Nintendo E3

Nintendo E3
>Legend of Zelda

Sony E3
>Crash Reboot
>Agent re-reveal
>New FromSoft/Studio Japan collab
>Sony Bend's new open world horror game
>new Sucker Punch game
>New Spiderman IP game
>Yakuza 0
>Ace Combat 7
>Gravity Rush 2
>GT Sport
>Ni No Kuni 2
>Horizon Zero Dawn
>The Last Guardian
>Ni Oh
>Persona 5
>Final Fantasy VII Remake
>Possible Reveal of IPs of "The Sentinel" and "Days Gone" trademarks filed by Sony Europe

Can't make this shit up if you tried

>from/sony collab


without using verendus from neogaf

three game contract, also official Bloodborne FB page confirmed sequel

Nintendo don't have to try.

Just one of those is better than all the Sony "games."

A year from now Zelda and Pokemon will be flying off the shelves and those won't even be remembered.

>sony won

You forgot Paper Mario color splash, #FE and uh... LMAO!!!!!

Yeah, but what about the previous years?


>RDR3 announcement

>Nintendo will win E3 the said


>three game contract

Source, without using verendus, who may as well be a good predictor

>Bloodborne FB

Wasn't this just a fan page?

>flying off the shelf

nigga the Wii sold 100M units and only 4% of consumers bought Zelda.

Zelda Wii U/NX will be lucky to get 2M sold.


Kojimbo game will get a trailer
Reedus confirmed as main character too

>That PS4 you bought two years ago is now obsolete. Please spend $500 to buy a new one.

>another rehashed entry in Zelda/Pokemon that will be forgotten in year
>more memorable than FFVII, a From game, GoW, Persona, and Last Guardian

Are nintendrones really this deluded? Do they seriously fucking think Zelda and Pokemon haven't surpassed Call of Duty levels of rehashed unoriginal garbage?

>Agent re-reveal

I want this more than anything. Apparently some Neogaf "leaker" is claiming it's now an Xbox game. That would leave me feeling eternally ass-blasted. But I think Microsoft is desperate enough to somehow do it.

How mad are you?

Nintendo is dead mate. Its time to get out of denial. They literally have no games, nor care about making games.

>art of balance

What's the point of this image? That the reverse is happening now?


You just lost all credibility.

ITT: sony shits and false flaggers set themselfs up for disapointment.

Sony owns the trademark fampai

>He doesn't know how to check for same fags


Confirmed eternally butt blasted.

>The playroom

>BB FB made the announcement!
lel even twitter means more than this

Where were you when Nintendo literally has no game.

Your tears substain me.

>three game contract


Free with every purchase.

That Sony consoles being slow burners somehow is a thing exclusive to the PS4 and should surprise Sonyggers.

>three game contract

that was with namco, you stupid retard, the next game they make will be funded by kadokawa which literally OWNS them



>Admits he can't check for same fag.


Summer is here I guess.

how is it obsolete
you can still play all the new games
it's not like New 3DS


>checking for samefag
>in the age of mobileposters

>This much butt hurt denial


That PS4 you just bought just two years ago is FUCKING USELESS

Obsolete, outdated garbage.


holy shit what's gotten the sonyggers riled up today?

mate I'll be the first to admit The Order, Knack, Killzone, etc. are bad, but holy jesus FUCK they are INFINITELY BETTER than LITERAL GARBAGE like fucking Lego City, Sonic Boom, Bullblox, Tanks Tanks Tanks, Amiibo shit... Fast Racing Neo? What? For fuck's sake I've never even heard of half the Wii U games you're including and they look like they were made by a single guy in China.

I'll admit the PS4 has some crappy exclusives but have some fucking sense of proportion, holy shit. All you're doing is making the Wii U look even worse.



This Their anal devastation has reached atomic levels.

They trusted Sony and the company totally butt fucked them hard.

Now if you've got a PS4 it's a useless $400 door stop.

>PS4k hasn't even confirmed yet to be a thing, only rumors

>PS4 still selling gazillions

Nope m8, nobody is mad.

PC clowns lost their only relevant exclusive in years and are on suicide watch


If you read the bottom, it says he put shit games on both sides, exactly not to make differences.
I know you guys can't read but geez. These comments make you look stupid.

How are you holding in there, Nintenbros? I hate this year so much.

Iwata's fault for dying on us

Feels good bruh

>Nintendrones can't even shitpost 'no gaems' anymore
>the only thing they can make fun of is that there's an even better PS4 being made
>they are literally trying to make an optional upgrade seem like a bad thing
>meanwhile their shit console can't even run most multiplats
>meanwhile Nintendo isn't making any new games
>meanwhile Nintendo is making a smartphone with smartphone games and giving it a console price
>and Nintendrones think Sonyggers are buttmad because they have the option to spend more money for a better system

It's really just adorable at this point.

Delete this immediately, please.

It really is going to be a wild ride these next few years to see Nintendrones damge control Nintendo going into mobile, theme parks, restaurants, movies, etc. and practically abandoning traditional gaming all together

They've been backed into a corner and are in all out desperation mode.

Sure I get what he's trying to do, but The Order, Killzone, and Knack, as fucking awful as they are, still beat the everloving FUCK out of Sonic Boom, Tanks x3, whatever the fuck Bullblox is, and the countless other garbage discount arcade game and amiibo shit Nintendo has the balls to call an exclusive.

There are shitty games, and then there's actual mobile/landfill tier. Literal garbage.

>Nintendo don't have to try.

>last announced mario game is fucking sticker star 2.0
>not planning on talking about the nx at all, which releases early next year
>starfox zero is mediocre
>latest animal crossing game is a fucking mario party knockoff to push amiibos
>smash got its last bit of dlc
>#FE already made the fanbases of both franchises fucking livid
>mario maker is already developing LBP syndrome where most of the good levels are drowned out in an ocean of shit

They'll need to announce some real fucking heavy hitters to make up for last year.

funny how Splatoon sold better than any PS4 exclusive

>No N++
Can already tell this list is biased bullshit. Fuck off kiddy
