What's the angriest you've ever been at vidya?
I just slammed my head into the ground twice and now I'm dizzy.
What's the angriest you've ever been at vidya?
I just slammed my head into the ground twice and now I'm dizzy.
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do it again. i heard if you hit your head hard enough you become an idiot savant.
kys my friend
Did you lose a game of moba?
Maybe I'd be worth something to someone
Will you do it with me, I'm scared
Fucking worse.
I get really pissy at World of Warcraft because every time I try to do something like Brawler's Guild I'm reminded that the game is just the WC3 engine jury rigged over the course of a decade and half the shit in it doesn't work or bugs out constantly.
Broke a controller playing Driver
I was 11 at the time, if you are over 18 why are you hurting yourself user, it's only gaem
Anger issues. God I used to be angry little child back then too, I understand.l
PVP + FPS = me screaming at the top of my lungs and throwing objects at my walls. Nothing else in in vidya games is able to get me mad.
I'm sorry user, do not hurt yourself or your property, you'll only regret it immediately afterwards
truth be told I still spin my controller onto the carpet if I get mad, maybe try that? Just flick your wrist and let it go, it'll twirl and land within abuse tolerances. I stopped destroying controllers though when they became $60 and wireless, shit's too dangerous to be chucking around without the cable to slow it, to say nothing of the cost
dumb wojack poster
It is the only game I have ever screamed at.
Have you actually screamed about Peggle?
I honestly don't remember getting enraged but probably some low % wipes back in WoW's heyday
Most angry I ever got while playing a game was battlefield bad company 2 on console, punched a hole in my wall.
I was going through a break up with my first love at the time, had a lot more going on in my head.
Losing to those 3 carnival faggots over and over in the second fight in God Hand. Had no damn problem with them the first time obviously, but this KMS run is getting to me.
i nearly bit my controller in half
I don't get that angry at video games because I'm not a fucking retard. You know you can just close the game immediately, right?
You simmer in your anger after, but it goes away. Playing games that make you angry anyway is not healthy. Fuck those games.
Probably like 13 years ago when my childhood Neopets account got frozen for no reason
I am still upset to this day
MKDD. Second place on the mirrored All-Cup Tour.
I was playing Star Ocean 3 while my cousin was watching
I had to go take a piss, i told him sternly not to touch the game since i haven't saved in a while
When I went back he looked at me with a dumb expression, the TV was showing a game over screen
I forced him to leave
I couldn't bring myself to play the game again because i just get pissed when i remember what happened that day
To this day I have never finished it
This was just a few months ago, I was playing Arcade mode to unlock the Apprentice (for sweet trofees) and took forever to beat him. Algol was easier for fuck's sake. I decided I was done with the game after that.
>enter portal/entrance/ect
>loading screen
>character enters and then turns around for no fucking reason to face the door
>logical reflex kicks in and I go forward
>loading screen again and back is turned to the entrance properly
why the fuck video games