Who is the hardest Overwatch character to play? I'm going with pic related

Who is the hardest Overwatch character to play? I'm going with pic related.
>wall is only useful if you absolutely know what you are doing
>delay on icicle makes precision aiming tremendously difficult
>M1 is slow and leaves Mei vulnerable, not to mention useless in firefights and only works well on a specific handful of particular characters
>ult has pitiful range that requires you to ultimately suicide yourself in order for it to actually do anything

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She's not hard to play. She's just shit so everything you do feels much more difficult than it should be.

The hardest heroes in the game to play are Zenyatta, Zarya and Winston.

Just because you're bad, doesn't mean anything

If I am try harding I go my main man reinhardt.
>Charge in killing one and Qing the rest
>Constant chase on weakling healer
>E fling assholes
>Get play of the game for killing pretty much all of them while team hangs back because their cunts.

>genji can reflect your fucking ult and make it hostile

i've never been more mad


Zenyatta, Genji, maybe Pharah

The bulk of what you're doing is pretty easy though. Walk in front of your team mates with the shield held up.

He does his job effectively by holding right click. Anything else you do is purely optional and unnecessary,

>low health for how slow she moves in the air
>slow moving projectile with weak splash damage means your aim and prediction needs to be on point
>one of the weaker q's in the game.

Going with Zenyatta and Genji too.

Zenyatta is way too easy to kill, you have to pay way more attention to staying back. His damage is fantastic, counters Bastion pretty well.

Genji becomes amazing when you learn how to aim.

The hardest part about playing Mei is everybody blames you when things go wrong.

What? She's incredibly strong right now.
>wall is only useful if you absolutely know what you are doing
This is more on the player than character.
>delay on icicle makes precision aiming tremendously difficult
You can spam that safely for long distances for random headshots like Hanzo. Had to the fact its incredibly easy to freeze people as her your almost guaranteed a kill with it.
>M1 is slow and leaves Mei vulnerable, not to mention useless in firefights and only works well on a specific handful of particular characters
M1 reaches quite far and they buffed the slow it hits you with right away. You only have seconds to kill her or she slows you for your allies.
>ult has pitiful range that requires you to ultimately suicide yourself in order for it to actually do anything
You can toss it quite far and its circle is HUGE. Tossing it on an objective or chokepoint is incredibly helpful

>precision aiming

>chasing enemies
You sit tight and hold right click like a good tank now hear




Zenyatta and Symmetra.

Those are the only answers

>wall is only useful if you absolutely know what you are doing
either block off the enemies route or prptect your teamates from projectiles, pretty simple
>delay on icicle makes precision aiming tremendously difficult
Its not that hard to keep your crosshairs on your opponent, same as any automatic weapon but dont even got to worry about recoil
>M1 is slow and leaves Mei vulnerable, not to mention useless in firefights and only works well on a specific handful of particular characters
her freeze mist is fucking broken, if you get hit by that at all you're dead
>ult has pitiful range that requires you to ultimately suicide yourself in order for it to actually do anything
Even if that was true she has literal invincibility w/ almost full heal which of course you didnt mention

zenyatta zarya and genji

From my experience, Genji.
>shuriken are harder to aim than bullets
>have to hop around like a bouncing ball and still be accurate
>kill move is a melee dash
>escape route must be planned
>need to know when pressing Q will shred the enemies instead of you
>need to be able to use reflect and still aim at enemies so they get their shit right back at them.
A good Genji can disrupt your or the enemies backline and murder everybody with his Q, a bad Genji will make the game be a 6vs5


The flipside though, since everybody is fucking facerolling their WASD keys because there's little to no penalty to accuracy for movement, it's literally impossible for Hanzo to hit anything.
>Arrows have a sharp fall-off if you don't fully draw
>Full-drawn takes a full, fucking second
>Still has a fall-off at long distances
>Movement penalty for having a drawn bow

Yeah no, he needs all the help he can get.

>Still has a fall-off at long distances
at medium

It's literally every character in the game and I posted it in reference to Mei.
Projectiles all have large hitboxes, heads have massive hitboxes, this affects hitscan as well, and the game is 20 tick. It's not OK that you can hit players you can't even see.


pharah is so fucking outclassed against decent players, flight is near gimmick level for how fucking slow you go.

zen is a glass cannon dps

genji just has a really high skill floor/ceiling

>mei's ult is bad

Zarya is a joke, she is either destroyer of worlds if people attack her shields with little to no skill involved, or an ult bot.

Can someone tell me how to stop getting so mad at this video game? Theres just so much insta death and slow run back just to insta death again its infuriating.

>my anecdotal evidence of not being able to hit anything with hanzo means nobody is able to hit anything with hanzo
why do people always do this, Sup Forums

It's not just Hanzo, though. The hit boxes are just ridiculous. It's because they wanted to pander to casuals and console shitheads.

Why is Road Hogs chain fucking hit scan? He should not be pulling people through fucking walls.

But any half decent Hanzo simply spams arrows because it's impossible to stay alive or get any kills otherwise
>He has no escapes
>He has little to no close-range capabilities

I swear, his sonic arrow needs to be a combination concussion arrow so you at least have some chance of surviving if someone rushes you.

>precision aiming


this is funny for some reason

When you're running back, look for the teal colored ^s, this indicates your teammates.

Go find them and attack the same thing as them.

It's not, it's just pretty fast.

You aren't being pulled through a wall, it's an animation bug.
What's actually happening is: the chain "bullet" is hitting the very edge of your hitbox as you go around a corner (or it may even be peaking out f the corner), then the chain graphic snaps to the center of your character and you appear to be being pulled by a chain clipping through the wall, but really you're being pulled by your hand, foot, leg, or shoulder that's sticking out around the corner.

Try jumping constantly and also fighting on un-even surfaces, these causes the hook to fling you behind, beside, above, or several feet in front of Roadhog.

Roadhog's shotgun has a kind of low dps deadzone like Hunters in WoW where you're too far for left click to hit but too close for right click to hit.

And if you're still mad about Roadhog, play any of the meta characters that happen to effortlessly counter him on top of just being straight up amazing and thus part of the meta (Zarya shield, McCree, Reaper, Pharah once you learn to fly at your maximum height and how to bounce people to their death with E, Mei although she's not meta, Zenyatta though also not meta).

>implying big dumb hitboxes are just a casual thing