RoR thread
discuss game strategies,complain about wurms, and cry at the fact that there will never be a host
Risk of Rain
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Join here
working! come all in you fags
>tfw cannot join
user pls either check ur ports right or lift the ip bans
not working
should work now
It doesn't work for me, and I mean the screen gets completely frozen.
you fags better hurry up so i can play too
Yours doesn't work for me but this does.
The hell?
shit, wait for me
Saving this thread from drowning.
I made a group, because I am always late for host.
Chat and annoucements should make things easier.
bump it back
get in here
I joined.
this thread better be here by the time i get backe
had a fucking power outage, im back up again
Shilling group because dead
open again
>leaving a minute after opening
crashed, back up
why did you died
does anyone have a list of which on-hit items only proc on standard attacks and which can proc on any attack?