Post God tier companions
Post God tier companions
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Liked his character development, still a bro whole way through too
>never betrays you
>best boy
>voice is sex
>goes from mavric cop to space punisher to big boss
>tonsa damage and utility
Only negative is being meemed on by the community with le calibrations
Name a better companion than Garrus Vakarian in the ME series.
Does he count?
Valentine is definitely the best companion I'm the fallout games, only one that comes close is Jericho
He was the goddamn best.
Solo play > having companions
Agreed. Garrus also fits well with either a paragon playthrough or a renegade. He also has the best loyalty mission in ME2, imho tbqfhfam.
In the ME series?
Fucking kekd hard mate. You gave me a go there but I'm glad to see you're kidding around.
>Literally perfect AI waifu
try and beat Cortana you can't
>Tfw my AI waifu is evil now desu
ME2 squad was best
ME3 companions were so fucking hollow compared to them.
>wants to cleanse the galaxy of violent normies but protect me in some stasis bubble bullshit so we can be together for all time
Chose one and only one.
Bladewolf was a better wolf desu.
ME3's story, especially the ending was so fucking awful I thought it was genius.
then extended cut confirmed nope it was just that bad holy shit
Daily reminder that Javik was based and anyone who can't see it is a sad cunt.
There is literally no reason to replace Bastila with any other companion. she also happens to be the ultimate waifu.
>Pick up Nick just to fuck up Cereal Man
>Grand adventures with Space Dandy and Gumshoe Robot
My waifu :3
>being meemed on by the community with le calibrations
and tons of gay fanfiction
>the ultimate waifu
>not the one that will literally kill herself for you
>Want to play kotor on my shitty Intel HD Graphics laptop
>Widescreen is all fucked up
Life is suffering
Tali was only a good companion on ME1.
He said god-tier user, not game breaking.
>reading fanfiction
mah nigga
>good companions
Who else do you need?
my n word
You could tell Visas had one hell of a body.
>she refused to dance for vogga
>robot bro coming through
>totally worth it
>muh institute
>muh good deeds
Shame we never got to see what her face looked like. I guess we'll just have to wait for a sequel
specifically rolled a female character in 2 after I found out garrus was romancable, literally the best bro you could want
Halo is dead user. It's over.
>no more customs until 4am with friends
>no more endless games of social slayer with your bros
>no more feelings of triumph and joy when achieving a 50 in a ranked playlist
Only rec packs and warzone now...
The only thing we can hope for is a proper halo 3 remaster.
He was the best, top tier bro/husbando
Zaeed Motherfucking Massani you faggot.
Eh, I want a fem turian over another quarian
Hard to top tali
. . .heh *air quotes* "top tali"
. . .nevermind
> not wanting a qt yandere AI after your dick
Shit taste
Better bro than husbando imo
kys asap
>shy, cute nerd girl
>good with machines
>has a pet drone
>actually good in combat
>hips wide enough to get stuck in a door frame
Literally how could you choose anyone else for romance in these games?
Wrex is best. Prove me wrong
You can't
Garrus, Wrex, and Mordin is the holy trinity of bro-tier squadmates
To be fair, Haytham just stars with less-stellar protagonists.
He goes full retard on and after Virmire.
I think he works well as both, just which you prefer to have him as depends on your tastes.
REAL best ME companion coming through.
Tali had the best ass. Better than Miranda's even. Someone was jerking off when they designed her.
furry detected
seriously that style of typing is cancer
Haytham was too fucking whiny.
Its not like you wouldn't do the same thing as him when you found out there's a cure for your baby killing disease
. . .it's a grunt reference
Opinion discarded
skip to 1:28 or just copy and paste into browser
It would make sense if he didn't outright say his people are dying because of being retards and not space AIDS.
Hey we all feel for Wrex in that situation but allowed to flourish and expand the Krogan would be starting needless wars and killing millions of innocents.
Well to be fair the Krogans were evolving past it within the span of a few hundred years.
But to also be fair they didn't know.
I will never understand what people find so awful about it. Or rather, I don't see how anyone could say ME1 or ME2 were great but OMG THE ENDING TO ME3 WAS HORRIBLE!
I mean it's certainly not anything I'd call good, but it's precisely on par with the rest of the series.
It'd be like watching the first four Twilight movies and liking them and then for some reason complaining about how bad the last one is.
>to save our mother earth from any alien attack
>Not having both Wrex and Garrus as your Bro Death Squad
Come on now
There's no innocents, my man. Those Salarians would get what's coming to them
The krogan would kill anybody.
I feel like bickering over whos the best Mass Effect bro is a lot easier when you recognize that you can have multiple bros
You'd figure he'd cover that gaping hole in his chest that exposes vital parts.
... Where did he even get that gaping hole in his chest anyway?
The time and money invested into the series for the people really into the series probably factor into it.
Imagine if Naruto ended like that after such a long legacy. oh wait
>but it's precisely on par with the rest of the series.
No. No, no, no, no. If you can't tell the difference between ME1 and ME3 you might have serious problems.
ME3's writing and world building have nothing to do with ME1's. ME2 was dumb but still tried but 3's was just random nonsense.
>Not running a based T3 and HK team
What the fuck is wrong with you?
fuck, I didn't expect these feels right now
Danny Trejo is a legend
great companion perk
also he can be a ghoul cowboy dispensing wasteland justice, what's not to like
>not getting a mass effect reference on a mass effect thread
The Band of the Hawk is filled with a bunch of spaghetti dropping betas, no wonder Guts both fitted in and wanted out.
Visas was hot but she was also one weak minded bitch.
Bastila and Canderous is objectively the best
maybe because the characters were based on his group of high school friends (according to him, he was the pippin of the group)
I wish gamebryo wasn't fucking awful at managing companions so I could enjoy New Vegas ones without dying of a fucking aneurysm
I never said that. They're the perfect team
Its just that wrex is superior
Its not humans are any different. And stop acting like its a bad thing.
Lezalit or whatever the fuck his name was is better.
is that yung lean
>Black Whirlwind
>the best
He's a close second to the actual best Jade Empire bro.