Yuka Kitamura is a great fucking composer. Unlike most game composers, she sounds like a real professional. I'm an academically trained musician, and it's really rare to find a game composer who reall sounds like a professional author and not some songster (however talented).
Yuka Kitamura is a great fucking composer. Unlike most game composers, she sounds like a real professional...
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What's the difference?
How can instrumental music be so good?
I enjoy techno/shitmadewithcomputers music but instrumental is just so superior.
Wow she's cute.
There is no dofference, OP is just fagging out about his preference for this woman over a bunch of men he wouldn't jack off to.
Difference between what and what?
What does OP think of Yoko Shimomura?
Fuck her, she's a hack, that's what. She's not even on Uematsu's level.
If you need the info to pass judgement on my tastes, my favourite video game composers (neither of whom are on Kitamura's professional level, but are more entertaining for me personally) are Hitoshi Sakimoto and Koichi Sugiyama (Dragon Quest).
As I said, I like the LoM soundtrack, but even so, Shimomura can really go fuck herself, because she's just so impossibly fucking dull. I did enjoy whatever pieces we have from FFXV, actually, but I'm sure the overall soundtrack is going to be just shit, like is always the case with her.
The best musician in the world right now is Kanye. He's always innovating the genre with modern sounds while retaining a classic feel.
Because it takes hard work and talent
off topic but noticed your trip and I fucking love The Cars
Instrumental sounds are a lot more natural and are usually performed by multiple people, allowing the skills of each performer and the subtle interactions between them to shine within the full piece. Electronic music can take plenty of skill and talent too, but it doesn't compare to band/orchestral performances.
i now associate dragonslayer armour theme with cute woman
as always Sup Forums in charge of not having fucking horrible taste in music
Marcin PrzybyĆowicz is better.
>implying yours is any better
>Marcin PrzybyĆowicz
Unlike Hollywood music, it's competent polyphony throughout the score. The choir isn't there just as a special effect, it's actually professionally utilized.
Witcher 3 has a better soundtrack than Dark Souls III.
I don't remember any track from DSIII at all.
Can this meme and him die already?
So why has Mick Gordon been so popular in the western scene? His stuff in KI was pretty good, but Doom just seems to be a lot of ambient shit.
While I enjoy some tracks from the DaS III soundtrack. I'll agree that Witcher III OST is superior by a few orders of magnitude.
WTF is this? It sounds like a noise with all those instruments playing at one time. If you link music, link it not in 10kbps quality. I considering trashing my hd800 now.
You know, unlike his work in WtNO, DOOM's soundtrack,however similar, just seems to fit its theme better.
The same could be said about KI
you posted the wrong person
this is the best composer of all time
>It sounds like a noise with all those instruments playing at one time.
As I said, I appreciate this as a professional musician first and foremost. It's comparatively complicated stuff, and very well made at that, but it takes musical literacy to understand. If you don't listen to a lot of academical music, you simply do not wield the language to understand it. It's quite like listening to poetry in a tongue you don't know.
>Listening to video game music when not playing game
OP here.
Jesus Christ, no. She was decent in Bloodlines and a few tracks from SotN were nice, but that's about it.
What do you guys think of Kenji Ito and Noriyuki Iwadare?
I am saying that it is compressed to trashcan sound. You can't distinguish instruments.
If poetry being told by nice voice and expression, you will like it even if you don't know language.
>superior by a few orders of magnitude
It's miles beyond DSIII's soundtrack don't kid yourself.
I think what really sets it apart is the instruments used. It goes full slav. It really helps.
>You can't distinguish instruments.
I can.
For vidya 80s-90s prog rock, Zuntata cannot be beat.
>Noriyuki Iwadare
He had one of the best custom sound drivers on the genesis:
At least someone postin not shitty quality one. You can hear actual music and not collaboration of noses.
I have bought games entirely because Shimomura was the composer.
Radiant Historia, for example.
That is awesome.
I have to grab Blood and Wine soon.
This has to be my favorite Witcher 3 track.
Best composer of all time
Games wouldn't even have decent music if it wasnt for Uematsu and some of the pioneer composers like Koji Kondo
>m-muh gooks!
>Best composer of all time
For a certain type of game. Put him in an action-heavy genre or a shmup and all of the sudden nothing he writes seems to fit.
lol, what? There were lots of pioneering and excellent composers before Uematsu and Kondo got on the scene. Did you start playing games during the SNES days?
I'll give you that user
>No Yuzo Koshiro
Shinobi was the best
>I took music classes so you must value my opinion on video game songs
Way to actively keep me from caring about ever listening to what you just posted, you smug hipster fag
I came here to post this, but waited to see if anyone else would instead.
I've not played DaS2 or BB but she ruined the tradition of having calm character creation music. It had the "epic" music instead which felt extremely out of place.
I can't remember many songs from DS3 or BB, honestly.
Nah, my dear new millenial. One of the best pioneer composers is Tim Follin. Please refrain to comment on a topic you know nothing about.
But the music in Souls games are so samey and, quite frankly, kind of generic. They just sound like one of a million epic orchestra + chorus. Never really got the praise they got.
That said she's pretty good at way more low-key ambient music.
Fuck off
You fucking weeb. This is what you chose to shit post? Not everything Japanese is better
A big problem I feel some of her music has is how there are too many sounds trying to play at the same time and you can't really distinguish the melody out of it. For example, the first 20 seconds or so of the Twin Princes boss fight or the final phase of Lady Maria's boss fight. Dragonslayer Armour's music doesn't suffer from that though.