Injustice 2 existence leaked

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So they're going to do Flashpoint?

I hope we get another series of Injustice comics.

All those storytimes were arguably more entertaining than the actual game.

Nothing there hints at Flashpoint


Is she married now?

>more unnecessary Batman characters

Could Batman wearing a green lantern ring be stopped?

No, her lesbian marriage got cancelled but she's still into vagina.

>Blue Beetle
>Booster Gold
>Beast Boy

pls gib

Fucking DC

All I hope for is a decent Red Hood


scratch out pc players also

I want banter

It'll suck. Just like Injustice 1 and MKX. Never place faith in Boon. It only leads to despair.

The costumes are better than before but still have weird quirks like the lighting shoulder pads on flash.

Why would you even WANT Obama at your party?

What are the chances of Megan being in this game?


Is that a full body suit? That'd kill her. Did they change her character?

I am deeply saddened they did another injustice instead of a game with 80s horror movie characters, after theyve included Jason, Freddy, Leatherface, Alien, and Predator into Mortal Kombat.

I understand that'd be a lisensing hell to make possible though, but that's a good start right there, but the deal they struck with those companies was probably a one game contract.

But it fits the patterns
>Mortal Kombat vs DC
>then we get injustice

>Freddy, Jason, Leatherface etc in Mortal Kombat game

They should just make a best of Warnerbros fighting game.

>That ending

So will the tone be DCEU edgy or New 52 edgy?

>more content locked behind shitty mobile games


Hope we get Sub-Zero or Raiden as a guest character.

>not waiting until all the dlc characters come out and then buying the ones you want

He has the best coke and can suck a mean cock.

Oh yes what we needed was more pandering to the white trash of america. Horror movies are a shit "genre".

So how they going to nerf him to be the final boss?

Just remember kids:







What's with the quotes? Are you implying horror isn't a genre?

If this game comes out for PC, you're a fucking fool if you buy it.

Shut the fuck up before I break your face kid...ugh

More like more super pills for everyone.

Speaking of Red Lanterns, Atrocitus confirmed.

I'll be sure to pirate it thanks to NetherRealm's wonderful treatment of PC players
>bought Kombat Pack on release after hearing Boon say pic related
>couldn't play the game on release day because they fucked up some packet-based installation process that Steam was using the game as a guinea pig to beta test
>data from anyone who played the game got deleted after the first patch because of a bug, they had to rollback the patch the next day
>late DLC character and balance patch releases
>god-awful performance, memory leaks that somehow used up 75% of memory regardless of how much memory you had
>somehow missing the content that was supposed to be in the game at base (they didn't have the character select animations for when they're doing the pose and walking away before battle in the PC version, took them months to finally patch it in
>didn't even bother releasing MKX XL for PC

No way I'm buying another NRS fighting game, at least not while I'm on PC. I'll pirate it and tell everyone I know to pirate it.

Watch it be Fujin

What's that? Scorpion is your favorite? Mine too, I'll be sure to add him in.

>Wanting guest characters

Off to a good start.

will it not suck this time?

Might as well because Netherelm (Neo-Midway) loves their guest characters. Had guest characters for almost half their games.

All I want are Plastic Man, Swamp Thing and Blue Beetle.

Animal Man or Vixen would be nice too.

Injustice is fucking awful

>NRS shit

I'll pirate it on PC for fanservice but that's about it.

The Batman from OP's picture it can be Bat-Lantern from Earth 32.

Don't worry, they won't need to because Darkseid is a supreme jobber and can handle beefin it himself. As bad as Thanos when it comes to jobbin.

NRS should just develop their PC version in-house.

does anyone still play Injustice 1? I heard it is good. I bought it cheap but never got around to it.

I got screwed on MKX so not sure I'd buy the sequel


WB Games gives less of a shit about their PC functionality than Koei

Rhyming demon when?

Good man, fuck NRS I'm not buying a PS4 just for MKX

They are just going to ignore that for gameplay reasons, like bats fighting supes.

That would be cool

>New Characters I want
Blue Beetle
Red Hood
Doctor Fate

>Things I want added
>CW Zoom Skin
>CW Reverse Flash Skin
>Wonder Woman with sword/cape
>Arkham Knight skin for Red Hood

Make it happen WB, and I'll forgive you for the way you fucked my asshole on PC.


I like that earth 32, is this a one time thing?



>He just swims really really fast

She's the best of them. She's also a vampire.

>Linking to Polygon

What I hope
>Swamp Thing
>Plastic Man
>Animal Man

What I expect
>Poison Ivy
>Red Hood
>All 3 Jokers
>Raphael from TMNT

They were mentioned in Multiversity Guidebook, but they didn't do shit, I think Black Arrow appeared in one panel.

Who gives a shit, enough with Batman characters.

he can telepathically control velocity

You can delete them and let her be in then, since she's the most interesting one.

Earth 13 got the best version of Etrigan.

There's no way they're going to even attempt a PC version this time around, right? That'd be like returning to the scene of the crime just to crime again or some shit.

Motherfucking Kingdom Come alts. What's so fucking hard about that?

>Oh boy will they be suprised.

Well, he wasn't wrong.

Why does everyone look like Brock Lesnar?

holy shit thats so accurate

they all look like meat heads

Bad angle?

will it have Power Girl?

No, not even counting on that fact that the little popularity PG had during her V3 serial vanished after the New 52, but counting on the fact that Peej was spammed all over Boon's twitter and he took it as the fans genuinely wanting her on the first Injustice, then he just goes "Babs lel".

Not in our over sensitive world, also beautiful busty blondes are a myth so its not realistic.

>There is no word on what platforms the title is coming to, but it's possible one of the placeholder entries in the GameStop computers for a PlayStation 4 and Xbox One title is for the game.

Glad to know WB is fighting the good fight. They should be an honorary Japanese dev with how based they are.

Why would Batman use a Green Ring? He uses fear all the time he should be a yellow lantern


They probably won't even bother even making a PC version at this point, NRS and WB the wombo combo, there's no chance.

Its a self fulfilling prophecy. Publishers order shoddy PC versions because "who cares about them, they don't buy games". The game drops, the PC port is shit, and surprise surprise, no one buys a broken product. " See, we told you no one buys games on PC!"

Only on PC have publishers realized they can fuck a consumer base over and get away with it. I don't understand how people can even tolerate gaming on PC when its apparent most publishers don't even give a fuck.

Can we get one thread without a gamergay crying about something

That's a disgusting art style, I hate it.

>beautiful busty blondes are a myth

Siri did a good lewd cosplay of her though

What are the biggest problems in MKX and Injustice that would have to be fixed in order for you to consider getting Injustice 2?

I'm curious as to what Sup Forums thinks is the real problem with these games.

They're western fighting games. Outsource the development to the Japanese, not only will they make a competent fighter, they'll also do it for much cheaper.


I play games like Street Fighter and Guilty Gear and I don't like how the Mortal Kombat and Injustice games consist of stringing together arbitrary target combos to form longer combos.

It's not fun, you don't figure them out yourself because the combos are like: X, Y, X+Y. Pressing X and Y at the same time does nothing by itself, but when pressed at the same time after X then Y it becomes something else. That's retarded.

Aren't the comics still ongoing?

>more Batman characters

Go fuck yourself!
The last game had more then enough. Only Batman characters in this game should be Bats,Joker and Robin since he wasn't in the last game......that's fucking it.

? just bing siri power girl

>MK comic gets one season, ends on cliffhanger, never to be resolved
>shitty Injustice comic refuses to die after 4 years

injustice is right.

MKX was solid in terms of gameplay. The cast was weak as fuck and the dlc was pure shit. Also like others have said, the PC ports was a mess.

public seppuku for dropping mkx on PC and promise to support PC and also crossplay with PS4 at least. Then maybe I would buy it.

MKX is a very competent fighter, amazingly. I didn't expect it, but they managed to balance everything for the most part. The story and a lot of roster spots are fucking horrid, but at least they nailed gameplay in the long run.

You didn't really address any of my concerns. I think it's stupid that you have to learn arbitrary combinations of buttons. I can't believe casuals like these games when they are in fact, more memorization of random button strings than any other fighting game.

So you're complaining that it's hard for you to understand but casuals love it? So what does that make you?