how does Sup Forums justify piracy?
How does Sup Forums justify piracy?
Nope. I just do it.
with your mom xD
Buy calling people who pays for games "cucks"
By not giving a fuck.
I don't. that's why PC gamers are the worst.
This is special agent Johnson with the FBI.
Your all under arrest.
Special agent Johnson
I fucking HATE IT
people get things for FREE? when i payed my games with my OWN FUCKING allowance
Because nobody ever gets caught.
Don't give a shit.
I pirate on all my consoles & PC.
There are no repercussions.
At least in my country.
As usual first post is best post.
I don't care, my 15-60 dollars doesn't change shit for the developers anyway so fuck it.
Don't have to justify shit so
I don't. I don't need to explain myself to you or anyone else.
I don't. If I pirate it, I probably had no intentions of buying it or I bought it before and have no means of playing it in my current state, like having a new or different console or PC
It's fun to play games for free.
I live with my parents, I don't do anything expect jerk off and play video games. I don't have the ability to pay for anything. I rationalize stealing digital property by saying I would have never bought it in the first place so they are not losing sales, but If I had expendable income I would just buy every fuckign shitty game I saw so at elast I could pity people who spend time making the games could earn at least some kind of prophet because it's impossible to make video games on your own. I want to do it all I do I make Idea for a game that will never actually come to fruition. All I want to do before I die is make something worth being remembered for but it's almost like it's impossible to create something new and that causes me to lose any motivation because someone can just be more dedicated and do something better then I can.
Breaking the law makes my dick hard. But only really incosequential laws.
Sometimes I borrow books and return them the day after the due date, just for the thrill of it.
The Late Returner is what they call me around the library. I'm a bad mother effer.
>why aren't you paying for shitty overpriced AAA games with extra DLC, Sup Forums?
Digital only games are fucking shit, I'd rather download them. No difference.
I only pirate games that I have no intention of buying. It's not like they will magically get my money if I don't pirate it so I don't see what the big deal is.
I don't justify piracy. I know it's wrong, I know it's bad, and that's because I'm bad.
>latest AAA games are unpiratable because of Denuvo
>sales don't increase
>the ones that are sequels actually sell worse
Oh wow, piracy sure was hurting your sales, huh?
Now that they can't steal your games all those pirates went out and bought them instead. Oh wait..
At this point, I would rather play Free to play game or treat F2P MMO as single player games.
I only pirate shitty games.
how do i justify piracy? well im not locked up right now am i?
>TFW no prophet
Developers/publishers that do the following
>falsely advertise their products via fake gameplay videos, bullshots or covers
>pay gaming journalists and review sites for high ratings and coverage
>paying shills to write fake user reviews to confuse consumers
>refusing to do refunds
>refusing to provide demos
Publishers that need to lie about their products don't deserve my money