>just two weeks to go
I hope you got your preorder sorted out, user!
Just two weeks to go
Hell yes i do. Got the Special edition on the way, user!
I'm pirating your game. Sorry Tsubasa.
I was too late for that and missed out. The artbook looks really nice.
I wouldn't be surprised if they just cancel the game, ran out of things too censor alter and remove.
Thanks for worrying but I already preordered P5 since thats the only decent RPG for this year.
Not buying this shit until P5 and 7th dragon are confirmed for yurope. Fucking sick of getting crap like this and all that compile shit garbage and getting fucked over with actual good games
Even the smt spinoffs like persona are better than this horseshit.
No matter how many times you post it, it's not funny even ironically
Just fuck off already
but why?
loadiine is a thing now
Yeah, I got it sorted straight into the trash along with the rest of the censored garbage Shitendo localizes.
They censor the game so much there's nothing to copy to the master disc. :|
I do. Thanks for asking.
Sup Forums is gonna have a meltdown when they realize the game's actually great.
I've pre-ordered my second hand copy.
My LE preorder was cancelled since there's not enough copies so I'll probably just buy the game used.
Sup Forums would explode if the game will be alright/decent at the very least.
I miss when japan made games that didn't solely pander to otaku faggots.
>this is JP voice only but P5 isn't
Because it's impossible to English dub this thing and Nintendo wasn't going to be assed to try when they need to save their energy for censorship.
>take an otaku-pandering game
>remove the fanservice
What did they mean by this?
I localized my pre-order
I finaly did it guys!
Tsubasa proposed and we got married.
Must be very close to the end of the game now I guess
Those "otaku faggots" are the only people left who pay for video games. This is capitalism, pure and simple.
Can you go back to fucking NeoGAF already? For fucks sake you stupid fucking Sonygers
Then why did NoA remove the otaku appeal?
You're just pulling our leg, right?
No, we even sang together to celebrate. Just don't hold off on the sidequests
Spoilered for lewd.
you're not fooling anyone with that filename
>this game has Japanese audio
>persona 5 doesn't
I legit don't understand why at this point. There is literally no excuse.
If my sd card wouldn't be shit I'd pirate it
Instead I'll just download the ost
Neofags will buy the game because its enhanced by the treehouse.
I watched the gamexplain stream of the game for 1 hour yesterday, all those comments made me lose faith in everything. They were totally ignorant of everything the treehouse did and hyped up every small cleaveage.
This is the target group
>They were totally ignorant of everything the treehouse did
I have a hard time believing that
Every tweet and every video about the game has been infested with censorship crybabies
It's true, and the other half complained about no English VA and said that Atlus is usually very good with it.
Or they weren't and liked it. It sucks, but there's people like that. Personally I don't understand why they can't give me the fucking game, with English text. I don't need anything else. I don't mind censored covers, I don't mind if the censored version is the default, just give me an option to play the same as he Japanese release.
I watched the gamexplain stream and the game seems pretty tame.
Of course it's tame, it's rated Cero B in Japan, which means it's for ages 12 and up. And Japanese rating boards are very strict
12 and up is still too hardcore for americans.
Every direct that featured it was rated M for some stupid reason
Which is weird because all the trailers shown in the direct said that they were approvied for all audiences by the ESRB, but the game itself is intended to be rated M
I'll be buying used.
I got the jap version pirated senpai, I just have to wait to slap on the english subtitlels senpai
waiting for the iso to leak
Game looks fun. Yeah annoyed at NoA like everyone but I guess I just don't give enough fucks. Wish NoA just release their games as is but that's never going to happen so either I play it or don't and I want to play it.
>mfw I was gonna fully pay off my hashtagFE Collector's Edition preorder at GameStop until they told me preorders opened yesterday for the Take Your Heart version of Persona 5
>mfw preorders for P5 opening and the release date hashtagFE come out a in a few weeks time while I was saving up for Anime Expo
>mfw Atlus has the shittiest timing in the world
I have no WiiU so I did not pre-order SMT x FE
I watch a stream on it and it looks fun. I'm not dumb enough to preorder shit though
dropped it once I found out NoA removed content.