Tencent acquires 5% as Paradox Interactive goes public


>Paradox goes public

Where were you when Paradox was kill?
What does this mean for Obsidian? Will they fall prey to chinkshit by proxy?

are you retarded?

are you?

Obsidian is tied to Paradox through a med-long term deal.

>2 posters
kill yourself idiot

It's fucking 5%, what makes you think this means anything?

Last time I checked 5% wasn't enough to do anything.

I can't wait til Tencent owns every gaming company in the world.

I'm not sure I get how this is it at all relevant to my interests, to be honest.

>thinking they'll stop at 5%

5% mean shit though.

If they really wanted to they could've bought Paradox in one sweep

Soon everything gaming related will be owned by EA or Tencent. It's been a good ride guys

They only released 15% of the shares.


How could Paradox possibly become more shit? DLC up the ass, releasing knowingly barebones games so that they can pad them out over years...

>Urge to play EU4
>Remember the game-changing patch coming out in 3 months
>Can't play


They still swiped a third of all offerings.

ITT people who think a chink company will buy majority shares of the bat.

Why do you think they bought 5%? For fun? Because they like Paradox? Because they wanted in on a measly 5%?

No you fucking underaged summerfags, 5% is basically the entry fee to have a look around, get a feel for the company see how it operates, what the possibilities are etc. When they figure things out and determine what is and is not possible and if it is worth the risk THEN they'll decide on buying out the entire company or not.

Paradox is worth ~450 million, you don't just buy out 51% of that with a "we'll hope it works out guys".

The reason Paradox hasn't released all its shares is for precisely this reason as well, it is basically an invitation for other potential buyers to have a look around. They are looking to either be bought up or for some big name "jolly cooperation".

fuck paradox

Everything about that hipster swill is fucking terrible. Every aspect of the design minus the shape of the can is an eyesore

Ready for Paradox to become part of Mao's glorious shithole?


Why are chinks by far the most vile excuse for humanity in the world?

what's Tencent's grand strategy doing this?

China's biggest monopoly, take whatever they can get a hold of

>not frantically trying to get as many achievements as possible, in case they become broken or too difficult to do later
It's like you don't even play EUIV. You're way off base.

>caring about cheevos

I'm picturing a giant tentacle monster that bows directly to the Chinese government.

When we rediscovered them in the middle ages we should have realized they are completely alien to us along with our only serious competitors and burned them all down. At least the Japs have some superficial similarities as a fellow warrior culture.

I hope to fuck the CEO of Paradox is taking note of this. Tencent will fucking ruin them if they give them a chance. 5%may not seem like a lot now, but in 5 years after they've bought 5% every three months they'll own the majority share and then it's takeover time, baby.

We all know what Tencent does. Fuck those cunts.