Steam Wishlists

Post your steam wishlist and let other anons tell you how shit your taste is!

Maybe even recommend some games too


I'd highly recommend waiting for a sale for Darkest Dungeon. Great game, but not worth $25.

>wishlisting singleplayer gamers

for what reason? just pirate them shits.

Last one's Chivalry with magic

Div OS co-op is great, go for it next sale

Becasue I'm not poor and I like to support devs who make games I enjoy.

i do you know if you enjoyed it if you haven't played?

>pirateing games

have fun with your unsupported patches, not working exes and doing every single patch manually. not to mention all the games you have to start over because you didn't know about the hotfix. oh and the hours and days of downloading only to find a corrupted file with trojans and shit in it, while you could have a game downloaded in a few minutes with steam.

Hoping the summer sale will be good.

maybe i know the dev? maybe i know previous titles? either way, steam has a refund system

yea, literally none of those things ever happened to me and i've been pirating for 15 years now. git gud, fgt.

gibe moni huehuehuehue

I only have one: Age of Empires 2 HD

>tfw poor and love vidya

>I'm not poor
>putting games on his wishlist instead of just buying them

t.guy who tried to pirate a game by googling "skyrim free download"

Only poorfags don't value their money to the point of buying everything at full price

>all these those humble bundle games


Dude, SpaceChem has been given away for free before. It's very worth playing.


you're shit for not already owning them

I guess I've missed that, I just found the demo a few months ago.

>mobile FF games

Come on m8, don't do this

shit I knew I should've been checking it regularly.
Which ones were on there?

Life is strange, don't do it

Exanima is interesting for the combat and physics, but the riddles are too hard and are no fun.

Salt is quite unique and fun. Buy it!

Planet Explorers: Good concept, but poorly done. Not worth any money in the current state. Also only about 1 update a year with barely any content. dead game.

I'm just waiting for the Summer Sale now

Xcom 2 even tho I don't even like the Xcom remake that much and never finished it
Far cry 4
Maybe divinity original sin

I got a 980ti and 1440p monitor and wanna take advantage of it. Any suggestions?

Thanks m8

Factorio is definitely worth picking up. Supposed to be a new update sometime this month.

Cba to wait a month so i just bought dr2 last week.

I tend to use my wishlist for reminders

Just a friendly reminder to kill yourselves for even wanting anime games.

Why can't I be allowed to wait for a sale?

Is this what you wanted?

Waiting for Price drop:
AC4 Black Flag waiting to drop -75%
Dark Souls III -75%
The Witness -50%
Tropico 5 -50%

Waiting to be in the Mood:
Concrete Jungle
Wurm Unlimited (&price drop)
Mount & Blade Warband Viking Conquest

Waiting to be released:
The Universim

Waiting for other reasons:
No Man's Sky
Batman Arkham Knight
The Witcher 3

>Buying games on release
>When you have a hundreds games in your backlog

It's 2016 and why are you still using Steam?

Here we go...

Sempai noticed me today!

invisible inc should be higher. definetely before banner saga.


I put things in there and forget they exist

I still have a ton of games to play before buying anything else


I dont recommend Prison Architect.
Maybe the devs updated it but when I played it it was pretty glitchy.

tank dating simulator/10

guild wars with a dead community is just too damn hard. maybe you find an active guild on a forum but man, that's gonna be the worst experience ever without one.


I like challenges

Also I'm in a GW2 guild, some of them would probably jump back on GW1 for the heck of it

Master Reboot: cool logo, shit game. I mean... really crappy in every possible way.

wat do

I'm not asking for much

R8 me niggas

Oh okay. Maybe I'll still try it if I can get it for a couple yurobux. Or I'll pirate it.


Seriously guys, save a bit of money and buy Dark Souls 3. Same for XCOM2. They're really worth it.

you must be awful at the game. the only thing you need other people for are speed clears

Rumor is starts June 23. Someone had a screencap from foreign dev showing official Valve email. Or at least that's what my Dad said, and he works at Nintendo

If you play Recettear, make sure you make a save after every payment. I fucked up and have to restart from the beginning of the game.

Wait for Steam sale. They're always selling it for like 2€ or so. That's why I know.

>t. greedy devs
Just for that I am pirating. Thanks user


I don't know which game you played but Master of Orion (the early ass game, I think that's the one you are talking about?) has never been on sale

> devs make a great game with outstanding content
>want money for it
> no, I'm stealing it becuz they greedy jewz

You're a greedy thief, user

top tier list op. wasn't prison architect just on sale for like 11 dollars? also how do you not already own basically all of these games?

Master Reboot is the game I'm talking about


No, I'm a spiteful thief. I was going to buy it but in honor of your blatant shilling I shall now steal and seed them both. Thanks again for your input

Factorio is fucking amazing, get it as soon as it goes on sale

If you want I will buy you rebirth.

I'm not selling the game, so why should that matter to me. You're an idiot, user.

>he legitimately believes that AAA game studios pay people to try to convince a couple anons on Sup Forums to buy their game

ooooooooooooooooooo holy shit I didn't see it on the list and since Master of Orion is a reboot I thought that's the one you were talking about

Summer sale here I come

you obviously were rushed with your characters or played every mission with other players if you think that's true.
why do I even reply to this...
>new account
>start with new char
>only mhenlo-tier henchmen
>know nothing about the game
>make it through prophecies
>kill glinth
>clear fire islands
>clear fissure of woe
>clear underworld
>things that never ever can happen

Took me some time to realize how dumb this user is. How can he even use a computer?


just pirate it at this point. i doubt chris sawyer even gets any money from it.

No, I believe he does it for free, which is even worse. I don't even want DS3 but will seed it anyways. - this one's for you

Hey, whatever floats your boat

what about GOG pirated games

I'm ready, Sup Forums. Shit all over my tastes.

>dark souls 3
>xcom 2
>really worth it

>tfw wishlist has 427 items in it

>little inferno

literally a pointless game

I did
Just thought I'd buy it if it goes on sale, cause two or three dollars is worth adding it to my steam library imo.

College ate a lot of my time and money, so I probably missed a bunch of sales.

>Start Steam and make sure that you are in the "Library" tab. In the main menu at the top of the screen click "Games" and in the menu that appears click "Add a non-Steam game to my library". The "Add a Game" window will appear and it will build a list of programs on your computer that can be added to Steam.

or is there some other reason to buy it?

you think that's bad? my neighbor has 1116 games on his wish list....

Is stronghold crusader crusader2 even good?

>Amazing Meme
>A fucking Watchmen beat-em-up
>Duck Meme
>Pac-Man and the Meme Adventures
>Just Meme 3
>Facerig is a game
>All these fucking LEGO games


Well okay

Don't bother with Watchmen: The End is Nigh. Even Co-Op it barely hit decent. Chivalry isn't great anymore either.
5/6 Not bad.
Space/10 space is good.
None of these games are even remotely related to the others so I still have no idea what your taste is.
Charge your phone. Great taste, though.
Vermintide and Pulsar are great. With friends.
Are you German?

I have 300 hours gameplay in each of them.

How are they not worth it? Oh wait... you prefer anime games, right?


>None of these games are even remotely related to the others so I still have no idea what your taste is.
It's all over the place
This is just my most recent 3 games

>Page is in French
>Are you German?

Haha, you 'muricanz kill me


the best game on the snes on release was literally based on an anime though

>tfw I can't stop playing XCOM 2 because I'm addicted to voice packs and Halo armor mods

Feels good man

>you prefer anime games, right?
never tried one but yeah i probably would over meme souls and rng: the game with procedural generated maps