Be honest

Be honest

How do you really feel about female protagonists?

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I love them, but they have to be cute.


Female protags are fine as long as being female isn't the only thing about them. If they just behave like male protags but with a grill body, it's dumb as shit

I prefer them if they're decent characters because girls are usually more interesting to look at than men. Poorly written, bland, or completely unlikable female protags on the other hand are worse than any male protag.

Wasted potential most of the time. My sperg makes me completely unable to associate with playing female characters; it simply feels wrong and boring and I can't insert myself into the world at all.
It also makes no fucking sense 99% of the time. Men are always proven to be more powerful. No, don't bother arguing me about being misogynistic or whatever the hell, I LITERALLY do not care about such things, I just feel like it's a true fact and every time anyone argues about it it ends up being the correct opinion.

>If they just behave like male protags but with a grill body, it's dumb as shit

What the fuck are you talking about, idiot? You want to play a game about cooking barefoot, or nursing babies?

Like this

Well, I'm not a raging, flaming, flamboyant homosexual so I prefer them. I can see how Sup Forums would hate them, being full of assgaping queers and all.

ha ha good one friend

>People kill God by ripping him apart with telekinesis
>"Ugh no way a man would ever lose!"

Yeah okay autismo. You fucking misogynist.

Depends; are they a "female protagonist" or a protagonist who is female?

For a western studio they did a good job on dread girl

don't really care as long as they're a tolerable, good character.

also a big plus if they're fappable

Never gave a shit, and now that you mentioned it - I still don't give a shit.

those are braids, not dreads

>Western women
Largely shit, with a few exceptions like Overwatch women.
>Eastern women
Usually decent, very few instances of "discount men" females unless it's part of their character and is actually fleshed out beyond "she's not like other grils!"

They're ugly is what they are.

Change it.

as long they're hot and/or cute

If women can handle male protagonists then men can handle female protagonists.

So much this.

As long as they're not just using brand recognition for said female character. She needs to be able to stand on her own 2 feet in terms of characterization.

Comics and movies have been having a bad habit of this, what with fem-thor and now the new female ghostbusters.

Is the game they're in any good?
Do they have a personality that doesn't make me want to smash my head into a brick?
Are they not childish?

If they can get most of these right, they're fine.
Otherwise I don't care.

they're fuckin boring but, whatever keep doing the gender equality thing. eventually there might be better games.

i want a game like alan wake with a female protag.

>feminists complain and call video games sexist
>female protag games sell the worse they have ever sold
Ayyy lmao


I don't give a shit if they don't pass 100% of the game complaining how strong and femi shit they are

There pretty forgettable and shallow like most videogame protagonists.

As long as she cute or hot and her personality doesn't revolve around her gender it's ok

Kat's cool.
Yorha can be either a non-character or a fucking nutjob. Hopefully the latter.
Emily might be cool.
Faith and Lara are vanilla, nothing characters
Recore chick will probably be a non-character.
Zero dawn chick will probably be shit.
Evie is shit.

I have no reason to hate or like them more or less than a male protag.

What I don't like is how female protags almost always carry this baggage of having to prove themselves or be special simply because they are female. We've had decades of dumb generic buff white guys as the MCs, if games want to start throwing other variations in that's fine, but don't feel that you suddenly have to start making a bunch of unnecessary backstory just because your MC is no longer a white guy.


they usually feel pretty stiff/boring

lack humor and charm most of the time, they act like men, without their good qualities

They're good every once in a while, like Samus and Bayonetta, otherwise they are often forced and lame and being female is usually their gimmick and focus which is entirely the opposite of what their character should be about.


Get rid of the dreads/brains/nignog shit and she's qt yeah.

Also you removed my exclamation points I used to rank the cute-scale.


It's a defense against the "well a real woman couldn't possibly do better than a man/do this stuff" crowd.

Love 'em.

Sex sells, and the sooner the game companies get back to this, the better.

I don't really care. Only thing that really matters is whether or not the character is good.

Problem with a lot of female characters these days is that people are super terrified of making them anything other than tough and independent. Same shit happens with male characters, but you see very few games with female characters who actually have flaws. Feels like it happens even less with female characters because people are scared of being called sexist. Stereotypes do exist sometimes, yet I feel like we only see the stereotypes for men these days. At least in western games.

They are cute, a cute!!

I like some and dislike others, same as male characters, desu

And it makes every single one of them look like a fucking joke instead.

I don't mind them as long they're well written
Also this

never EVER has there been a good-written female in gaming

Interestingly, horror seems to have a lot of female protags and usually really good ones. Don't know why that is, maybe so you feel a greater need to protect her.

You look like a fucking joke

Every single one?

They're fine if the writers/devs don't expect me to give them applause for it.
Part of why Heather is the best female protagonist in gaming is that her gender is an important part of the story but the game isn't constantly patting itself on the back about it.

She has a reason to be there and it isn't just for diversity points or titillation.


Name one character that pulls it off without it looking forced as hell.


Most of them are forced one dimensional ARGH SO FIERCE sjw pleasing bullshit.

have you ever seen dreads before

It's more difficult to connect to them, and usually the writing in their games is horrid, and they are only a tool through which the developer tries to shoe in "feminism" by making them "lol they are women and they are great and perfect and my mum". It's great though to be able to connect and care for a female protag, since it takes a lot more effort.

>Rape Ugly
What did he mean by this?

why did they have to make faith an ugly tranny?

Don't care about them as long as they're not pretentious

Never ever has there been a good written character in gaming.

Fixed it for you
The list of WELL written male characters is just as short as the female characters

Wouldn't it be more effective if, instead of deliberately framing a woman as proving herself to her male peers, she just did her fucking job without a fuss? That would be a much better way to normalize female protags.

Everyone can be a victim but people get so up in arms if women get "forced" into things for diversity's sake. Female soldiers? Yeah right, like those exist. Female leaders? Please.

>that fucking monkey on the right
The hell lads? In game she looks fine desu.

"She" is going to rape your ass

who is the one in the middle?

skyrim assassin 2?

Dishonored 2

yap fuck all this sjw shit

Yes a dude I went to high school with was really in to Bob Marley and had dreads.

I put the /braids/nignog thing there for a reason. They're like caveman grease dreads not "I intentionally made dreads" dreads.

Mattress girl.

Of course not. This isn't an argument I, or anyone else, could possibly win because you'll shoot down anything and everything regardless of whether you've played the game because you're more invested in maintaining your position than in finding a female character that goes against your expectations.

Emily from Dishonored 2.

I don't really care if the characters are good. That being said, I'd take a retarded nepnep over any "I'm a brave" woman character type.

literally doesn't matter

thay didn't

so is what i said


I fucking love Heather. Seriously, it's one of the few cases where they managed to make a character that has some feminine stereotypes and flaws but is still cool to play as. So many games are scared of having characters act in ways gender may dictate at times.

She was who I immediately thought of when I saw this thread. Not only did they manage to make her a compelling female character, but a teenage girl who was likable without being sexualized. Considering how fucking insufferable teenage girls are in a lot of stories, I was impressed.

Would rather play as a dude most of the time but they can be ok.

As long as they're fun, who cares?
Fuck cute things in general, that goes for everything in the game though.

The hotter, the better.

they gave her caveman lips and nose

Where the top right beauty from?

They gave her KISSABLE lips~


No, seriously, humor me. Give me one example. I won't reply after this because I need some rest. The thread's probably not up in 6 hours.

Yeah, I really hate those girl power characters that constantly need to remind you that they can do anything as well as the boys.
It's the current year and people need to stop treating femininity like some disease holding women back.

I prefer them in loli form.

I'll take a cute female protag over a male protag in literally any game.

Don't care as long as they're good. Mirror's Edge and Alien: Isolation did it especially right.
Apart from that, every game with character creation lets me have non-annoying female protags.
What I really liked was Saints Row 4 with the french voice. Gets me hard every time.

I think you should use whatever kind of character suits your game best.

I think story in videogames is like story in porn. It's a side dish, and if your game focuses on story, you're not using the strength of the medium.

In other words, there are concerns that go deeper than "IS THE MAIN CHARACTER MALE OR FEMALE?"

Feminists and apologists want female leads for the sake of female leads. This does zero justice to anyone. A "strong" female isn't dynamic. It's strong. It's generic. Everyone in a "power fantasy" is "strong".

To be fair, I'm not sure how to do it, but if you're going to tell a story, put it in the context of the gameplay. Make the gameplay tell the story. I'd be pleased as punch to play a FF game that made me feel empathy or fuzzy inside by means of the gameplay. But that's never been Square's style, I'm afraid, and if they put out an FF game like that, it would be unrecognizable as FF.

But I like controlling a waifu, which is why, if given the chance, I'll make a female char that caters to my fetishes. If possible.

That would be if people were objective, but as anyone who is part of a minority, whatever that minority is, stepping into a new area finds is that they have to prove themselves better than the average to be seen as average, and they can't simply be present without explaining why they are.

How many people here would raise a fuss and ask why there's a white male soldier on the cover? Probably pretty few. How many would flip their shit over a black female doing the same and scream about forced diversity and the like, nevermind if she just does her job in the game itself? It's stupid, but that's how it is. Hopefully eventually things'll change so that no one need explain themselves but we've still got plenty of people who constantly and vehemently argue that women have no place as protagonists because women aren't as good as men.

This. I also enjoy guro art of them

well she is half white


I'm automatically more interested in a game if it has a female protagonist. Doesn't mean I'll like it and play it though, because some games are SHIT

if you like kissing men with nigger lips

Reminder Sayaka is best girl. Yuu a shit.

fuck off

Female protags are great, except when done shittily. Note that this applies to any kind of protagonist.

I think that they're just trying way too hard. All of them feel over-designed and needlessly gritty. Best female protags are the ones I make in character creation screens.

i can't self-insert as a female so its more difficult for me to get into one
but if its a good game then its all good

great in persona 3 portable

awful in literally every other game i've played

Her lips aren't that big.

The nose is, though.