Watch Dogs 2 protagonist

Nigger or asian? Can't really tell for sure.

some nu-male faggot from what i can tell

asian nigger


Da fuck is he a gang member or some shit

he's black

>not aiden


Maybe they're philippino, the niggers of asia

Those proportions look quite silly.

Genetically, they are far closer to actual Mexicans.

Who fucking cares for christ's sake

For every non-white video game character I guarantee there are at least ten white ones

Sup Forums is now reverse tumblr

what do you think will be shown tomorrow? also, anyone know where it's being premiered?

>a le 1337 haxor who has to hide his real face

Nope. Mexicans actually have European in them, flips just have spanish names. You retarded nigger.

I'd be completely fine with it if it wasn't for those stupid fucking hipster glasses

Having to sacrifice story integrity because of trivial racial identity storyline is a pretty big fucking deal.

I don't care about some minority character's struggle to break away from their stereotypical life. If you're struggling because of your race just funding move to another city and start over in a way that makes you happy.

I want to see the character I'm playing as grow as a person throughout the game. Not find themselves through some moment of insight where they find out that being Asian or Mexican or something doesn't define them. I want them to organically change as their goals are challenged or their identity is compromised by the events unfolding around them. Not some 2d, shoehorned, political agenda by some hack writer who went full retard.

Nigger + Chink aka muslim

>a story can only have integrity if the main character is white

These rationalizations keep getting better and better.

Looks like some Blasian Nu-Male.

Can't wait for the story to be about ending goobababagabababa and making internet memes an actual war against CISIST RACIST SHITLORDS

>No Aiden Pierce.
They fucked up.


I'm saying you should take caution when it comes to deva like Ubi who take race,sex,and philosophy to a whole different level and would probably shoot themselves in the foot when presenting a compelling story if they base it on the character's superficial attributes

I'm just saying that we should be cautious that they don't make the story focus on the character's race rather than their adventure.

Perhaps if you weren't still in high school you'd understand what I'd meant.

Breaking out the personal attacks, I like it! I understand what you're saying, I just think it's hilarious.

>His name is Marcus
>maybe some Watch Dogs wiki has some information on him?
>Type in Marcus, it recommends "Marcus Brenks"
>Marcus Brenks is Damien Brenks's unseen son. He was born in 1998 and was aged 15 during the events of Watch Dogs.

Damn, he's black and never knew his father.. well atleast Damien was white!

Presumably we're looking at an 18 year old black guy in a San Francisco setting.

>Watch Dogs 2 will follow Marcus trying to get revenge on Aiden Pierce for killing his dad just like how Pierce wanted his revenge for the death of his niece.
>At the end you have to choice to kill or spare Aiden just like the stuff that happened in the original game.

>what is 300 years of spanish rule and consistent gene pool convergence

retarded nigger

I think the more important question is why do you even care about the story in an Ubisoft game (or the game at all for that matter)? Even if the character were white, it would still be poorly written and full of pandering nonsense just like in all their other games.

Why are we even having this thread? Did a single person on Sup Forums actually like Watch Dogs? I've never seen a single person on here go "boy I can't wait for Watchdogs 2 to come out"!

Gang members don't dress like black hipsters.

I liked Watch Dogs.

The stories in Ubi soft games used to be good. Look at Splinter Cell. I'm concerned with them going farther down the rabbit hole instead of reeling themselves out and getting their shot together. If Watch Dogs came out in 2006 it'd probably have a better story.

Are you implying the spanish mixed with flips? Because the didn't. Even if one or two did, it's negligible. In the americas, 90% of native population died and europeans mixed heavily. Dumb cunt nigger, try harder. Gook flips just have spanish names.

Unless a game is directly meant to confront racial issues, why would I give a shit what color a protagonist is? When I think of my favorite protagonists, the color of their skin doesn't factor into why I like them at all.

The issue is that the story's main concern is diluted with trivial pop culture view on race inequality and stereotypes rather than focusing on the character despite those petty distractions.

>I'm too retarded to spot blatant shoe-horning

I think Muslims are a little Caucasian too though

>liking aiden
he's like most boring character ever

I thought "he" was confirmed nig?


why should it matter if he's black? Thought the younger generations were above degenerate shit like racism

He's better then this fuckboy.

>why should it matter if he's black? Thought the younger generations were above degenerate shit like racism
Oh, you sweet summer child.

>using the n word in 2016

ugh, really?

yeah man way to look cool with that ironic post!

>"sjw" devs make a game where a nigger steals things using technology instead of chimping out and breaking shit

I wonder if he will be as a colossally unlikable prick as Aidan Pierce was. They probably play it safe making him a genetic boring 'bad ass' without any character flaws.

>Watch Dogs 2
If they refund me the money for Watch Dogs and give me the second for free, I'll consider playing it.

It's a nigger

Yeah come on guys, it's current year

>still using nigger

we's hackers now

>Smacking of lips intensifies

>meme glasses

I actually liked the first game, too. Mostly for Spider Tank but still.


The kid looks mixed.

>>meme glasses
?? They're just glasses
If he had those obnoxious circular lenses though...

Hopefully this one has time travel

They look just like hipster glasses.

Definite chink.

its a sequel no-one wanted who gives a shit

but he's black!
we, the posters of Sup Forums, a website nobody has or will ever listen to, have to bring attention to this absolutely problematic and degenerate matter!

The first game always felt like it was copying person of interest.

It'd be great if they went the whole hog with the second, though they probably won't


They're probably that big to justify some sort of Google Glass heads up display thing.

i think the concept could actually be pretty good, if pulled off right (read: without all the standard ubisoft tripe)

>looks the same as Aiden pretty much

What's the point.

>save my wife, yes I am in fact a lesbian AND a doctor



Now he's basically going to be Moss from IT Crowd except even less funny.




He has one small hand and one big hand.

Biggie Smalls

oh no

they're going to do it aren't they

>you killed my father
>no, I am your father

clap clap clap

so SJW's can pretend not having white skin inherently makes a character more interesting





Fuck off, it's it's because you people brought the plague to the city in the first place

Fucking Doctors.

>scrawny little black/asian nu-male who is probably gay too
I'm gonna fucking throw up

Fuck off nigger

Racism will never fucking die it's ingrained in every race

Tribalism is ingrained in humanity, but racism is not - this distinction can simply be confusing at times because the two are so interwoven according to our contemporary perspective.

>why should it matter
I can just imagine the game footage of this niglet shooting cops all over fox news and shitaku

>being an oversensitive little bitch
Hi nega tumblr!

>attempting to have a serious discussion about social behavior on Sup Forums
what the fuck man

Like with Mafia III, just don't buy it. I know I won't.

>being what I just desribed
Sorry but not sorry, end yourself you disgusting abomination

My stubbornness is my downfall

haha you idiots sound really triggered by this. not above being sensitive pussies eh

That chimp's head is tremendous.

At least the nigger in Mafia 3 looks like a strong and worthy specimen to have on the farm. That little nigger in Watchdogs 2 wouldn't one day in the cotton field

Hipster nigger fag detected.

Why do Americans care so much about race?
The important issue is that the game most certainly will suck, you felt for it once, you would not fall for it twice, would you?

They would need to make this game the equivalent to ACII.

Looks Filipino to me

How do you know this?

I apreciate it.
It is important to take a break from funposting every once in a while.

Triggered by what? It's just hilarious.
Join the banter if you aren't a nigger. If you are, then die.

90 - 95% of blacks in America are jobless, degenerate criminals (i.e. niggers).

We don't like to see scum get rewarded.

Looks like a Muslim. Looks like you get to play as a real cyber terrorist this time. Fucking awesome. I loved profiling people then shooting them in the face kek


>We don't like to see scum get rewarded.

And yet twice we elected a brainless retard who nearly got assassinated by a pretzel.