First Free content patch from Grim Dawn is out. Go enjoy it

First Free content patch from Grim Dawn is out. Go enjoy it.

Go look around Lower Crossing

>it's a grim dawn shill thread

How is this shilling? I'm obviously talking directly to owners of the game. There is a free content patch. More game to play.

I haven't played it for a while, what changed since the late early access? Used to play a warder, but wanted to try out some ranged class, what combination relies mostly on normal attacks and not on spells and shit? Soldier and Demoman I'd guess.

Your a passive guy too? I played Warder too so I dont know about anything else. Probably Demolitionist.

I might want to do a pure summoner next.

I was more of a "spam totems and wind devils everywhere and run around like an asshole" kind of guy.
I heard summons build is mind numbingly dull.

Well I like to have 2-3 abilities but that's it. I had my summon, and had a couple of runes in to give me some passives and actives.

I was mostly a soldier with the Shaman being there for the Regen aura and the Summon.

Well I would but like the 50th Path of Exile free content just came out too so...

Prophecy came out today? That's cool. They are not the same game though, but go enjoy it.

>Implying you can't play both games

Just got back into it recently, forgot how fun it was to do Demo/shaman

I'm a fan of the genre, but I just can't get over how fucking ugly it is.
Not the quality, but the style. Post-apocalyptic brown and grey blends everything together and makes it hard for me to see what's going on.

It makes the other colors pop out even more. A lot of Purple and green.

Of course it drops when I work all fucking night. Thanks Obama. Now that the patch finally hit I should look into fixing my Asset Manager so I can get back into modding.

That shit is fun.

Yeah, it's a big drop in quality compared to colourful and visually pleasing Titan Quest. The game is good, but I wish they'd choose some other setting for the game instead of grimderp postapocalypse.

"Please Note: Due to archive changes in preparation for future content updates, this patch is much larger than usual. Users with strict ISP download limits may want to review their usage before proceeding.

[Major New Features]
New Content: The Hidden Path. Venture down the elusive route taken by the followers of the Witch Gods and discover the secrets known only to their most loyal servants. Your journey begins near Lower Crossing, but requires some Dynamite.
The Hidden Path includes a wealth of new lore, 5 new bosses, a new dungeon, 3 new Monster Infrequents and 7 new Unique items.
The digital copy of the world map is now included in the DLC folder for those with the respective DLC code. On Steam, you can right-click the game in your Library, select Properties, Local Files and Browse Local Files. You may have to start the game once for the map to download.

Male PC has undergone foot surgery, resulting in slightly smaller boot sizes.

They nerfed Males feets.

Go for demo/Arcanist or whatever the fuxk the Mage is called, dual wield pistols and destroy everything with normal attacks, toss a granade or two if you get surrounded

>go soldier
>use rifle 95% of the time
is it supposed to be like this? should have gone demo i guess.

Demo is the same, except you use rifle if you pick shaman as secondary or pistols if you pick the Mage class

They fixed a lot of the itemization too.
Rare item drop rates now scale better with difficulty, for a more rewarding experience when playing on Elite and Ultimate difficulty.
Increased the drop rate of Unique items on Ultimate difficulty from non-Nemesis sources
Improved the base attributes of all rare Monster Infrequents
Significantly increased the affix-roll quality of Monster Infrequents
Increased the drop rate of Monster Infrequents from all sources
Cronley's Gang nemesis now has the same loot table as the Kymon's Chosen and Order of Death's Vigil nemesis bosses, as he is relatively easier to hunt down as well.
A balance pass has been done on Faction Augments. Generally, the goal was to increase the appeal of some of the more lackluster damage-focused options and provide more viable options on Ultimate difficulty. With a select few exceptions, this is an all around buff to Augments."

well i thought soldier was supposed to be shaped towards sword/shield and demo more towards ranged. guess both are for ranged. for every single boss so far i just run around shooting at them. i could probably sell my sword at this point, some times i feel like getting up close and hack someone, but then i'm less effective.

>talking about a game is shilling
>meanwhile, all the overwatch spam is fine
Fuck off retard.

You can go solider/shaman for a Melee lightning strike build.
Game is pretty flexible when it comes to builds and weapons, obviously there will be some combinations that are better than others, hell i was running a Melee retaliation build on my first guy, just stand there and let things kill themselves

-you can drop legendary before lvl 50, can't equip it, and it's not even that good
-game still felt like early access, especially in the end

>decide to check out the steps of torment
oh well..

Haven't played since January. How are the mods so far? Are most of the good ones on Nexus?

>phone rings
>answer phone

>shit story
>shit combat
almost no combat animations what so ever. How engaging! This game is so immersive l. Lmao

Lmao grim dawn fans wanted this game to be so good. They wanted it to be better than Diablo but it miserably failed. Try again grim fags.


I've gone Demo/voodoo magic cultist class

I did it because I thought being able to summon pets would be useful as a solo player. Not sure if I made a good choice though.

Just curios, is there any sexy corset armour?
