

Do the wii controls make this game too easy? Must be nice to not have to redardedly stand in place with R

I don't know about anyone else, but the motion control morph ball jump was a godsend against the Spider Guardian. Being able to jump without waiting for a bomb made everything so much less tedious.

>right stick controls Samus' fingers.
>it's actually you controlling the character's fingers who you are playing as, with your own hand.
>the way that you are tensing your wrist to move your phalanges, causes Samus to tense her wrist to make a sign.

Woah, I never noticed this.

>Actually finding the shit wiimote controls tolerable in any way shape or form.

I miss all that samus.co.uk bullshit with trying to get minimum completion runs, jumping out of the level, skipping items etc. you honestly haven't played this game unless you scan dashed or ghetto jumped

>has pre-rewrite lore
Yup. All I know is the original lore. I'm glad I'm not tainted by the altered data.

>no manual aiming in a first person game
>tolerable in any way
baka desu senpai

Are you baiting in response to bait?
That's some meta shit user.

any game that uses a lock on system for first person ranged combat is shit.

>playing the inferior and nerfed version of Echoes

How about no.

Just finished Echoes and good god I don't even know why.

>Emperor Ing's tentacles

What. The fuck. Where they thinking.

How do you feel about the fact that metroid prime was originally going to have super metroid space pirates that were instead cut for the donut steel prime creations?

wouldn't have made sense. space pirates never made it into the prime core

I like it, the body modification stuff is great for them.

What is wrong?

I like the prime designs so I could care less

I don't mind it.

they all look like shit aside from standard pirates and phazon pirates in prime1 and commandos in prime2

The actual attacks aren't that big a deal, but 80% of the time the tentacles just convulse around the place and there's not proper way to evade them or aim the multi-missiles.

Echoes is shit regardless of version

I've never touched the Wii aspect of Dolphin emulator. Is it possible to use the mouse instead of the Wiimote so I can play Trilogy on KB+M?

Yeah I remember, still isnt a big deal.

I like the lore idea that the pirates are both a conglomeration of various castes and species and that they're modified for each planet they invade.

>Unlocking the Fusion Suit

The best easter egg ever.

Yes even the Nacho Cheese version.

>Metroid 5
Samus goes AWOL against the GF after the destruction of the BSL Station. The GF hire a bounty hunter known for hunting down some of the most powerful criminals in space to bring Samus in. The animals in Samus ship lead Samus to an ancient Chozo planet that is far more old then Zebes or SR-388 and has a massive Chozo city that is still active. The GF have found the planet already and have built facilities on the planet. All hell breaks loose on the planet when the AI of the planet becomes corrupt after years of isolation and take over massive Chozo machines found on this planet and every planet with a civilization in the Galaxy. Samus must stop this AI find out her true destiney and fight the bounty hunter who is after her. Will she survive?


>GF hire a bounty hunter

But the Fusion suit is fucking trash. Worse even that Other M's Varia


It's the Dark Souls of FPS.

New character since it's a mainline game.

>GF hire Sylux

The fuck?

If we're taking someone from Hunters then Noxus is the best bet though Weavel would be the funnest

Sylux hates the Federation. Well the 3 line bio says so at least.