What went wrong?
Star Fox Zero
Instead of making a multiplayer mode and more levels they decided to make Project Guard into another Star Fox game.
I ask your mom the same question every day
Not enough waifus
The controls. If that wasn't the case it would be fine.
There are less stages 64, there's only 1 actual alternate route, bosses are a drag without a radar, plot had something to do with teleporters but it never made any sense, what the fuck did Falco and Kat even do in the game, the CGI animated short has nothing to do with the game
>Some people think pic related is nitpicking
>But it's ok that the Other M original did it
Too short. That's the only non-objective flaw.
There was no compromise on controls instead focusing on the gimmick
Not enough new stuff like brand new planets or missions put into it to make it feel more fresh
No multiplayer
Where's the Forever Train and Brain Boss?
Now the question is can Nintendo release a patch or NX version that fixes all these issues?
The Gyrowing is a piece of shit, and there's not enough on rails levels. Bosses were a bit disappointing. Other than that it was a solid game.
Not enough of it.
It was shorter than a demo released around the same time.
Instead of loads of path each with large levels you replay a level to get what essential is a bonus mission
The controls just weren't intuitive for many who didn't feel the need for a change
Hyped aspects like portals and the story were duds
Lack of worthwhile rewards, collectables aren't very exciting and a pain to find in many cases
Needed more content.
Gyro controls should've been optional.
Don't try to tell a story if you're going to fuck it up halfway through. Either tell a good story or don't bother with one.
That's literally it. I didn't mind the controls but the lack of content makes it more of a $30 game than a $60 one.
Casuals can't handle skill based games.
If you're not super into collecting all the medals and playing levels over and over again, getting slightly better each time, this simply isn't the game for you. And that's okay.
But it doesn't make the game bad by any means. I personally really enjoyed it.
It's more that what is the point at getting good at this game?
It is short, there aren't many levels, you don't really earn anything special for doing the levels better and you don't have to get gud to beat the game
How can you even make a statement like that when amiibo festival exists?
>You don't earn anything for doing the levels better
False. Medals take a lot of practice to get. Getting them all is quite the achievement.
>It is short
Just like 64, yeah. It's not a problem
>You don't have to git gud to beat the game
You do, actually. The game is very unforgiving to people who refuse to learn how to use the controls.
>Medals take a lot of practice to get. Getting them all is quite the achievement.
You mean it is tedious and you don't get much for it
>You do, actually.
No you don't, the game is not hard to beat and their is a baby mode
I get pissed off if I can't control a game. I got really frustrated with pic related. Would Zero be just as troubling for me?
Oh and
>Just like 64
Times and expectations change
So playing games isn't what you're interested in, huh?
You have to fail a lot to get the baby mode, and then I believe it locks you out of important content.
There are way more important things wrong with the game than the controls so much that when people whine about the controls as being the biggest problem it pretty much proves they haven't played it.
Except the unlocks are fucking shit and useless as the image shows if you already own the Fox and Falco Amiibo, which you most certainly do because of Smash.
Invincibly for just dying enough times
The bitching about the controls are completely unwarranted. You just point and shoot. It really is just like pointing a Wii remote at the screen.
But Nintendo has been pushing out shit left and right recently.
>So playing games isn't what you're interested in, huh?
No, I just like games with decent content and rewards for what you do. You get baby mode after like three deaths, not a lot and all my points still stand
That post is the cringest shit ever which is why you only got 4 yeahs
the fucking controls.
At least it retconned Krystal.
For that alone it shall be forever respected
You're just trying to justify your hatred of a game you have never played. Playing through the game in and of itself should be fun, and Zero delivers on that.
>Dumb avatar shantaefag got btfo hard that he migrates to another thread
>No, I just like games with decent content and rewards for what you do.
Nah you just like a game that showers you with rewards and doesn't demand anything from the player.
>people are still defending SF0
Is Nintendo the most pathetic fanbase in history?
If he did then he'd love Zero because medals are piss-easy to get.
You control the aiming with a big rectangular slab of plastic.
Not a pointer like a wiimote, that needs 2 players, the ass wii u controller.
Worked great for FF's gimmick since its photo taking, with precise aiming, not really.
Also a giant part of the stages are a bowl of crap and i have no desire to go back and finish the medals.
Arcade mode is the only thing i go back to once in a while.
Nah, I just got bored. Figured you were behind this thread so I thought I'd come call you out on your furry bullshit, it's amusing to me.
Furry scumfuck.
Pfft... AHAHAHA. That's really funny.
I've heard of people taking over fifty hours to find them all without a guide. That shit can be really time consuming.
That's cause some are in odd places, there is nothing actually difficult about getting them and there is no skill in searching for them
Half Genie Hero is going to be shit
Sup avatarfag
Can I get a kiss?
best grill
Im sensing a pattern here
>It really is just like pointing a Wii remote at the screen.
It is NOTHING like pointing a Wii Remote at the screen. Your on-screen pointer rarely shows where you're actually aiming and you'll miss your shots many times unless you look through the gamepad. Once you start looking through the gamepad you'll run into obstacles constantly (not that they'll kill you, the game is easy as hell). On top of this you have to wrestle with the control scheme of barrel rolling, sharp turns, boosting, and braking all mapped to the right stick.
The controls are a fucking trainwreck, worse than Kid Icarus Uprising. And that game that is awesome despite its controls.
>corneria 2 high score medal
Yeah nah. That shit is difficult.
I think everyone's expectations were misleading. I was expecting an alternate way to play 64 and I got it. It offered some great levels and if I really want to play something like the train level, I can just go and play 64. I'm fine with everything as it is. This isn't the star citize of starfox and I never wanted it to be.
I want to hotdog sable
>can't discuss the story because it's just a retread of 64 and doesn't move the universe forward in any way
>can't share amazing multiplayer stories because the mode doesn't exist
>can't comb the game for secrets, because there are so pitifully few of them and they were all discovered day one
>can't talk game strategies, because it literally books down to "aim gamepad and lock-on to win"
>can't commend the production values, because the game looks two generations old and has no memorable music
>any non-shitposting discussion around this game just devolves to, "Oh, you got ___ Hits on that level? Cool, I got ___."
Nobody talks about this game except in a negative light, and it's going to be entirely forgotten in a few years except potentially as "the game that killed Star Fox for good". Even the adamant defenders can't muster any sort of rebuttal except "nuh uh" or "it was fun". The media may have overblown how bad this game really is, but I think at this point Nintendo needs a little hyperbole to kick them back on the right track so they don't just keep churning out games like this.
>"Lol what's with that huge red planet on Corneria?"
...What IS with that huge red planet on Corneria?
Does it have a name? Why is that planet so close? Does it even show up in the map?
>liking a stoner
Oh joy, another "user gets to decide that everything other people like is shit" picture.
platinum games happened
>Getting that buttblasted your "skill" pays off in the most shitty way imaginable that you have to defend it
>Getting so assblasted that you have to take time out of your day to talk down to people who like something that you don't
Except everyone is saying the unlocks are garbage. Even Wonderful 101 had more secrets and unlocks.
Its shit and the only thing people can defend it with is "GIT GUD" bullshit with the terrible controls. FUCKING EVERYTHING IS MAPPED TO A STICK ITS RETARDED
I think it benefits the control scheme. Makes it more streamlined. But that's just me. I had fun with the game.
>Shantaefag is kill
I like Krystal
>shitposting thread is kill when people try to turn it into a Krystaldump
Post Krystal already
>tfw other thread ded
don't worry it'll be back up
they can take this thread for all i care
>I created that thread
>Actual discussion was going on
Mods are so unfair
So its just like starfox64
It was a porn dump and the mods are right to delete it
>Shantae still has a chance of being in Smash eventually
>Krystal doesn't, cause she was retconned
what did he mean by this?
What porn?
SF1 and Assault were short too
doesn't mean Zero is automatically fine due to that, still holding a ton of other problems as we can see here
In the other thread
Why it was deleted
I wasnt posting porn, nor was any porn dumped
He was mad Bayo took Shantae's place
>that pic
You had me until those bottom 3 points. Also
>giving Command any praise
What porn?
Post Krystal
fuck off Golbez
You can bullshit all you want but I was literally there while people posted mimigas or whatever and Krystal. Rule 3 however doesn't apply to boards like Sup Forums and /trash/ and you could easily do this shit there instead of annoying the mods and people here and further brewing hate for furriss
stay mad, janitorfag
I was posting non-lewd mimigas, not the sindoll shit
Less bitching more Krystal
Still violates rule 3, which no doubt you haven't bothered to read
I havent played it and wont because of the forced gimmick, just like skyward sword.
You misspelled crystal but ok
why would they be mad when the thread was deleted?
So I guess Donkey Kong violates Rule 3?
I enjoyed it. It's a nice, short little game. The problem is that I haven't really bothered to go back to it since beating it.
The only thing I didn't really like about it is how much of a retread of SF64 it was, and usually worse in a lot of aspects.
>beat attack carrier in SF64
>"Sorry to jet, but we're in a hurry!"
>beat him in SFZ
>"Can't talk... gotta go!"
Like why even change the fucking line to something much worse at that point? It feels like they made the game and realized how much like SF64 it was and tried to go through and change everything for the sake of change.
I liked Assault, but it did get mixed reception. We know Command was shit. So people have been waiting for a sequel to this series since Assault and/or Command, probably like a decade at least, and what we finally get, after already getting a port mind you, is another Star Fox 64. It's kind of insulting. I wanted something a little more different. I played SF64 twenty years ago.
Is Arcade mode really the same but with one life and branching paths? No changes in the levels?
It's what almost convinced me to buy it.
Star Fox Zero is good. I liked it, there's nothing wrong with it, I don't care what hacks like Yahtzee and Polygon journos say, they can spread memes all they want.
The negativity will keep us from getting another Star Fox game for a long time but Zero already exists, quite a few people enjoy it, and all the shitposting in the world can't change that.
This argument doesn't work. You know what it means by furry. If you're literally just posting furry characters for sexual reasons that violates the rule. You can pretend not to understand it all you want, that's why your thread was deleted though
>"Sorry to jet, but we're in a hurry!"
Actually, that was from the Meteo stage.
>The negativity will keep us from getting another Star Fox game for a long time
>Nintendo listening to backlash
Can't wait for Star Fox federation force
In 64 it's
>Who are you guys
>We're Starfox!
>You'll never defeat Androssssss!
You said it was porn
Well, I'm not sure how else to explain the lack of any Metroid game after all this time except for Federation Force, and does that really count?
Unless they're saving a release for NX, which I doubt.
>he thinks people dont want to fuck Donkey Kong
You must be 18+ to post here user
>"Pornography is the portrayal of sexual subject matter for the purpose of sexual arousal"
Yes, it was. That's beside the point. Even though there weren't nipples it's still against rule 3
>Star Fox
don't do it Miyamoto. he's nothing without Retro.
Oh, right. Though it's essentially the same line, just used on a different boss. My point stll stands. Shit like
>You're good, but I'm better!
>You're good, but not good enough!
Changes purely for the sake of change. He's saying basically the same thing.
Give it time. Some people haven't stopped grieving yet and are still in denial that the game is a flop. They will accept it eventually.