How do we save Nintendo?
How do we save Nintendo?
Despite popular shitposting opinion, they don't actually need saving.
This is at least the 11th nintendoomed thread I've seen in the last two hours
Why do you hate Nintendo so much, OP
Fire Miyamoto.
Stop buying shitty games, stop buying butchered games, and they will stop making them.
I've been playing video games for 6 years now and this is the first thread I see on Sup Forums Sup Forums?
Really shows how pathetic this place is.
Stab it in its lungs and gentley hold its hand as it dies.
Tell them they don't need to reinvent the wheel with every fucking game they make.
We don't. Let them die, they did enough to not deserve another chance. (amiibos, overpriced DLCs, too many shitty games in the past, a somewhat okay console which has the hardware of a ps3, which may be the reason nobody even would like to make a third party game for the Wii U because it wouldn't hold with the PS4 and Xbox One) Guess these are enough reasons.
shut them down, sell off all assets to pay their debt, give their IPs to competent developers, and releases all those games they stole from their rightful platforms
The problem with Nintendo is they focus more on shallow gimmicks than fundamental improvements. You could see that kind of mentality cropping up as early as the Gamecube but they kicked it into overdrive with the Wii.
Series like Zelda and Mario have been stuck in the past for what feels like ages, they just slap on motion controls or let you turn into a wolf or some shit and then pretend that's progress. Even the hardware has just become "let's not make something strong that can measure up to the rest, let's make something -~*unique*~-"
about that
They still make profits, we just aren't the target audience anymore. I realized that when I took my sister to see The Jungle Book and Nintendo did some premovie ad for Star Fox Zero, that was clearly aimed at kids. "With your parents permission, go online and check out..."
It's over for us, Nintendo always was the games for kids machine.
Look at the 3ds, all the best games for it are 3rd party
>third party support
SM3DW is great as a remix of its 2D and 3D conventions, but people ignore it for whatever reason.
>top has games from multiple gens
>bottom conveniently ignores high-scorers like Splatoon, Mario Maker, and DKTF
What's the conditions for this image? As it just looks like maximum cherrypicking.
Nintendo's always targeted children (and sometimes families by extension), and that's never changed. Doesn't mean you can't enjoy the games these days. I feel videogames are inherently childish to begin with anyway, I find it bizarre that Sony/MS try to push them as if they're mature
>"If I keep posting this, maybe it will become the new meme!"
They're too focused on implementing waggle shit or some new gimmicks to their games expecting good results.
Some of them may work, but most of them are shit.
They should just focus on making good games again, like they used to.
I really like Nintendo, but they lost their touch long ago.
But people aren't buying it. The Wii U was a failure. The 3DS only barely managed to squeak by on virtue of the fact of that they don't have much competition on the handheld front. You can say kids are the target audience but they don't give nearly as much of a shit about Nintendo as Nintendo desperately needs them to, so it's clear their strategy isn't working.
They are turning a profit and they aren't dying, but you can't act like this past generation hasn't been a disaster from day one.
>SM3DW is great as a remix of its 2D and 3D conventions, but people ignore it for whatever reason.
I enjoyed it for what it was, but what it was was essentially just a 2D Mario game in 3D, and even then it was just a sequel to 3D Land. Given everything else they've done to build up the 3D Mario games in the past, it almost feels like a step backwards, or at the very least, a step to the side.
Is Nintendo even Sup Forumsideogames anymore?
were they Sup Forumsideogames to begin with?
Nintendo should be banned from Sup Forums, now that they are shunning games in favor of mobile, movies and plastic garbage
New games
>a remix of its 2D and 3D conventions
It's a (well designed) 2D game in 3D
>it almost feels like a step backwards, or at the very least, a step to the side.
I don't agree, whilst it's wildly different since it's switched from more open levels like SM64, it helped it manage some great level design as a result (since they could focus on one path). I don't think this makes it a step down in any way, just a different take - which, really, each 3D Mario has their own take on platforming.
Nah, a 2D game in 3D (AKA 2.5D) would be something like DKTF or LBP, 3D World is literally a mashup of both - some sections are actual 2.5D segments, some are open areas to navigate/explore.
They should not exist anymore, all they do is hold back the industry with draconian laws and force gimmicks no one wants.
The only games they release now are hot garbage that steal ideas from existing games, while all their third party support comes from lesser companies they bully
Did you mean the DS and accidentally added a 3 in there?
What recent games are you even referring to?
Nuke them if they make another gimmick controller.
Just make the games you made before.
I know Miyamoto is TERRIFIED of making the same game twice, so he believes you need to reinvent the wheel or people won't buy it, but Mario Galaxy 2 showed that's complete bullshit. Even Star Fox Assault, which had issues for sure, was a perfectly good Star Fox game when you were actually in the Arwing.
you do realize by "save" they don't mean prevent them from going bankrupt, right? they mean save nintendo from their path of destruction of their own games, which they seem to want to do.
>It's a Sup Forums shitpostception episode
Galaxy 2 was shit, Assault was even worse, both sold less than the ouya and were about the same quality, take off your nostalgia goggles and stop being a fanboy, it's time you let go and face the world as an adult
They've had a mixed bag for games, but they've by no means collapsed on all fronts. It's about 50/50 over which of their game franchises are fucked or fine currently.
>hold back the industry
but nintendo is doing their own shit
sony and microsoft doesn't even see them as a treat anymore, they don't even care about nintendo, how are they holding the industry back?
>SM3DW is great as a remix of its 2D and 3D conventions, but people ignore it for whatever reason.
maybe because nobody wanted that? Why would we want the NSMB cancer to pollute the 3D mario portion to make a "SM3DW is great as a remix of its 2D and 3D conventions."
Can these threads just stop please?
then why save them? none of their games or ips are worth the paper they copyrights are written on, in fact, they destroying themselves from the inside out is beneficial to the industry as a whole, as and example of how not to conduct business
I didn't mean the mediocre NSMB 2D games, it takes far more notes from SMB3 and SMW
>Top lists games from 3 different gens
>Bottom ignores all the high scoring games in one gen
Was pessimism moots intention of Sup Forums?
No, you'll take your hourly Nintendoomed, and you'll like it, Mister!
if anything they can't catch up to the industry.
shitpost disregarded.
Make games that doesn't force the player to use a stupid gimmick
the best nintendo games from this gen doesn't have gimmicks, what a coincidence, isn't it?
nice quads m8
No I won't
There are occasional bombs, which would never normally happen with nintendo.
But it's honestly the lukewarm games that are even more damaging to Nintendo that have been cropping up lately.
it isn't pessimism, these are our hopes and dreams, a world were nintendo stops digging their hole and finally dies
but as it is, nintendo will continue to gather debt and set the standards lower and lower until we are all trapped in the mobile cesspool
gr8 b8 m8
Yeah we have Monster Hunter and......?
3DS is mostly first party
Stop having shitty ideas and/or don't be lazy
You had amazing Wii U games like Mario Kart 8 and DKC TF. What the fuck happened from this to Amiibo Festival, Mario Tennis Ultra Smash and Star Fox Zero?
Use the franchises you have or create new IPs
Metroid, F-Zero, Advance Wars, Mother, etc, people love those franchises, use it!
Or with Splatoon, people loved Splatoon, why not make more of this?
Censorship doesn't belong to this era, try to understand your consumer opinion
>Or with Splatoon, people loved Splatoon, why not make more of this?
They literally did (and still technically are) by way of adding free content updates to the game.
That's the point of this thread. Obvious shitposting and memes aside, To come up with a way to prevent Nintendo from going under creatively, not to bring them out of an already rock bottom state, (though some could argue they've already hit that).
>Metroid, F-Zero, Advance Wars, Mother, etc, people love those franchises, use it!
those games are abandoned because no one loved them, and making games with them just burned money, you should go back and play those games again, maybe you will see they were not that great, or your nostalgia for eating shit is too strong that you can't accept they games are not what you remember to be
>Or with Splatoon, people loved Splatoon, why not make more of this?
Splatoon failed to catch a large audience and is dead less than a year after release, no one wants more of this
>Codename STEAM
Holy shit, people have shitaste
You think Sup Forums of all places would do that? Anons care more about memeing than any form of creative thought.
The Paper Mario games are a good example, PM1 and TTYD were great, Wii changed it a little but it was still kind of good.
They don't release a new F-Zero because they literally are waiting to make some new controller to try new things, instead of just giving their fans what they want.
Super Mario 3D world was nice, but not nice enough as successor for Super Mario Galaxy.
Xenoblade Chronicles X was too different for XBC, which story was great, at least X is still fun to play, but I personally haven't beaten it because advancing seems like a chore.
They could make lots of money if they just put more classic Mario Kart levels on their new ones, but nah, we have to forget about the maps we like and enjoy having a 2nd Mario and 2nd Peach as DLC characters.
That doesn't mean all the thing they're doing are bad, I had lots of fun with Splatoon, but, then again, being restricted to two maps with rotation kind of sucked.
I could list more things, but I think I've made my point already.
Also, let's not forget about all the censoring of their games, getting kind of tired of that.
Agreed, projectsteam does deserve such a high score, it was so bad i think it push videogames back afew years
This triggers me
>How do we save Nintendo?
By going their own path and not trying to be another Xbox/PlayStation.
>The Paper Mario games are a good example
Color Splash isn't even out. They've also been suspiciously silent about it since the reveal, which could imply change is being made.
>They don't release a new F-Zero
Whilst it'd be silly if the rumour they want a new control scheme is true, I can see their point as what else could they possibly add to the series beyond a few more tracks/vehicles or plot stuff nobody cares about?
>Super Mario 3D world
I disagree, SMG did have a better grand spectacle, but as a videogame the level designs in 3D World easily trump it.
>Xenoblade Chronicles X was too different for XBC
Nintendo didn't develop this, not sure if it would even count. Otherwise, I can agree.
>They could make lots of money if they just put more classic Mario Kart levels
Are you trying to imply MK8 is bad? It's got a great track selection, and MK games have never had all the tracks from previous games so that's not a new thing.
>being restricted to two maps with rotation kind of sucked.
True, I like to play with friends instead so I can pick a map I want to play, although I only dislike one map so it's not a big deal for me really.
>Also, let's not forget about all the censoring of their games, getting kind of tired of that.
Only 2 games does this apply to (Fates and XCX), the former I don't care for and the latter I can honestly understand why it was censored (lower age rating in the west; only censored a select few skimpy outfits on the underage girl).
Good point.