What are some of the most satisfying feelings in vidya games?

What are some of the most satisfying feelings in vidya games?

>tfw collecting a colored gem

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Beating the shit out of Seedos with a shovel.

Cumming inside my playstation


God damn, the noises in Crash were all so good.
>that little noise when you get a gem
>that CHA-CHING-style noise for extra lives
>that weird eating noise for wumpa fruit
It's such a good fucking trilogy, fuck.

>collecting all those gems and riches in luigis mansion

blu pl8 sp3shul



Don't forget about these guys

>woahohohoho WAHAHAHAHA

>Destroying the enemy HQ in an RTS
>Blue plate special/ airmail (Hitting an enemy who's in the air with a rocket or grenade)
>Kritzkrieg rockets
>sacking a massive town in total war


>jumping on non-hostile NPC heads to piss them off

>you can actually turn friendly/neutral NPCs hostile by doing shit like this

>beating a shopkeep Kecleon in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon

>Tammy's Head + Brimstone in Binding of Isaac

>getting a Perfect in a fighting game
>making it to the end of a stage in a Metal Slug game and watching it total your POWs
>pulling off multiple Stylish moves in Paper Mario
>Blade Mode
>watching a blue shell hit the person in front of you before the finish line
>the sound Link's sword makes when you slash an enemy in OoT/MM
>barely managing to return to the stage in Smash 64 and hearing the crowd gasp
>leaping onto your horse in RDR
>Pure Platinum
>posing at the last second after beating a boss in SMW
>the dinging in Pac-Man Championship Edition

>the victory dance for collecting all jiggies in a Banjo-Kazooie level
>killing an ejecting pilot in Titanfall
>"Double Kill! Triple kill! Overkill! Killtacular! Killimanjaro!"
>Shooting one Ganado in the head and kicking three to the ground
>Whirligig Saw L2

I love video games

>that noise you got for getting lots of wumpa fruit all at once
Purely orgasmic

Finally getting that one drop in MH.

If you rush the first one you encounter, you end up standing next to him on the bit of terrain he raised. He points at you and laughs anyways, even though he can't defend himself. Shit cracked me up when I was younger.

Not like getting the colored gems in Crash 3 was hard.

Why is the Master Emerald in Crash?


Suplexing a priest and blowing up their head

As much as I enjoyed Tribes it was that KACHING I missed the most.

getting a killer knee with Captain Falcon, or getting a rad spike with Marth

all in melee or pm of course

>flaming two of these chests next to each other and catching both gems


>collecting a colored gem in Twinsanity
I wish I would have the same feeling.

>collecting that single red gem chest in the game in Jacques

>flaming three chests next to each other and catching them all
>using that one fan chest to kill that one egg thief using the fan that flies off of it

one deagling someone in cs

10 years and I still get an adrenaline rush from it

Fucking nailing someone when it's down to 1v1 with a thrown bomb and trapping them in Bomberman.

Frog bonus room in dkc1. So many tokens, dem sound effects. Also the DKC coin sound effects in 2 and 3

>in a barrel blast section
>miss the next barrel
>actually land in a secret area

>carry around a barrel
>accidentally run into a secret wall

>tfw vacuuming up a golden mouse or a blue ghost and watching the money explode through the room

>The satisfying sound as your vacuum sucks up a pile of dosh

>level-ups that give a small fanfare
>level-ups that fully restore your HP and MP
>level-ups that do all the above
>level-ups that do all the above in the middle of a boss battle

>That clinking of your sword, shield, and gear when you run around in a 3D Zelda game

Hitting a dog enemy with Wakka's blitzball in FFX

>level ups do all this
>but also send out a shockwave of random lighting that oneshots everything
>this happens while you're surrounded by a group of enemies

What game?

Red Rouge.

I don't think a sound effect has ever made me feel more smug.


Getting all of these

That first time you get to use the Fulton

>long, grueling level
>no checkpoints after gameover, losing all lives sends you back.to the start
>boss (that you don't have to refight once beaten, even after gameover), followed by another short burst of moderately difficult platforming
>followed by another boss that uses a remix of cave story's "Zombie" which also dies for good once you beat it
>followed by another, 3-phase boss
>gameover at least twice during the forst two phases
>second phase takes place on a bunch of floating platforms
>kill second phase, platform floats up
>music starts as the screen transitions
>giant fuckhuge head surrounded by rotary phones floats up right as the music starts swelling
>can't shoot through the phones
>have to pick up red phones that break the boss's sheild of phones, which is the only time the weird phone theme the game sometimes brings up actually shows up
>boss's arena autoscrolls, so you can't ever stop moving
There's so many good things about Kero Blaster's final non-bonus stage you could write a goddamn short essay over it.


Making progress in a shmup.

breaking their backs

Nothing for me has beaten the feeling of perfecting a 14 minute iron maiden song with your best buds.



Parrying in SF3.
Just feels good to "get it just right".

Suplexing in that game and No More heros was rad as fuck

>team aftermath member on Sup Forums
I am not surprised. Your video descriptions are pretty good, not as good as ERG's spotlight descriptions though. The one where they interviewed the black one had me in stitches

>Wolfenstein 3D
>Getting 100% in all 3 categories
>Hearing the tally go all the way up until the little sound plays

old video game gems looked great

Getting knights of the round in FF7, considering all the chocobo inbreeding required...

>Q12. This is the most important question, so please make sure that this answer is straight from you and not influenced by one of your baby momma's or shawtys. Bryce has threatened the rope if you won't be straight up when aksed this one. Did OJ do it?

>Q12. LMAO. Of course OJ did it. That whole "if the glove doesn't fit you must acquit" is total bullshit. That fucker's guilty as charged and deserves everything that's coming to him if you ask me.

Yeah I love travis and the rest of the senpai at ERG

The sound a just parry makes in DMC3. Its so fucking satisfying, and getting through a battle with no damage after taunting and parrying makes me feel godlike.

>huwaaaaaaaaa *ping*

Why is there a split between the two big teams, and do you guys associate a lot? I mean, nobody is really winning anything aside from being the "first" Also, their PRO team has been doing good shit lately

This nigga knows whats up.
>Parrying in third strike in general

Nuclear Throne has some satisfying stuff
>killing crystal spiders with a melee weapon
>killing snipers with their own reflected shots
>firing a big weapon makes the game hang for a second trying to catch up to all the death on screen
>impact wrists in general

>exploring in an open world RPG
>slowly filling up SUPER POWERFUL SLO MO GOD FORM MODE bar by killing enemies
>see a group of super tough enemies but give tons of exp
>start to aggro them one by one
>eventually round up a horde of them
>be Battlemage
>Summon Skeleton ally
>Activate Barrier skill
>Equip Helm of Wisdom (+10% experience per kill)
>Equip custom forged Greatsword (+15% experience and gold per kill)
>Equip Gauntlets of Tro'h Reyl'ahn (+15% experience per kill)
>Drink Master Potion of Inner Strength (+30% Physical Damage)
>Drink Master Potion of Major Experience (+25% Exp per kill)
>Activate Relentless Bloodlust (-80% Defense / +50% Damage)
>Activate SUPER POWERFUL SLO-MO GOD FORM MODE (+175% Damage / +100% Experience)
>Kill all of them within seconds
>24,386 Experience Gained
>Go to Skills to learn new abilities!
>Go to Skills to learn new abilities!
>Go to Skills to learn new abilities!

RB teams used to be more competitive and segregated when the game was more popular, but over time that chilled out and now the whole "exclusive" team thing is more of a formality for uploading. Just about everyone that's still playing full band stuff in 2016 knows eachother well, and we're all good friends on skype and xbox etc.

>game decides your combos weren't good enough


Das it mane

>tfw got RB1 for PS3 and never switched over
>now DLC licenses/import licenses are expired so I can't get an XBox loaded up and be part of a team
>also my PS3 is owned by someone in my family who lives two states away
>and I bought RB4 for the PS4, along with a full band set
>and I don't even own a PS4, was just using a friend's until he moved it into his room
Being a Rhythm game fan is suffering
RB2 is best


Just that alone is why being a rhythm game fan is suffering. Still gonna play the shit out of it when it gets online play though.

Completing a demanding side quest and getting rewarded with an optional skill or item, but you don't use it because it wrecks too much.

>Still gonna play the shit out of it when it gets online play though.
I mean, of course
I can't wait to play harmonica solos on guitar! I love the direction Harmonix is taking the game in! Who needs customization/actually different venues/decent animations?


The game is barely held together and is barebones even 8 months after release, but I'd always rather have a fun chart with other instruments than a dull one with just guitar. It's awful that keys are cut for good but the only good thing about it is that now the guitar charts themselves will feel less gutted when there's little going on. Like that blues traveler song that came out today is sick to play but if they didn't put that harmonica SOMEWHERE it would have felt a lot more like a missed opportunity.


I don't know why, but the ending of Super Hexagon is probably one of the best endings of a game I've ever played.


True, I am just being salty about it I guess. I just don't see why it would be so hard to re-launch the game with keys along with the expansion pack or something. I go around the internet being the "complains about harmonica solos"
My biggest argument to it is that in a franchise with thousands of songs, does one of those songs really need to be a little more interesting?
Probably because of the work you put in to get it, but I agree with you there.

>that noise you got for getting lots of wumpa fruit all at once

It's cool, there's certainly no shortage of reasons to be frustrated with harmonix at this point.

>the gasp whenever Crash pulls out a crystal


I want 3d platforms to make a come back. Hopefully Yooka Laylee will show these are still viable.

> F-Zero GX
> Story Mode
> Hard Difficulty
> Chapter 7
> Mission Clear

fapping to DOAX

The red one was pretty difficult. 2 was definitely more challenging, especially because the routes leading to them were never obvious.

Blue: Don't collect any boxes
Red: A secret entrance, jumping on random boxes that would otherwise seem like suicide
Purple: Jumping on god damn nitro crates, like why would they even do that
Green: Jumping through a solid wall, with absolutely zero indication

The only one that's even obvious is yellow, and that's only because the level gives you a timer.

Beating Jak II in hard mode.



Nothing compares with the feeling when you defeat a tough boss in the Souls series.

When I defeated Nameless King for the first time it was like having a soul orgasm. Couldn't stop laughing from happiness for 10 minutes.

The clicks and clacks of weapons in vidya. Whether it be reloading, ejecting shells, pump action, etc. Gets me diamonds every time.

>uppercutting scrakes
>dat sound of doing so

>Gnasty's Loot
>Lighting one fuse and watching them all blow up in the Purple Gem room

pam pamparam PAMPAM pampampam

>Waking up from a series of nightmares, only to be greeted by your favorite videogame getting a sequel.