Does anyone have a Dead by Daylight beta key that they want to give me? I'd appreciate it

Does anyone have a Dead by Daylight beta key that they want to give me? I'd appreciate it.

Other urls found in this thread:

>be me
>just hide in a closet the whole round until the killer eventually finds me or disconnects

nice game senpai

>be you
>go up against killer thats not a complete shitter
>he sees the crow sitting on top of your closet
>instantly kills you

nobody has found out yet and I choose the best closets :3 maybe when ranked comes out jellyboy :3

If anyone from this thread helped me, thanks.
Got the beta key.

I love their faces during escape gate animations.

You can see the mixture of disbelief, subdued hope and pant pissing in his expression.

I'd love to see a screenshot of this moment but with the killer somewhere in the background coming his way. The less noticeable he is the better.

Oops, meant for

What are people's thoughts on the game so far? I was really excited by the concept but it seems a little off in execution from the previews.

I find that it's pretty fun, from both the survivor and killer perspectives. Toolboxes are hilariously OP and for some reason I couldn't figure out how to insta-kill with one of my offerings. The tutorials are a little unclear and don't tell you everything (The trapper has a lunge attack, crows sit on closets that people are idling in) so the game really favors people who are skilled and experienced at the game.

It's just plain fun, but I worry about balance problems.

After playing the killer a pretty much the entire beta, I've found playing against pubs as the killer to be getting almost boringly easy even if they're not wide-eyed level 1 newbies. Once you've got them dancing to your tune, it's basically over, even if you haven't actually killed anybody yet. Even against greytide I can still get a good enough score to not lose rank every single time.

On the other hand, the planned feature of premade groups is going to make actually smoothing things out a big problem. Premades are going to be stupidly strong if they're actually trying, but at the same time, discounting blatantly unbalanced aspects like toolboxes as they are, the killer has a really easy time with people who aren't able to coordinate. Even against people who clearly know what they're doing, I feel like any time I lose, it's because of an error on my part, and nothing the survivors did.

I don't understand why Crows should even go on closets that people are hiding in. Survivors get nothing from hiding in a closet, and the killer wastes no time or resources checking them. They have very little benefit to use and allowing a crow to give away the position just seems like extra unnecessary nails in the coffin of the closet hider.

It's to get rid of faggots hiding in them all game.

>play killer
> All of the survivors pick tool boxes
> i use the offering that lets you chop them up
>fuck them Up
Pretty fun desu

This match felt like straight out of a bad slasher movie. Retarded survivors which I sadly should have killed all of, but I didn't know about the bleed out mechanic

Is there any way for me to play with only 3 of my friends (total of four people). There's only the 4 of us and we been trying to get into this beta for a while.

You can play kill your friends mode which lets you start no matter how many people are in it, but you can't earn bloodpoints and level up in it.

Are they still handing out beta codes or are they done with that?

How do you start tho? I see no dedicated start button. Apologies for me autism

Great and fun game but it needs to be $10 then I would get it.

what about $16

Nah the friend's cast justify $16 for a hide and seek game we will play for 3 great hours of adrenaline and get bored after the adrenaline brushes off.

So will there be other kinds of killers upon release? I remember reading on the store page they have other killers aside from masked Texas Chainsaw people (monsters and "something in the fog") but now the description isn't on the store page anymore.

literally on the store page