You excite?

Other urls found in this thread:

Tuning in for a few games, staying for the inevitable drama

What's the story behind this again

Those three are good friends and everyone is happy.

guy in the middle got cucked

middle guy in the OP got literally cucked by the guy with the smug face in pic related

Thank god Minecraft isn't on the list again.

>some guy i think called stivitybobo fucked the girl on the left who was married to the guy in the middle. the guy on the right is some shitty minecraft streamer called giantwaffle

I'm looking forward to the funny TASes


He looks like that smug demon in original Doom coverart.

poor Waffle stuck in the middle.

Holy shit

She IS cute tho. I wouldn't mind giving her the ol' dickaroo (or lick her asshole and suck on her toes if you know what i'm sayin')

I don't know who these people are but am I right when I think they're a ground of friendzone boys hovering this gurl gamer?

What's up with this trend of people watching other people play video games why are white people so retarded

She is cute, no doubt. Back in the day when she would stream with her husband, it had to be one of the most autistic relationships I have ever seen.

>cuckman in the OP starts streaming
>streams some shit like Pokemon for 8 hours
>gf wakes up
>cuck continues streaming for another hour
>hardly acknowledges the gf outside of asking for food and shit
>gets food and asks for the gf to take over the stream so he can sleep
>gf streams for 8 hours
>cuck wakes up, gives the gf a kiss tap
>not necessarily happy to be in her presense but happy that she kept streaming all that time due to donations coming in
>rinse and repeat for months
I doubt they ever had sex once. She deserved better, and gave it to her.

No, they all gangbanged the girl after she got shitface while her mornon boyfriend stayed in the next room over.
Afterwards one of the guys that banged her wrote a giant tl;dr pastebin claiming the girl is the sweetest most amazing girl in the world and it's basically the bf fault she cheated on him.


but they are all smug except chibi

>they are all smug
Are you autistic?

Theres some pretty prominent black dudes in the speed running community so not just a whitey thing

So it's normal for americucks to be married at like 15, right?
Will you go to prom with me and marry me after? So christian lol

Yeah, I plan on watching at least some of it.
The threads are absolute garbage most of the time, but there's still some good anons actually in them.
I just don't understand how anyone can be so interested in this retarded e-celeb gossip- so much that hundreds if not thousands of full threads have been made about the same fucking thing and show no sign of slowing.

What are you on about?

>So it's normal for americucks to be married at like 15, right


dat stuopidd fuckng kook on that fucking face makes me wiant to eat ass

That you americans ar piggu disgustingu

>You will never get cucked

>check his twitch channel video archive
>literally playing BK every single fucking day for speedruns

I'd go fucking mad.

Yeah "some", not all like the whites.

Pretty much this, the whole month leading up to SGDQ they played MK8, and the only interaction they got was trading places, I mean I feel bad for the guy, but that's not how you do a relationship.

She literally got more attention from random people on the internet than her own husband, not to mention he would not do anything more than a slight peck kiss because of the stream or whatever.

It was a shitty situation all around

And this thread itself shows what I mean in my post.
Fucking awful.

>during July 4th
Way to feel Cucked by your own country

Guy in middle gets punished by God for being part of a false religion and marrying a whore of a wife

>I mean I feel bad for the guy
You shouldn't. He could have prevented it completely.

Then fuck off, crybaby faggot.

Le cuck may may xD

So, any interesting videogames this year?

No because adam_ak won't be there. jdimsa

t. cuck

>Then fuck off, crybaby faggot.
No. You need to be reminded that you are terrible and boring. Your gossip shit belongs on /cgl/ or /soc/.

this is literally one of those pics that makes you go "hmm...."

I mean I feel bad for the guy because he was obviously autistic and probably didn't understand what was going wrong or even that it was, sucks to not see it until it's too late

>Games done quick

More like games done while people sit uninterested in the background while they make boring chatter

Is the qt3.1416 girl streaming L4D2 again?

wasn't this cucking thing like 2 years ago? why are you still so obsessed with it?

faggots desperatly wanting another drama shitshow to happen in these events

let it go

they were best friends too

Haha holy shit, I've always been kind of "against" the trend of video game streamers becoming more popular than video games themselves, but this never occurred to me.

>I get more pleasure watching other people play my favorite games online while they talk about them
>I just sit and watch and maybe eat snacks or do something in the background
>No, I'm really bad at video games and I just get frustrated that I can't complete them, so it's more gratifying to watch others do what I can't

Call me retarded but I never made the connection until now: these people who prefer to watch streamers - they're video game cuckolds. They get more pleasure watching others play their games than they do pathetically trying to play them themselves. Instead of even talking about their games, they just want to hear others "review" and discuss them instead.

God damn that's sad.

Doesn't really apply. The most successful streamers manipulate people into thinking they're friends just like a camwhore.
The game becomes secondary to pewdiepie smiling at "you" and laughing.

I understand certain games to watch. For me, I only watch games I don't play if it's someone speedrunning or someone who is the best/super good at the game. Mostly I like to watch people play the game I play, if I'm not in the mood to play. But if they are bad, it's painful to watch.

I don't even know how people watch variety streamers. I guess it's like what said.

>Hey Maddy! Look, I'm super sorry and it's super fucking lame but my mom keeps yelling at my brother to try getting out of the house once in a while, so we have to take him to the bar with us tonight.
>Omg are you fucking serious?
>Ugh. Yeah. Let's just go pre-game in his room before we head out. God knows he won't come out of there until he absolutely has to.
>Eric, this is Maddy. We're just going to have a couple beers and we'll head out, alright?
>Uh... hi... uh...
>Hi. Just make sure you stay away from us once we get there, I do NOT need anyone thinking we're together.
>Oh... uh... okay. Can I uh... can I have a beer?
>UGH, fine. Just one.
>I just want a picture of my kids hanging out together! Oh you guys are so sweet taking your brother out with you! Smile!

>tfw you will never try to impress girls with your game collection in your freshman year of college 2003

Is Chibi still banned?

Chibi is one of the cringiest motherfuckers I have ever had the displeasure of knowing about.

That moment he had where he took out a huge loan and donated more money to kickstarter than he even owned, just to "ensure" his chances of winning the contest to be a voice actor in Yooka-Laylee, and become a big celebrity and make up for his past fuck-ups in the community, was what put me over the edge. I don't even want to see his fucking autistic twitter posts anymore.

you get banned for being dtf?

Huh, so has he ended up actually being a VA for it?

You get banned for using emulation cheats in a speedrun, yes. Chibi's horniness, affection for underage girls, exposed nudes, rampant autistic ramblings, and "dark moon energy collar" weren't any of the reasons he was banned, though they certainly don't help.

No, that's just Chibi being a master autist. He's probably bringing them in the hopes that some girl will come up and offer sex to him, because like fuck he'd have the charisma to actually take a girl to bed.

No, Chibi was banned because he used a cheat during one of his live runs and tried to hide it, but everyone could tell he cheated. The way he did it, you knew that he planned it, and it was likely the only way he could achieve the time he did.

What do you think?


How could he ever think this was a good idea.

He is literally autistic.

holy fucking shit
do you think iwata knew that autists like chibi would be doing shit like this?


>taking your 5/10 wife to a convention filled with virgin autists

why would anyone do this?

>nobody ever blames saboom for counting the jumping jacks
My sides every time

>I wouldn't mind giving her the ol' dickaroo (or lick her asshole and suck on her toes if you know what i'm sayin')

what did he mean by this?

>deserved better
>human foot

Well there's the people like you and then there's people like me:

>Absolutely hate "LEL URLY ACSEZ" cancer bullshit that's become the norm
>Subnautica looks kinda neat but no way in hell am I giving money and encouraging early access, plus the game will probably end up not getting finished anyway.
>Go to youtube and search for gameplay without commentary
>Proceed to get my taste of what the game without wasting money.
>Move on with my life.

Isn't she some slut who banged a bunch of dudes in the streaming scene.

The fact there is an actual streaming community and people actually make a living playing a single all day while streaming it to randoms online is disgusting.

I'm a friendless autistic looser whose dreams have failed time and time again but I rather blow my brains out than become a professional streamer.

You get paid to play video games. Doesnt sound that bad

wow. that sounds awful and boring. why do people watch streamers again?

because it's gives some people a sense of having a "friend". It's obviously nothing like that, and I don't even really understand these people who watch this shit. they don't even do anything interesting. they just would play mario kart and pokemon all day.

She was supposed to be a pure virgin bride of christ

there's nothing pure about that whore

stiv pls go

she's a mormon for christ's sake

>I'm a friendless autistic looser whose dreams have failed time and time again

somehow that doesn't sound so bad when I'm reading this

Keep on going strong, user

Is there something detailing the drama?

>Absolutely hate "LEL URLY ACSEZ" cancer bullshit that's become the norm
Me too, who doesn't?
>Using youtube video uploads as game samples
Yeah, who doesn't? I'm talking about the biggest fanbases, of people whose primary hobby is watching streamers (often streaming "characters", people who have become e-celebs, or other talking faces), and whose only secondary or later hobby is video games.

She's as mormon as the ones in mormon porn then.