Has Oblivion aged well? Is it still comfy?
Has Oblivion aged well? Is it still comfy?
looks like garbage
No it's literally shit
That looks better than witcher 3
>Has Oblivion aged well? Is it still comfy?
It was never good or comfy in the first place
music is still comfy as fuck. the menus are much worse than i remember.
fuck yes
It's fine. Aged a lot better than Morrowind did.
Too bad the dungeons are crap. At least the main/guild questlines are pretty decent.
Aged way better than Skyrim and has the best OST of the series
Draw distance is what kills going back and playing it for me. It's just so fucking ugly and no amount of mods can make it decent enough.
I really need to do the Dark Brotherhood and Thieves Guild questlines some day.. Too bad I usually spend 90% of my time modding the game and only end up playing a few hours before something crashes and I uninstall everything.
with tons of mods yeah
Oblivion had such a whimsical art direction. Just look at that sponge-paint grass. Whole place felt like a goddamn fairy tale.
Most of Skyrim feels like walking around some big snow monster's asshole, and everyone's face is caked with shit. What happened to muh colorful woodland landscapes and muh lullaby wonderland music and muh wily Elven voice actors?
Skyrim's all about that masculine burl and half the male voice actors sound like they're trying to poke their dicks through their pants while they're talking to you.
You act like 202 hours is impressive
yes yes and yes, with mods
only with mods
Oblivion without mods is a completely broken horseshit game with some great design to parts of it
mods make it one of the best games ever made, bar none
its flaws such as level scaling, engine limitations and bugs, combat and magic balance, and stale and repetitive environments are *all* solved and then some by mods
Skyrim is such a disappointment because it got right what Oblivion got wrong yet got wrong what Oblivion got right, making fixing it with mods impossible
>Aged way better than Skyrim
>Has the best OST of the series
Dark brotherhood is good. Thieves guild isn't.
I had around 400 hours on the 360 version, also I'm pretty sure I've spent at least 500 hours in wrye bash. Most of the time you play Oblivion on the PC you don't have it launched.
Oblivion is a travesty of game design. Every single game mechanic is fundamentally broken in some way. Consider just level scaling alone: it means your character grows proportionally weaker as you gain levels. It fills the world with daedric armor-wearing bandits and 1000-HP mudcrabs. It makes all unique items gained from quests useless, as they also scale to your level at the moment you completed the quest. Just this one single mechanic irreversibly fucks up your character, the gameworld and the itemization.
Add to this dumbed down mechanics(AKA muh spears), Disneyworld game design, terrible console-first menu and inventory design, terrible quest design, terrible guilds(they're all just linear series of quests which can all be completed simultaneously, without any interplay between them, as in Morrowind), terrible stealth which makes you invisible to everyone simply by crouching in front of them, terrible dialogs, terrible character models, terrible lockpicking& persuasion minigames, terrible writing...
Pretty much one of the worst game of all time.
Also, let's dispel this notion that Oblivion quests are good. They are not good. 95% of them consist of running around in circles and hitting things with your sword. There would maybe be some exotic, terribly written reason for you to run in circles and hit things with your sword, which is apparently enough for neo-Sup Forums to proclaim these the best quests ever.
In fact, the only reason that the mediocre DB questline is so highly regarded is that it breaks the monotony of running in circles and hitting things with your sword. There's still no branching, no meaningful consequences, not a single skill or stat check in the entire questline- these are not good quests.
The only people who would find Oblivion better than Morrowind are the
>engine limitations
>combat and magic balance
>stale and repetitive environments
What mods do you use for these?
But Morrowind had some of the most MMO-like quests of the entire series. How could you possibly think it did quests better than Oblivion?
>Aged way better than Skyrim
lolno. oblivion aged like milk, i'd rather play morrowind in 2016 than oblivion.
Its aged like milk
It runs like complete ass on modern rigs
its a pain in the ass to mod
Aight that makes more sense, I have the same problem.
all these niggers do not remember when this game first came out it was the best fucking graphics for their time.
It came out like a year after F. E. A. R. you dumb fuck
open world nigger
What are mods?
Coming out of those sewers must be one of the most iconic images of next-gen gaming for the decade. I remember everyone talked about Oblivion's graphics because of that image or variations of it. God damn I might just play Oblivion again because I miss seeing the Gold Tower from any point on the map. Comfy as fuck.
t. Bethesda employee
>i'd rather play a game thatd aged even worse than this other game hat aged badly
youre a special snowflake
morrowind is an actual rpg
oblivion is dumbed down
and skyrim
is fucking garbage
Just sharpen the shit out of my everything
>any Elder Scrolls game
>age well
>implying they were good when they were released
>Bandits with glass armor robbing you for 50 gold
It aged a lot better than morrowind did.
I think so, but mine is chock full of lolis so
Music doesn't age, and the Oblivion OST is mad comfy
Morrowind is overrated trash. Only Morrofags think it's alright to hit a beginner level slug 20 times and only hit it twice
It's the comfiest TES.
nigger you would not be posting in this thread without it faggot.
Oblivion always looked bad.
Oh yeah? Please justify Morrowind's horrid combat. Oblivion did it way better
dumbing it down > way better
Not him but read between the lines.
>terrible guilds(they're all just linear series of quests which can all be completed simultaneously, without any interplay between them, as in Morrowind)
He isn't praising Morrowind's quests either.
Dumbing down is a meaningless term, mostly used by hardcore Bethesdrones like you. Morrowind's D&D based combat is absolute shit and you know it. Even The Witcher 1's combat is more bearable
>Aged well
>opening console instead of using tm
Oh wow you have to level up something in a rpg!
Skyrim > Oblivion > Morrowind
better mods too
prove me wrong
It's unplayable due to level scaling
Pretty much this
I loved the landscapes and the trees. BUT the game had a serious problem with the fucking textures. And Skyrim had the same problem. Those weird textures that look like they are made of wet clay or something. Very doughy. Everyone had a fucking potato face. For some reason your character didn't have a diagonal run animation like in Morrowind. Animations in general were dog shit.
I mean, yeah, the game looks like shit. I still think it's fun. Leveling system is fundamentally broken and should be wiped away with the power of modding though. Hell even if you don't like the game itself, attempting to mod it successfully gives you hours upon hours of entertainment
i started playing elderscrolls in 2011
>Morrowind is an actual RPG
It's an MMO, compared to Oblivion it has easier gameplay, no sense of needing to balance your build because you can max it all easily anyway, and the quests are the most straight forward linear piles of shit in the universe.
>Leveling up a stat just to hit something
Time to go back to D&D
oblivion is fucking easier then god damn morrowind
>It was never good or comfy in the first place
You can question if Oblivion was good but you can never, NEVER claim that it wasn't comfy. I haven't played a comfyier game in my life
>skyrim remake
Why can't they remake Morrowind or Oblivion, even if that would take much more effort to do.
I don't care what the v-parrot le hivemind is, Oblivion is a great game with great quests and great soundtrack.
That's the point though, the land of skyrim is completely different to Cyrodiil.
>ESdrones thinking Morrowind is difficult
>Not admitting that older games have a higher difficulty than modern games
Oscuro's overhaul mod instantly fixes that.
And there are plenty of leveling mods that make leveling more logical. I like Oblivion XP plus.
I am a man who just jerked off.
I declare Oblivion the best game of the series with one of the best OSTs of all time.
Older games have fake difficulty due to graphical and engine limitations which gave most games back then horrid combat and gameplay
> go back to d&d.
You realise the first RPGs are a direct translation of pen & paper games to a digital format, right?
ALSO, morrowind is unique in roleplaying videogames in that it actually allows you to create a feeble gimp character, which is what you do when you make a character who can't even hit a fucking rat.
Congratulations, you made a gimp, you fucking retard.
Truly thou art a scholar and a gentleman.
games are more worthwhile because when you overcome something in a videogame you should be rewarded for it.
Not be fucking handed to you on a platter.
>fake difficulty
There's that meme again.
>morrowind quests
>practically every quest in the game that isn't a shitty beginning fetch quest has like three ways to finish it
>all the houses have different people you can align yourself with
>even the main quest has an alternate way to go through it if you manage to cock the main way up
>oblivion, easiest RPG in existence barring skyrim, somehow harder than any other game
t. man who has never played an elder scrolls game in his life
Post your hours, favorite civs, best mods etc
>Morrowind difficulty
>Aka save stating and then rolling the dice over and over
only if you mod the shit out of it.
oblivion has some great stuff in it but the leveling/skill system is absolutely fucked. And all the NPC's look like roadkill
You've got problems user.
as shitty as most of the game is, Skyrim has a great leveling system. the perks leave a little to be desired but just the idea that there are no classes or anything and skills just level up as you use them, and after so many level ups of any skill you choose to put a point into either hp, stamina, or mana, is a really elegant and sensible system.
But there are classes. You even do a quiz at the start to determine.
what are some games similar to Oblivion?
nah i think he's fine
If I have to constantly worry about my every action misleveling me up while making enemies tougher, yeah it isn't fucking comfy at all.
How do you guys do it? I normally get bored immediately after i start pulling away from other cultures in terms of military or economic strength.
>look ma I posted it again
Classes in TES were always meaningless. All they were was a particular arrangement of skills.
Prisoner > Hero of Kvatch > Dovahkiin
Google "Oblivion Realistic Leveling".
God, Oblivion looks so fucking ugly now, it's aged like milk, the models are all so terrible.
Aside from the other TES games, there really aren't any. That's one of the reasons Bethesda still does well despite the games not being great - they have no competition.
Although if you do have Oblivion, you'll probably like Nehrim.
You mean, like in classic pen and paper roleplaying games?
I mean, technically the only difference in the old class systems was different abilities.
the world itself looks really comfy but the characters are undesirable
i hope that's not your example of good graphics
>Aged well
Oh yes
I still go back to it from time to time.
>Muh mods
Fuck off. I'm so tired of hearing "It's better with mods". I don't want to bother fixing bad games. I'd rather play games that are fine on it's own.
The only reason the graphics aren't immediately offensive is because the face models have ALWAYS been complete dogshit. Otherwise everything else is passable.
>I mean, technically the only difference in the old class systems was different abilities.
You mean, the whole point of having different classes in the first place?
The point of classes is to have them do fundamentally different things, not just have different parameters in their stat sheet.
Yeah. Oblivion still holds up today. I'd rather play it than a all these new games that came/are coming out.
You're better off getting a console then, you obviously have ADD.
Stay mad at your own incompetence.