Epic sword with 20 strength and 3 agility drops

>epic sword with 20 strength and 3 agility drops
>Hunter rolls need

Die retarded derpibooru poster

Yes, my friends, it's yet another retarded derpibooru poster thread.

What now faggot

What can I say, I hate these degenerates.

How is this barney? It's a reaction image from what looks like the cover of GTAIII you cripplingly autistic moron

OP makes shitty one-or-two line greentext with derpibooru images. You can tell it's him when the filename matches up with the derpibooru ID
For example, if the filename is 585079.jpg, then the source will be derpibooru.org/585079.



You do understand that people save images from Sup Forums and keep the filenames all the time, right? How is that image mlp or barney related? I want an explanation, not a link to your autism

So yeah, kill off their shit.

You do realize he took that from My Little Phony right?
The comic that is a satire of brony shit?

>save images from Sup Forums and keep the filenames all the time, right?
No, that would be some 13-digit filename.
Images like this that have some 5,6 or 7 digit filename are more likely to come from derpibooru.

You are, without a doubt, the most autistic person on this website

I know, but it's still a retarded derpibooru poster thread.

I'd call you a great troll barneyfag, but you can't make this shit up.
What makes you think bumping the thread and embarrassing yourself will stop anyone from posting here?

Nah, that would belong to the denizens of the containment board.

Well, you never know.

>still playing a gear based MMO

What do you hope to accomplish letting people know art that they pay close to no attention to is in some vague way tangentially related to a show you hate

you never know

That's not an appropriate answer. I asked a specific question of what you hope to accomplish

get degenerates off

And we need them to be killed off.